US and UKEY NAZIS having worst ever time in Khazarian conflict


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
End of the line for clown Prnce Puppet Zelenskyy ? Seems closer than ever .
A litany of disasters since the counter offensive was delayed , if not cancelled .
No good new for the US proxy forces , and President Piss Pants' pro Khazrian stance now looks insupportable .

Will President PP have to back down fast re. involvement in Khazaria to avoid fast growing dissatisfaction and then active opposition to his claimed but unrealistic re-election efforts ?
And that reasonably assumes that most people already really believe that even his masters now truthfully want to be shot of him" this minute"and certainly ASAP. President PP has rapidly become a huge liabliity in so many ways .
So the majority surely want him gone with only lunatic and extremist figures like Nuland and Blinken who will want to escalate matters in Khazaria -- with weapons they have not actually got ?

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Russian commies think nazis are bad. LOL!

Patriotic Americans think Zionist Fascists are bad

End of the line for clown Prnce Puppet Zelenskyy ? Seems closer than ever .
A litany of disasters since the counter offensive was delayed , if not cancelled .
No good new for the US proxy forces , and President Piss Pants' pro Khazrian stance now looks insupportable .

Will President PP have to back down fast re. involvement in Khazaria to avoid fast growing dissatisfaction and then active opposition to his claimed but unrealistic re-election efforts ?
And that reasonably assumes that most people already really believe that even his masters now truthfully want to be shot of him" this minute"and certainly ASAP. President PP has rapidly become a huge liabliity in so many ways .
So the majority surely want him gone with only lunatic and extremist figures like Nuland and Blinken who will want to escalate matters in Khazaria -- with weapons they have not actually got ?

Ib isn't America that is even directly threated but they, Canada and others help. Is it also a proxy war for all of the European nations who are assisting? You are an insult to all that is good and noble on this planet.
There are questions whether or not the Wagner Group terrorists will support the army, and whether the Army will support the terrorists. Seems the head of Wagner is trashing the military leadership and the groups have grown distrustful of the other.

That's the worst thing that can happen to an Army. Couldn't happen to nicer people.
Blah, most anything coming out of there is complete bullshit.....The only thing for sure is the billions we send to that corrupt shithole.

Now if we want to make a real difference I say we allow the immediate immigration to the US of all Ukrainian women up to 30 years old that wish to come.....Fully vetted potential husbands will be waiting.

Never let a crisis go to waste. ;)
Stop Presss May 18
Even worse for US Nazis plus Proxy Forces

The most powerful night attack of the Russian Aerospace Forces

Which hasn't ended yet.

It all started in the evening, when the Russian Aerospace Forces literally hit the south of Ukraine, where one of the most important logistics centers is located near the Odessa region, which receives NATO cargo from Romania.

More than ten arrivals were noted at the alleged places of storage and reloading of BC, as well as accumulations of equipment transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Then there was a blow to the Nikolaev region and along the line of contact, where front-line aviation struck at the enemy’s near rear (from Kharkov to Kherson), hitting the identified places of accumulation of his reserves. As a result, numerous arrivals were also noted.

And, finally, in the morning (at about 4.00 Moscow time) strikes with "Caliber" (and possibly "Daggers") went from Poltava to Ternopil. Again there was a blow to the Khmelnytsky region, the center of Ukraine, and right now work is underway on Kyiv (there are already arrivals). Probably, ours today will try to inflict another defeat on the Kyiv air defense region.

It is possible that this is not all. But even if nothing else happens, this is perhaps the most massive (in terms of scale) attack by the Russian Aerospace Forces, except for the first days of the NWO.

Ukro source

About 10 explosions thundered in Odessa and the region, arrivals go through military facilities, air defense cannot cope with the number of missiles.

The Russian Armed Forces inflict massive fire damage on objects in the Odessa region. Recorded from 12 to 15 arrivals.

Objects and warehouses at the Shkolny airfield are being put out of action, the bridge in Zatoka and the main transport artery are again under attack. Targets were hit in the villages of Kotovsky and Krasnoselka not far from the regional center.

Arrivals in Odessa hit targets in Zatoka, Kotovskoye and Krasnoselki

At this point, the Russian army continues to dot work on targets in Odessa and the region - explosions have been heard.
It is highly possible that the blasts, have hit areas where strategically and logistically important facilities are located.

In the village of Zatoka, according to preliminary reports, there are ammunition depots as well as a bridge. In Kotovskoye, there are also likely to be stockpiles of ammunition as well.

In Krasnoselki, which were the first to be hit,presumably used to be based a training centre for foreign mercenaries.

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Ib isn't America that is even directly threated but they, Canada and others help. Is it also a proxy war for all of the European nations who are assisting? You are an insult to all that is good and noble on this planet.

