US Air Force Begins to Offer AID to Families who Leave Red States with Draconian Laws

Interesting that you accuse people of a serious crime and want them locked up with no charges or trial. Just like a fascist would do.
The crime and the trial have already occurred. If you are so emotionally unstable because a state has passed anti- pedophilia and that law is going to interfere with your ability to function and live… you’re a fucking pedo loon and need to be separated from society.

You fucking people are not normal and there is no acceptable reason we have to put up with your shit. You need two things. Death or life in prison.

In an incredibly unusual move, the Air Force is making a point to let its hundreds of thousands of personnel know that it will provide families with medical and legal help if they are personally affected by new state laws attacking gay and transgender children.

And if those service members feel they need to leave those states entirely, for the sake of their kids’ mental or physical health, the Air Force will help them to do that, too.

The Air Force is the only branch of the U.S. military doing this. Its leaders informed personnel late last month, both internally and in a press release, that they have several resources available to them if they need help navigating anti-LGBTQ state laws that may be hurting their families.

Specifically, Air Force leadership is telling service members that military medical facilities are available to provide mental health support to them or their children if they need it in the wake of new laws in states like Florida, where schools are banned from talking about gender identity or sexual orientation, or Texas, where the governor is ordering state officials to investigate parents of transgender children for child abuse.

I hope to see all branches of the military offer their services to personnel. If a state does not want a LGBTQ citizen or child, then the families have a necessary need to take their child and leave said state. Thoughts?
I suspect that's unconstitutional.
I don't know WTF you're blathering about. I never pledged to honor any fucking faggots
Now you're playing stupid!

You never were sworn in upon entry to the US Army? You claimed earlier you entered the USA in 1957. You've sure let a lot of folks know you were in la Drang Valley in 1965. So which is it?

Now IF you were in the Army, and you had your funky ass in the shit, you must have taken an oath when you were sworn in in 1957, RIGHT SMACK? And you wrote this:
LGBTQ+ = Faggots

I would love to see the military revert to the practice I encountered when I joined the Army in 1957. Practicing faggotry was good for a court martial and a less than honorable discharge.

Today, to add to that, any military dependent who claims to be any of those faggot designations would cause their sponsor (parent) to be booted from the military.
That would be a violation of the law. Get the point now SMACK? But some would violate the law, the Constitution and their SERVICE OATH! But then, some folks have no honor and would not care if they were seen as a lump of excrement.
Now you're playing stupid!

You never were sworn in upon entry to the US Army? You claimed earlier you entered the USA in 1957. You've sure let a lot of folks know you were in la Drang Valley in 1965. So which is it?

Now IF you were in the Army, and you had your funky ass in the shit, you must have taken an oath when you were sworn in in 1957, RIGHT SMACK? And you wrote this:

That would be a violation of the law. Get the point now SMACK? But some would violate the law, the Constitution and their SERVICE OATH! But then, some folks have no honor and would not care if they were seen as a lump of excrement.
Faggot Lover, go to hell.
And every damn time you've taken the oath which permitted you to wear that Army uniform you are so proud of, or forsaken your pledge to uphold the Constitution in that oath, you have lied.

One cannot uphold two contrary maxims as equal under the law! Another word for that is hypocracy!

When I took my oaths, faggotry was against the UCMJ. So shove you hypocrisy (spelled correctly BTW) up your commie ass.

LGBTQ+ = Faggots

I would love to see the military revert to the practice I encountered when I joined the Army in 1957. Practicing faggotry was good for a court martial and a less than honorable discharge.

Today, to add to that, any military dependent who claims to be any of those faggot designations would cause their sponsor (parent) to be booted from the military.
The grandpa, who was in the army would have considered you a disgrace to the uniform. His view was that anyone who was willing to fight for their country deserves respect. I guess you were taught differently.
The grandpa, who was in the army would have considered you a disgrace to the uniform. His view was that anyone who was willing to fight for their country deserves respect. I guess you were taught differently.
The Greatest generation didn't have this BS...........Didn't allow it..

So I'd say BS to your comments..........the military isn't a democracy......and doesn't need the freaks in it..........Tell them to go work at the zoo. Circus.......would be better.

