US girls say you are a predator if you date a foreign girl.....Darn, who knew?

If a man married one of those foreigners, does that make him a successful predator?

Conversely, if a man hunted down a good US woman to marry does that make him a apex predator?

Neither sounds like a bad thing IMHO. ;)

Of course it could just boil down to supply and demand.....When the locals can't supply what's in demand then imports happen. :laughing0301:

There are similar sorts of videos on YouTube where you literally will see these far left white women who apparently out of jealousy or something similar….. when they see a beautiful Asian woman with a white man they think that the man is just some kind of a criminal. This is based on racism from the far left. No different than when a white man is offended that a white woman is dating or married to a black man.

You know some people just need Jesus in their life
I see, you sleep on the floor.

Nope, I'm just a super-straight heterosexual white male who doesn't support the same faggotry you support.

I know my sexuality and am 100% comfortable with it. I've never felt a need to question my manhood and am completely secure with who I am, unlike you deviants, perverts, incels, and child-ex enablers and cheerleaders.
Nope, I'm just a super-straight heterosexual white male who doesn't support the same faggotry you support.

I know my sexuality and am 100% comfortable with it. I've never felt a need to question my manhood and am completely secure with who I am, unlike you deviants, perverts, incels, and child-ex enablers and cheerleaders.
You said the stupid not me..
There are similar sorts of videos on YouTube where you literally will see these far left white women who apparently out of jealousy or something similar….. when they see a beautiful Asian woman with a white man they think that the man is just some kind of a criminal. This is based on racism from the far left. No different than when a white man is offended that a white woman is dating or married to a black man.

You know some people just need Jesus in their life
Jesus is available to date women from the US?
Nope, I'm just a super-straight heterosexual white male who doesn't support the same faggotry you support.

I know my sexuality and am 100% comfortable with it. I've never felt a need to question my manhood and am completely secure with who I am, unlike you deviants, perverts, incels, and child-ex enablers and cheerleaders.

I've never understood the need for the fags of this country to be spewing their sexuality in everybodys faces.

This is NOT what the gays fought for back in the 60's and 70's. We just want to be able to live our lives in peace and quiet, without being assaulted, ridiculed, or murdered. I mean, after all, whats it got to do with the life you are leading? Right?

But these fucking whiney, snivelling, self-absorbed fags had to go and make it impossible for that to happen. They keep throwing it in peoples faces and using it as a blacks using their color to get free stuff. It's sickening and its a kick in the face to those that fought to just be able to live and walk down the street without being attacked or murdered. THIS is what being TRULY OFFENSIVE is.
I remember back in the 80's, I worked in a grocery store in small town.

There was a black and white couple that came in once in a while. Leftover hippies from the 60's.
She was black and he was white.

Unfortunately they were osctricized by the people in the town, so they lived way out in the boonies and only came into town once in a while for supplies. Which was sad, because I heard some people say they were actually nice people.

But it wasn't because they were hippies, it was because a white man married a black woman. Which I thought was ignorant.
WHY is it YOUR business who anyone falls in love with? As long as they are of legal age and consentual, its not anybody elses business.
I’d love to see the running count of women hating threads on USMB. You guys need to get laid… oh wait… now I see the problem.
I've never understood the need for the fags of this country to be spewing their sexuality in everybodys faces.

This is NOT what the gays fought for back in the 60's and 70's. We just want to be able to live our lives in peace and quiet, without being assaulted, ridiculed, or murdered. I mean, after all, whats it got to do with the life you are leading? Right?

But these fucking whiney, snivelling, self-absorbed fags had to go and make it impossible for that to happen. They keep throwing it in peoples faces and using it as a blacks using their color to get free stuff. It's sickening and its a kick in the face to those that fought to just be able to live and walk down the street without being attacked or murdered. THIS is what being TRULY OFFENSIVE is.

For years we were told "Well we just want to get married", and we said "Well ok."

Then they revealed their true intent, singing "We're coming for your children."

Then they started performing sexually-suggestive drag queen shows in front of children.

You can't tell me there's no hidden agenda here.
Panamanian girls are the best at sex ... they really really like it and know how to put their back into it ... they run a little on the skinny side there in Panama, but once you bring them here into the United States, they'll fatten up right nice like ...