The poster who never does any research with his sanctimonious views and personally " hurt " comments .
Would you like to explain how Canada is threatened by NATO?
Those US led Nazis breaking agreements to halt NATO expansion in Khazaria, and dating back over 30 years ,let alone breaking every agreement made in Minsk in 2014 .
That will give you another huge headache , our ever so precious little petal .
End of the line for clown Prnce Puppet Zelenskyy ? Seems closer than ever .
A litany of disasters since the counter offensive was delayed , if not cancelled .
No good new for the US proxy forces , and President Piss Pants' pro Khazrian stance now looks insupportable .

Will President PP have to back down fast re. involvement in Khazaria to avoid fast growing dissatisfaction and then active opposition to his claimed but unrealistic re-election efforts ?
And that reasonably assumes that most people already really believe that even his masters now truthfully want to be shot of him" this minute"and certainly ASAP. President PP has rapidly become a huge liabliity in so many ways .
So the majority surely want him gone with only lunatic and extremist figures like Nuland and Blinken who will want to escalate matters in Khazaria -- with weapons they have not actually got ?

Russia isn't fighting "Nazis" any more. It's fighting NATO and Satan now (Satan controlling the US and NATO by all accounts).

So you don't need to come on here and make up some bullshit that Ukraine somehow has more Nazis than Russia or anyone else.
Russia isn't fighting "Nazis" any more. It's fighting NATO and Satan now (Satan controlling the US and NATO by all accounts).

So you don't need to come on here and make up some bullshit that Ukraine somehow has more Nazis than Russia or anyone else.
Are you related to Z , or just a natural Clown ?
Your comment is so misplaced and pathetic that I feel you are a natural 100% Cognitively Rigid personality type .But nevertheless :-

Suffice to say that Russia lost 30 million in WW2 to the Nazis .

As for your knowledge of Khazarian history , even if ony from WW2 , it is clearly non existent .
With Dear Uncle P himself labelling his nation's SMO action as de Nazification your words becomes even more laughable .
Are you related to Z , or just a natural Clown ?
Your comment is so misplaced and pathetic that I feel you are a natural 100% Cognitively Rigid personality type .But nevertheless :-

Suffice to say that Russia lost 30 million in WW2 to the Nazis .

As for your knowledge of Khazarian history , even if ony from WW2 , it is clearly non existent .
With Dear Uncle P himself labelling his nation's SMO action as de Nazification your words becomes even more laughable .

Are you on my ignore list? No, but you will be in a minute.
I don't do insulters. I didn't get past your first sentence.
Bye bye.
Rising gamma radiation in Khmelnytskyi. Now, these aren't dangerous levels of radiation. Depleted uranium mostly emits alpha radiation that has a very short range, even in air, so it is not detected. But, if you eat or, worse, inhale the stuff, you should probably plan not to have children. And watch out for cancer. In 2004, Iraq had the highest mortality rate due to leukemia of any country. The stuff is also a chemical poison.

Russia has warned that Ukraine's reception of depleted uranium ammunition is self-destructive. In addition to affecting people causing infertility, cancer, it also affects the land where crops are grown. uranium-235 (half-life 700 million years).
Rising gamma radiation in Khmelnytskyi. Now, these aren't dangerous levels of radiation. Depleted uranium mostly emits alpha radiation that has a very short range, even in air, so it is not detected. But, if you eat or, worse, inhale the stuff, you should probably plan not to have children. And watch out for cancer. In 2004, Iraq had the highest mortality rate due to leukemia of any country. The stuff is also a chemical poison.

Russia has warned that Ukraine's reception of depleted uranium ammunition is self-destructive. In addition to affecting people causing infertility, cancer, it also affects the land where crops are grown. uranium-235 (half-life 700 million years).

Depleted uranium is uranium-238, half-life 4.5 billion years.
Russia isn't fighting "Nazis" any more. It's fighting NATO and Satan now (Satan controlling the US and NATO by all accounts).

So you don't need to come on here and make up some bullshit that Ukraine somehow has more Nazis than Russia or anyone else.
There is no satan either. The bullshit is all in your head.
Rising gamma radiation in Khmelnytskyi. Now, these aren't dangerous levels of radiation. Depleted uranium mostly emits alpha radiation that has a very short range, even in air, so it is not detected. But, if you eat or, worse, inhale the stuff, you should probably plan not to have children. And watch out for cancer. In 2004, Iraq had the highest mortality rate due to leukemia of any country. The stuff is also a chemical poison.

Russia has warned that Ukraine's reception of depleted uranium ammunition is self-destructive. In addition to affecting people causing infertility, cancer, it also affects the land where crops are grown. uranium-235 (half-life 700 million years).
Then there is now a double threat, though the SBU will make sure to hide the evidence.

"Steepest rise was in bowel cancer."

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