US drone kills 16 suspected militants in Pakistan

Fuck Pakistan - they harbored Bin laden, and countless other terrorist. The more drone strikes the better!

They will love us all the more.

OBL died at tora bora unless you have absolute proof otherwise.
You have absolute proof he died at Tora Bora? You don't think Bush would have sought credit? Are you one of those conspiracy theory nuts :cuckoo:

Ok, he died in a hotel room with a 2 dollar hooker, please present the evidence that he did not. The whole point here is that for you to believe he died in Pakistan means you have to totally trust the government and the CIA's word for it. There is no evidence of where and when OBL died only what the government, who frequently does not tell us the truth, says.

Now extend that to the drone program. We are killing people by GPS, and other, sensors that paid informants place either on their body or in their vehicle. What better way to make 5000K then to target someone, doesn't matter who and have them blown to pieces. Much like the 16 year old American boy was who was looking for his father who was already blown to bits.

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