US Embassy in Kabul directs staff to destroy sensitive documents as many diplomats prepare for evacuation

Kondor3 Kuwait also, totally different
1. they wanted us there
2. other countries wanted us there and PARTICIPATED--including Arab states
3. it was a battle against a standard army --not terrorists
4. mostly a desert battle, not as mountainous, etc
5. picture tells a thousands words- look at the size difference--you can barely see Kuwait
View attachment 525953
etc etc
No, it's comparable on the macro level.

1. we set realistic goals that could be achieved in a short time frame
2. we used overwhelming force and obtained a quick win
3. we disengaged once our goals had been reached

The entire point being...

* In Desert Storm our leadership drew on lessons from Vietnam, obtained a quick kill, avoided assymetrical guerrilla warfare, and then walked away

* In both Iraq II and Afghanistan, we obtained quick wins, but failed to disengage once we defeated the bad guys
Kondor3 also--it takes time to get up to speed......the other critical point that people usually don't know or think about is logistics --it takes time to bring in the troops/equipment/build bases/train the troops on the local issues/etc......
If this was meant to be an explanation as to why we stayed so long in Afghanistan then my feedback is that we did not need such bases for a quick kill-and-exit operation.
Kondor3 hhahahahah--I just explained why we could not disengage in post # 59......wrong--wrong--they couldn't disengage because they were NOT comparable --per my post # 59
If this was meant to be an explanation as to why we stayed so long in Afghanistan then my feedback is that we did not need such bases for a quick kill-and-exit operation.
that's just it--it COULD NOT be a quick kill op
JESUS CHRIST--this isn't a Rambo/etc movie!!!!
......I've talked about this before--you can't go in and kill Osama and his boys in six months/etc etc ....I just said it again, about 30 minutes ago--it's not like a board game
1. first you have to find them
2. then fix them
3. then kill them---
....they have to/had to organize/gather intel/consult with the people-leaders-etc--all of this is a dynamic and changing process
....critically, they are consulting/etc with the leaders/etc---this is POLITICS = complicated and changing ...
...they are weighing this and that---if they help so and so, it affects some others, and vice versa.....if they consult with so and so, it affects how they need to consult with others ...etc ...---and they NEED to consult/etc with the Afghanis---
....these are/were terrorists that blend in ....look how long it took just to find Osama
I reject this.

We should have bailed out of Afghanistan the day after we pounded Tora Bora and confirmed that bin-Laden was nowhere to be found there.

We accomplished exactly Zero from that time to this.

Meanwhile... another trillion dollars and thousands of American lives squandered for nothing... absolutely nothing...

God damn the leadership in BOTH parties for not putting an end to that madness many years ago....
I reject this.

We should have bailed out of Afghanistan the day after we pounded Tora Bora and confirmed that bin-Laden was nowhere to be found there.

We accomplished exactly Zero from that time to this.

Meanwhile... another trillion dollars and thousands of American lives squandered for nothing... absolutely nothing...

God damn the leadership in BOTH parties for not putting an end to that madness many years ago....
1. Osama wasn't the only one we wanted
2. that doesn't mean he wasn't in Afghanistan
that's just it--it COULD NOT be a quick kill op
JESUS CHRIST--this isn't a Rambo/etc movie!!!!
Afghanistan has swallowed more conquerors and empires and technologies then any other in modern times.

We had driven the Taliban from power and blasted apart al-Qaeda's operational framework and killed most of them at Tora Bora.

That was the very best time to pull up stakes and leave.

There has been absolutely nothing accomplished SINCE that day.


As "nation-builders" we are losers... we are re-tards... we insisted on trying to build modern peaceful nations out of warrior-religion -crazed Neanderthals...

And after such vast sums of blood and treasure it all fell apart in a couple of weeks like a limp rag doll...

It was a house of cards and we were delusional to think otherwise...

Perhaps one day we'll figure out that if we DO go to war, we blast-the-ever-loving-$hit out of the enemy then leave 'em stumbling-about blindly in the ruins and walk away.

With the Germans and Japanese, we actually had intelligent modern population remnants to work with.

Not so in Afghanistan.
1. Osama wasn't the only one we wanted
2. that doesn't mean he wasn't in Afghanistan
You're swinging after the bell... stop trying to justify and excuse a Lost Cause... it's over... the results speak for themselves... game... set... match.
Afghanistan has swallowed more conquerors and empires and technologies then any other in modern times.

We had driven the Taliban from power and blasted apart al-Qaeda's operational framework and killed most of them at Tora Bora.

That was the very best time to pull up stakes and leave.

There has been absolutely nothing accomplished SINCE that day.


As "nation-builders" we are losers... we are re-tards... we insisted on trying to build modern peaceful nations out of warrior-religion -crazed Neanderthals...

And after such vast sums of blood and treasure it all fell apart in a couple of weeks like a limp rag doll...

It was a house of cards and we were delusional to think otherwise...

Perhaps one day we'll figure out that if we DO go to war, we blast-the-ever-loving-$hit out of the enemy then leave 'em stumbling-about blindly in the ruins and walk away.

With the Germans and Japanese, we actually had intelligent modern population remnants to work with.

Not so in Afghanistan.
wooooohoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! driven Taliban from power!!!!!
they are in Kabul as we type!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHH
You're swinging after the bell... stop trying to justify and excuse a Lost Cause... it's over... the results speak for themselves... game... set... match.

Afghanistan president fled.. that's game, set, match.

Goat fuggers and child rapists prevail
We think we can recreate people.

We cannot.

These people in afghan have been warring for centuries.

While traitor Joe is a total idiot, 100% of the blame for all of the US disaster that was Afghan is on the worst traitor in American history, W, and every single traitor who supported W, and every single sub human cuckoo clock Christian who has an IQ under 5 and still believes "the terrorists" did 911....

W' greatest afghan quote, on "Osama"

He is not a priority

Say again, W

Osama is not a priority

Everyone got that. We invaded afghan to NOT GET


"Osama" aka col Tim osman
Kondor3 yes, it's a board game to fail to understand the political aspects of it..which I mentioned ....
wooooohoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! driven Taliban from power!!!!!
they are in Kabul as we type!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHH
Did they not drive the Taliban from power in 2004? The answer is "yes".
Face it left loons, the slow pedo really fucked this one up.

81 million fools....smh
Oh, Sleepy Old Uncle Joe screwed-up the mechanics of the end-game alright, but perhaps it's just as well...

Nothing good was going to come out of staying one second longer...

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