Anyways............anyway........those who think there are 72 genders or have a wanker and feel like a woman are MENTALLY ILL..............I don't care about your insults......biggot....bully ........I simply don't care......

This is taking down the moral fabric of our nation..........and demoralizing the military having to SERVE WITH FREAKS.
Sorry but the Constitution says you will not do this anymore like before when the minorities were abused by the whites who ran this nation....If they are guilty prosecute them but stop attacking the innocent.
Our Constitution says no such thing, dingbat.

It says trannies have political rights, but it doesn't say I have to like them, or even allow them into my classroom.

They can vote, but they can't touch my kids.
When I took my oaths, faggotry was against the UCMJ. So shove you hypocrisy (spelled correctly BTW) up your commie ass.

And that has not a DAMN THING to do with the topic I was discussing with that other Army Lifer who, like yourself, cannot discern the topic his WORDS portray and what his dumb ass attempts to reinvent by playing STUPID as cover! This reminds me of one of your bits of acting out a lie you initiated in the first place and added more lies as you needed for cover.

In any case Tex, you're just up to your usual distortions to color the water you're pissing a dark obscuring black. Same shit different day for you!
The grandpa, who was in the army would have considered you a disgrace to the uniform. His view was that anyone who was willing to fight for their country deserves respect. I guess you were taught differently.

Damn right I was taught differently. You might try reading the Book of Leviticus.
Faggots are an abomination to the Lord.
Damn right I was taught differently. You might try reading the Book of Leviticus.
Faggots are an abomination to the Lord.
It's pretty hard on parents too, because they have no blood heirs to carry on the family. Homosexuals kill off the line. The mother who wanted a grandchild who might inherit her grandfather's photographic memory nor pass on the gene, well, it will never happen if he is the only child eligible to have children but ended the line with his selfish decision to be gay for life without any concern whatever he destroyed a family's future. That happened to one of the best friends I ever had. It destroyed her dream of holding a grandchild in her arms and making a quilt for a grandchild.
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And that has not a DAMN THING to do with the topic I was discussing with that other Army Lifer who, like yourself, cannot discern the topic his WORDS portray and what his dumb ass attempts to reinvent by playing STUPID as cover! This reminds me of one of your bits of acting out a lie you initiated in the first place and added more lies as you needed for cover.

In any case Tex, you're just up to your usual distortions to color the water you're pissing a dark obscuring black. Same shit different day for you!

As usual you're a fucking LIAR. You accused people who took their oaths long before faggotry was allowed in the military of failing their oaths to the military and the Constitution, even called them hypocrites, because they don't buy your comrades destruction of the military. And just to prove my point, here are your own twisted commie words.
And every damn time you've taken the oath which permitted you to wear that Army uniform you are so proud of, or forsaken your pledge to uphold the Constitution in that oath, you have lied.

One cannot uphold two contrary maxims as equal under the law! Another word for that is hypocracy!
Now fuck off a die you low rent commie POS.

Damn right I was taught differently. You might try reading the Book of Leviticus.
Faggots are an abomination to the Lord.
If you're saying with a picture Christ is chiding a Christian for narrow-mindedness, that's not true, sir. Christ preached frequently on Old Testament instructions, and he warned his disciples and frequently those gathered around to hear him advising them to avoid lasciviousness of any kind. The Story of Sodom is in the old Testament, and in the New Testament, in addition to Christ telling people to avoid serious sins that lead other people astray, too. The twenty second chapter of the book of Mark, and the Book of Jude both warn Christians to live perfect lives and to avoid lasciviousness. LGBT is a very serious damage to human cleanliness in body and in spirit. Don't shoot the messenger, and please do not use the classroom to destroy the innocence of small children in any way. The twnetysecond chapter of Mark speaks on behaviors necessary for eternal life. The Book of Jude does too. There are very few Bible books that ignore sin. And lasciviousness is without a doubt one of the worst crimes against the Kingdom of God. Sex Education of small children should not exist. It is age-inappropriate, and it creates future indignities of every kind. The best way to become a member of the Kingdom of God is to acquaint yourself with the Word of God.

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