UPDATED: Students Bite The Heads Off Baby Cookies To Show How Much They Love Abortion

Eating fetus cookies is the latest way that "pro-choice" students are proving that abortion is evil and turns people insane.
I'm all for free speech, as long as it does not hurt anyone ... who's real.
No biggie, IMO.
I seem to recall Ozzy Osbourne got in trouble with the "moral folks" for biting the heads off bats on stage. That was quite the row up here (we're still 70% Christian) they picketed the arena with crosses and called everyone that went Satanists heh


And this is an UPDATE???

That means this is an ongoing story?


Kinda like this... Lol
Cowardly gun grabbing fuckers

"Pop Tart" suspension should be upheld, school official says - CBS News
UPDATED: Students Bite The Heads Off Baby Cookies To Show How Much They Love Abortion

Eating fetus cookies is the latest way that "pro-choice" students are proving that abortion is evil and turns people insane.

Students are posting pictures on facebooks of fetus cookies with their heads bitten off, with slogans telling the world why abortion should be legal.

The most tasteless sign: “Abortion should remain legal because my vagina is too pretty to let a fetus crawl out.” No comment necessary.
Hasty generalization fallacy; moronic thread premise.
I think this story makes it clear that "pro-choice" people are unworthy to have children and should be forcibly sterilized.
No, what’s clear is that anyone who believe such nonsense is an idiot.

And a conservative advocating that anyone should be ‘forcibly sterilized’ is further confirmation of the authoritarianism common to many on the right.
UPDATED: Students Bite The Heads Off Baby Cookies To Show How Much They Love Abortion

Eating fetus cookies is the latest way that "pro-choice" students are proving that abortion is evil and turns people insane.

Students are posting pictures on facebooks of fetus cookies with their heads bitten off, with slogans telling the world why abortion should be legal.

The most tasteless sign: “Abortion should remain legal because my vagina is too pretty to let a fetus crawl out.” No comment necessary.
The right wing death squads need to be mobilized soon.

Who? Are you one of them....or are you just a spectator like every other loudmouthed asshole?
UPDATED: Students Bite The Heads Off Baby Cookies To Show How Much They Love Abortion

Eating fetus cookies is the latest way that "pro-choice" students are proving that abortion is evil and turns people insane.

Students are posting pictures on facebooks of fetus cookies with their heads bitten off, with slogans telling the world why abortion should be legal.

The most tasteless sign: “Abortion should remain legal because my vagina is too pretty to let a fetus crawl out.” No comment necessary.
Wonderful kids we're creating these days.
UPDATED: Students Bite The Heads Off Baby Cookies To Show How Much They Love Abortion

Eating fetus cookies is the latest way that "pro-choice" students are proving that abortion is evil and turns people insane.

Students are posting pictures on facebooks of fetus cookies with their heads bitten off, with slogans telling the world why abortion should be legal.

The most tasteless sign: “Abortion should remain legal because my vagina is too pretty to let a fetus crawl out.” No comment necessary.

You have a problem with people eating cookies?

I mean, context here, most people in the world will eat part of a dead animal, an animal that used to be alive, and you have a problem with people eating COOKIES.
Sick generation...Easy to turn into a generation that fights for small government and taliban life style.
I seem to recall Ozzy Osbourne got in trouble with the "moral folks" for biting the heads off bats on stage. That was quite the row up here (we're still 70% Christian) they picketed the arena with crosses and called everyone that went Satanists heh
I'd like to see him try that today without left wack job PETA raining down on his head.
The pro-choice students of this university were trying to send a message, that they, and all pro-choicers like themselves, lack respect for the value of human life. I think they got that message out loud and clear. The question is, are the rest of us really listening?
UPDATED: Students Bite The Heads Off Baby Cookies To Show How Much They Love Abortion

Eating fetus cookies is the latest way that "pro-choice" students are proving that abortion is evil and turns people insane.

Students are posting pictures on facebooks of fetus cookies with their heads bitten off, with slogans telling the world why abortion should be legal.

The most tasteless sign: “Abortion should remain legal because my vagina is too pretty to let a fetus crawl out.” No comment necessary.

I don't understand some of you people. Why would you oppose abortion ? I support abortion, I encourage it , in fact I suggest expanding it and allowing post birth abortions.

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