US F-15 fighter jet strays from Mass and crashes in Va. media blackout?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
About a week ago a Mass. based F-15 flying alone ended up crashing into a rural area in the western part of Virginia and there is virtually no media attention. The lame story is that the F-15 based in Mass. left Mass (alone) for maintenance in Louisiana. Is that possible? What kind of mileage do these things get to fly across the country for maintenance? If it was engine trouble why didn't he bail out? A conspiracy theory is that the pilot might have gone rogue and was shot down.
So what? I heard about it da news and the pilot is okay,,,not so much for the Jet that crashed in Lybia, during ceremony for a Jet pilot that died in a crashed a week before...Someone gonna have a bad day...
So what? I heard about it da news and the pilot is okay,,,not so much for the Jet that crashed in Lybia, during ceremony for a Jet pilot that died in a crashed a week before...Someone gonna have a bad day...
You heard about it? The pilot's body was found in the wreckage.
US F-15 fighter jet strays from Mass and crashes in Va. media blackout?

No, you're just seeking to contrive a controversy where none exists by contriving the lie that there's some 'cover up' with the 'media' complicit.

When in fact the incident was widely reported by many news outlets.

The pilot was confirmed killed and an investigation is ongoing.

Once the facts are known they'll also be reported.
US F-15 fighter jet strays from Mass and crashes in Va. media blackout?

No, you're just seeking to contrive a controversy where none exists by contriving the lie that there's some 'cover up' with the 'media' complicit.

When in fact the incident was widely reported by many news outlets.

The pilot was confirmed killed and an investigation is ongoing.

Once the facts are known they'll also be reported.

Yup. Its on USA Today. You can hardly call a 'media blackout' when AP, Reuters and USA Today are covering it.

I always get suspicious of claims of a 'media black out'. Posters like OriginalShroom use that as their bread and refuting such nonsense mandates finding and posting the articles on the topic. Which in turn give the poster plenty of ammunition for phase 2 of their argument; whatever the articles are about.

Its manipulative and disingenuous. I don't think this thread's OP is trying to do that. But it happens enough that I'm wary and vaguely annoyed.
US F-15 fighter jet strays from Mass and crashes in Va. media blackout?

No, you're just seeking to contrive a controversy where none exists by contriving the lie that there's some 'cover up' with the 'media' complicit.

When in fact the incident was widely reported by many news outlets.

The pilot was confirmed killed and an investigation is ongoing.

Once the facts are known they'll also be reported.

Yup. Its on USA Today. You can hardly call a 'media blackout' when AP, Reuters and USA Today are covering it.

I always get suspicious of claims of a 'media black out'. Posters like OriginalShroom use that as their bread and refuting such nonsense mandates finding and posting the articles on the topic. Which in turn give the poster plenty of ammunition for phase 2 of their argument; whatever the articles are about.

Its manipulative and disingenuous. I don't think this thread's OP is trying to do that. But it happens enough that I'm wary and vaguely annoyed.
Maybe being "vaguely annoyed" is an excuse for ignorance or political loyalty. The term "media blackout" has a couple of meanings. First of all you can't hide the wreckage of an F-15 that crashes in the US so you have to cover it. The term "media blackout" indicates the intentional lack of interest and the bland acceptance of the authorities version. A story in "USA Today" is hardly indicative of media coverage. Why not speculate on why the hell a US fighter jet which apparently needed maintenance was flying alone from Mass. allegedly to Louisiana . If the plane needed maintenance the pilot should have been aware of it and ready to eject if something went wrong. I've seen pilots eject on the freaking flight deck of a Carrier split seconds after a mechanical problem.
A story in "USA Today" is hardly indicative of media coverage.
Lol what do you even hear yourself? A story in the USA Today is as indicative of media coverage as you can get... the national media, covering an event. It was on yahoo, buzzfeed, bbc it was all over.

Why not speculate on why the hell a US fighter jet which apparently needed maintenance was flying alone from Mass. allegedly to Louisiana . If the plane needed maintenance the pilot should have been aware of it and ready to eject if something went wrong.
Reports are the plane was traveling for a system upgrade, perhaps whatever upgrade is done in one place in Louisiana. The F-15 has a ferry range of over 3,000 miles. Jet fighters have had ejection seats for over half a century yet many pilots have been killed while flying or training in modern combat aircraft, so surely don't think the existence of an ejection seat precludes any pilot deaths.
I am surprised there are not more accidents. If you sit on VA beach you can see, what I would call f-15 or 16s, flying over fairly regularly. Usually 1 but sometimes 2 or rarely 3. They apparently were flying inland about every 15 minutes. Then later they flew back out, to what I will call, sea. Not sure what they were doing but there sure seemed like a lot of them. Not sure where they were going flying out to sea, maybe an aircraft carrier, don't know.

My thoughts are that pilots may stay with the plane and ride it to the ground thinking they could save the jet.
Maybe being "vaguely annoyed" is an excuse for ignorance or political loyalty.
Maybe its the product of the tedious experience of dealing with folks who are crying wolf. For example, folks fallaciously claiming there was 'no media attention' for a story covered by numerous major media outlets.

Its annoying.
"The term "media blackout" has a couple of meanings.

And who defines these terms? Let me do, citing yourself?
First of all you can't hide the wreckage of an F-15 that crashes in the US so you have to cover it. The term "media blackout" indicates the intentional lack of interest and the bland acceptance of the authorities version.

An intentional lack of whom? You're leaning a little hard on the passive voice. The media has covered the story. USA Today, Rueters, AP. NBC. ABC. FOX. What degree of coverage is it 'supposed' to get. And according to who?

There seems an awful lot of arbitrary, useless subjectivity in your imagining of the term 'media black out'.

A story in "USA Today" is hardly indicative of media coverage.

I don't think 'media' means what you think it means. As coverage in a nationally syndicated news source is most definitely 'media attention'. Its also been covered by CNN, ABC, FOX, the Boston Herald and many local affiliates.There are pictures of the crash site, press conferences by the military, and a litany of articles online on the topic.

And still you insist there is 'no media attention'? Either your personal definition of 'media attention' is so uselessly skewed toward the subjective as to be meaningless to anyone but you, or you simply didn't know what you're talking about.

If the plane needed maintenance the pilot should have been aware of it and ready to eject if something went wrong. I've seen pilots eject on the freaking flight deck of a Carrier split seconds after a mechanical problem.

Says who? So far you citing yourself isn't a particularly helpful source.

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