Us Allows A Few Companies To Use Drone Cameras



BBC News - US allows TV and film companies to use drones

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted permission to six television and movie firms, allowing them to use drones to shoot scenes....

.....The US Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said: "Today's announcement is a significant milestone in broadening commercial UAS use

Most of the rest of the world has been doing it for ages.

BBC News - Eagle shot wins drone photography competition


Why is the US of A, about the richest country in the world, always so far behind in things like this?
The most hilarious thing about this thread is that the sponsors of this competition, National Geographic and GoPro, are based in the U.S. And the drones were most likely manufactured in the U.S. too.

Your move @Indofred

You miss the point.
These are new to use in the US, but the rest of the world has been using them for a long time.
I have never asked for permission from the government to take pictures with My quad-copter/drone...nor do I intend to start.
Only concern I have is over small hard-to-see drones crashing into other aircraft. To sya nothing of drones crashing to earth and onto people. Imaging a sunny day at a big grassy park and all the kites and RC things flying around, that's what drones are going to be but everywhere all the time. Not a happy image.
Considering how airlines skimp on aircraft maintenance with human lives at risk, imagine the corners cut for drones. They'll be falling out of the sky all the time. If they land on someone killing them, oh well that's the cost of progress and business.

Hope shotgun owners take pot shots at them like skeet. :)
Whatever made you think you had a right to PRIVACY?

You've already given all that up

Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Ben Franklin

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