White wimin are too damn self-righteous ... uppity ... bossy ... treat them like Mexicans and they get pissed ... what the hell is that about? ...
To the naysayers of the thread. How is it not racist for white women or black American women although it seems to be mostly white suburban liberal far left women….. who claim that it is a form of racism or misogyny or a “predator relationship” when they see a white man with a foreign woman or an American man black or white with a foreign woman.

How is this not clearly racism against Asian women or foreign women?
To the naysayers of the thread. How is it not racist for white women or black American women although it seems to be mostly white suburban liberal far left women….. who claim that it is a form of racism or misogyny or a “predator relationship” when they see a white man with a foreign woman or an American man black or white with a foreign woman.

How is this not clearly racism against Asian women or foreign women?
Did you do the cinnamon challenge also?
For years we were told "Well we just want to get married", and we said "Well ok."

Then they revealed their true intent, singing "We're coming for your children."

Then they started performing sexually-suggestive drag queen shows in front of children.

You can't tell me there's no hidden agenda here.

Although I despise that chorus organization, that song was made in jest to laugh at the relgious zealots pointing fingers at them and blaming them for all the pedophilia going on.

"Gay" does NOT equal or mean pedophile. It just means you are attracted to the same sex, NOT to children.

Of course, the religious zealots turned it back on them and used the song against them as fodder for their religious propaganda.

These "drag queens" aren't REAL drag queens, they are liberal pedophiles grabbing an opportunity to use and abuse a stituation for their own personal agendas. Pedophiles have been legally bound to stay away from ANY place children hang out or frequent. And now, they've found out all they have to do is dress up, call it "drag" and they can get into all these places with all these kids, without anybody batting and eye at them.

Drag has been an art form since forever. And drag in the USA has always been confined to adult areas of cities and towns, mainly nightclubs and performance halls..........where kids never go. REAL drag performers balk at even the thought of kids being around........even if the parents bring them. Kids have their own types of entertainers, REAL drag entertainers are always geared at very ADULT audiences, because most drag performers are like adult oriented comedians........all adult content. So the thought of kids even being around is just a huge, blatant NO WAY!!

What you are seeing nowadays, are not REAL drag artists or performers. They are pedophiles and groomers that have found a LOOPHOLE into places that have always been off limits to them.

Do they have an agenda? Of course they do.
There's a pedophile in the White House. And they saw their opportunity to use a class of people and a style of entertainment to use and abuse for their own nafarious purposes.
But DON'T confuse a groomers and pedophiles intellect and ingenuity as anything but what it is........a way to get into places they know they are not allowed, to get to your kids. This has nothing to do with drag or gay, and everything to do with them getting free passes and access to your kids.
Wonderful. Yet another "real men hate women" thread.

How creative. :rolleyes:
Nah, it just all boils down to "Hoeflation".

You know, when it takes today's men 5X the work their grandfathers put in to find women 20X times worse than their grandmothers.

Full video of the one in the OP.

Working class white girls are still wonderful. Conservative women are great. Black women Puerto Ricans all very beautiful
I see no use in the “working woman”. There are very few truly Conservative women left in this country. Beauty is a low priority after morals, values and ideals in my mind.
A great relationship between a man and a woman is predicated on mutual respect between the two sides
Respect, yes. That and a strong understanding of the roles, duties and responsibilities of each party to the relationship.
Women need to understand just one basic truth.....Men will be loyal as a dog if you give them reason to.

That does not include turning yourself into a disgusting woke ham-beast.
To the naysayers of the thread. How is it not racist for white women or black American women although it seems to be mostly white suburban liberal far left women….. who claim that it is a form of racism or misogyny or a “predator relationship” when they see a white man with a foreign woman or an American man black or white with a foreign woman.

How is this not clearly racism against Asian women or foreign women?
Yellow fever.
Maybe we just don't like fat, stupid, needy liberal dirty feminist inkie skanks with pig rings in their noses and purple hair.
LOL. :badgrin:

Saw a Youtube video yesterday of a guy in the Philippines who is 61 and his wife is 25. She was 21 when they got married and they have a 3 year old. He is in bad shape, has a brain bleed and his doctor said he could die in three years from it. His wife is pretty and by all appearances loves him. She speaks English and works. And the craziest part is.........he/they are broke. He is only relying on S.S. . It boggles ones mind.

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