US finally takes some responsibility for it's evil

They dumped that crap on us soldiers just the same as the Vietnamese.

Was it 'They, The People', or 'We, The People' who dumped that crap on us soldiers? :dunno:

Step one in a democracy is to start using the word 'we' when you want to blame 'them'.

I wrote "they" because I meant "they". I can't see where us soldiers were a part of "we the people" at that time or that there was any great deal of love lost between the two groups.]BBC News - US starts Agent Orange clean-up in Vietnam[/url]

The US has begun a project to help clean up Agent Orange contamination at one area in Vietnam - the first such move since the war ended in 1975.

Apart from losing 58,000 US servicemen and who knows how many locals in the failed and rather stupid attempt to keep 'the enemy' contained, the US deployed chemical weapons (Didn't they invade Iraq for that?) that killed an unknown number and led to massive birth defects.

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Anyone care to justify this barbaric evil and explain why the US didn't invade itself for use of WMD?

Agent Orange isn't a WMD lol. It's a Defoliant that had some unfortunate Side Effects.
however, something worse than fighting a war; failing to fight a war that needs to be fought.

Please explain why the Vietnam war NEEDED to be fought and why Iran needs to be attacked.
You should include threats to the US in your answer.]BBC News - US starts Agent Orange clean-up in Vietnam[/url]

The US has begun a project to help clean up Agent Orange contamination at one area in Vietnam - the first such move since the war ended in 1975.

Apart from losing 58,000 US servicemen and who knows how many locals in the failed and rather stupid attempt to keep 'the enemy' contained, the US deployed chemical weapons (Didn't they invade Iraq for that?) that killed an unknown number and led to massive birth defects.

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Anyone care to justify this barbaric evil and explain why the US didn't invade itself for use of WMD?

Agent Orange isn't a WMD lol. It's a Defoliant that had some unfortunate Side Effects.

Side effects that were known about but totally ignored.
The US sprayed populated areas with that stuff (and napalm), knowing they would kill civilians and leave the area contaminated.
If that isn't a war crime, what is?
that stuff and other herbicides were also used to destroy food crops.
They dumped that crap on us soldiers just the same as the Vietnamese.

Was it 'They, The People', or 'We, The People' who dumped that crap on us soldiers? :dunno:

Step one in a democracy is to start using the word 'we' when you want to blame 'them'.

I wrote "they" because I meant "they". I can't see where us soldiers were a part of "we the people" at that time or that there was any great deal of love lost between the two groups.

My point being that it wasn't some vague 'they' who were responsible for running that or any war that America fights - ultimate responsibility for the actions of our government rests squarely on the shoulders of you, me, and the rest of 'We, The People'.

You want to have fun in a politics forum? Substitute "We, The People" for "the government", "Congress", "The White House", or any pronoun used in describing "the government" in context, like "they", "them" or "it".

In theory, they act on our behalf.]BBC News - US starts Agent Orange clean-up in Vietnam[/url]

The US has begun a project to help clean up Agent Orange contamination at one area in Vietnam - the first such move since the war ended in 1975.

Apart from losing 58,000 US servicemen and who knows how many locals in the failed and rather stupid attempt to keep 'the enemy' contained, the US deployed chemical weapons (Didn't they invade Iraq for that?) that killed an unknown number and led to massive birth defects.

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Anyone care to justify this barbaric evil and explain why the US didn't invade itself for use of WMD?

Its about time. Certainly took them long enough.
Thats just how they look there. The only uglier Asians are the Chinese.

Thank you for reminding me what vile bastards make up the racist population of the US and other countries. :)
fuck you you cowardly leftist traitor sack of shit !!

First of all. I don't fancy you so you have zero chance of fucking me.

I'm rather right wing in most respects, you really should research a poster before you make yourself look stupid.

It's hard to be a traitor to the US when you aren't a US citizen.

You show no ability to research, no real understanding of my post, no checking of basic facts, extreme hate in your posts and a total absence of thought beyond hatred.

0/10 must try harder.
Was it 'They, The People', or 'We, The People' who dumped that crap on us soldiers? :dunno:

Step one in a democracy is to start using the word 'we' when you want to blame 'them'.

I wrote "they" because I meant "they". I can't see where us soldiers were a part of "we the people" at that time or that there was any great deal of love lost between the two groups.

My point being that it wasn't some vague 'they' who were responsible for running that or any war that America fights - ultimate responsibility for the actions of our government rests squarely on the shoulders of you, me, and the rest of 'We, The People'.

You want to have fun in a politics forum? Substitute "We, The People" for "the government", "Congress", "The White House", or any pronoun used in describing "the government" in context, like "they", "them" or "it".

In theory, they act on our behalf.

I understand your point I just don't agree with it in this particular case. I had never been allowed a vote or any imput into Government decisions or conduct of the war. Nor do I accept either cedit or blame for those things over which I had absolutely no control or even imput.]BBC News - US starts Agent Orange clean-up in Vietnam[/url]

The US has begun a project to help clean up Agent Orange contamination at one area in Vietnam - the first such move since the war ended in 1975.

Apart from losing 58,000 US servicemen and who knows how many locals in the failed and rather stupid attempt to keep 'the enemy' contained, the US deployed chemical weapons (Didn't they invade Iraq for that?) that killed an unknown number and led to massive birth defects.

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Warning Graphic Photos!

Anyone care to justify this barbaric evil and explain why the US didn't invade itself for use of WMD?

Your BBC article doesn't exist.

So, all you have is a bunch of worthless wikipedia.
Thank you for reminding me what vile bastards make up the racist population of the US and other countries. :)
fuck you you cowardly leftist traitor sack of shit !!

First of all. I don't fancy you so you have zero chance of fucking me.

I'm rather right wing in most respects, you really should research a poster before you make yourself look stupid.

It's hard to be a traitor to the US when you aren't a US citizen.

You show no ability to research, no real understanding of my post, no checking of basic facts, extreme hate in your posts and a total absence of thought beyond hatred.

0/10 must try harder.

Extremist muslim.

So you screw 9 year old girls like Mohammed did?
however, something worse than fighting a war; failing to fight a war that needs to be fought.

Please explain why the Vietnam war NEEDED to be fought and why Iran needs to be attacked.
You should include threats to the US in your answer.

unfortunately the US inherited a war from France.

Believe it or not the commies were the aggressors.


i was unaware that the US was fighting a war with Iran.

care to explain?

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