US announces its sending troops to the Middle East and warns Americans to leave Lebanon

And that's a fact, Jack. We would be seeing a war in Ukraine and the Middle East exploding right now, if those asshole Democrats hadn't stolen the election in 2020.
Er, we are seeing the ME and Ukraine exploding, just FYI.
Like Jesus Himself said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God

View attachment 1016944
I can see from the dove's eyes that it's dead, there's no way a living one would let itself be handled by that scumbag.
At best you can take Trump's messages as just bullshit for political purposes.

There's nothing saying in his past performance to say that he will follow through on any of the wild dog shit!
Yawn. You can't keep your own country out of Ukraine, quit preaching duck. You're going to get four more years of American excellence when Trump regains the WH on Nov. 5.
The ball and chain is Biden/Harris and the democrats. Their solution to bad economic times is always WAR. The Ukraine debacle didn't resonate, so they are going to the option that might gain traction. Screw the democrats. You can't make peace if you don't talk to the opposition. LOL, Harris campaigned to 68 people in PA instead of meeting with Netanyahu--that really doesn't do too much toward achieving peace.
You're assuming Israel wants peace. Nothing supports that.

The real nature of Trump's "support" for Israel, in essence our presidents are caddies for Nazinyahu but instead of golf clubs they carry bombs for him, handing them to him on demand promptly, when asked.
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Look at them white sad :(

US 101st Airborne Division has arrived in Israel

At least 3-4 of the C-17 Cargo Planes landed in Cyprus already

and one in a base in the Negev

Didn't the retard in Chief say no boots on the ground?
We are possibly witnessing the decline in US power and the panic as it dawns on people, that US influence and respect on the global playing field is collapsing.
With a vegetable and his moron-in-waiting sitting in DC, it is no wonder that the US is losing influence.
The reduction in influence, the US being laughed at on the world stage, began under Trump:

The disgusting entitled slob avoids eye contact with the man, no apology, no excuse me, it was a subtle act of bullying, if that had been me I'd have crushed Trump's face with a backfist.

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