Urban Myths ~ and other legends, myths, and tales


Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2021
Lynden, WA, USA
Lacking a suitable thread, I'll start this one with this article. It's title gives a clue to content. And provides a starting point;

11 Terrifying Urban Legends That Turned Out to Be True​

Urban legends often come with a dose of skepticism. But sometimes, these stories turn out to be true.

And some myths survive quite well.

Plenty of people still believe we only use 10% of our brain. Even more believe that you can see the Great Wall of China from space.
When I was around 9 years old we moved into a new to us home with a reputation of a ghost living in a closet... we never paid it any mind but there was a hall closet that the light kept turning on seemingly by itself... still didn't think anything of it... but it kept happening... then my mom made a fiend that lived down the street and she told my mother about the "urban legend" of a spirit of a woman that died after being beaten and locked or nailed shut in that very closet... so my mother took the bulb out... problem solved... I always thought it was my sister playing a prank but talking to her a few years ago she swore she didn't do it... and she said she heard noises coming from that closet late at night...
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