US girls say you are a predator if you date a foreign girl.....Darn, who knew?

To the naysayers of the thread. How is it not racist for white women or black American women although it seems to be mostly white suburban liberal far left women….. who claim that it is a form of racism or misogyny or a “predator relationship” when they see a white man with a foreign woman or an American man black or white with a foreign woman.

How is this not clearly racism against Asian women or foreign women?
We know you are buying Russian and Chinese women. What, you thought we didn't know and thought it was all "romance"?
Women need to understand just one basic truth.....Men will be loyal as a dog if you give them reason to.

That does not include turning yourself into a disgusting woke ham-beast.
You must think women are stupid to believe that urban myth.
Both of my grandfathers dated and married foreign chicks, and they weren't "predators" at all.

BTW, American she-males call you a transphone if you date a cisbroad.

And the number of American chicks who are lezbos and hate men in general is at a all time high.
What language is this gibberish supposed to be?
So you never were horny in your youth? You must have a low sex drive
Sexual desire, like many other emotional reactions, are traps to be ignored or worked through without allowing them to overtake the logical mind. Sex is a procreative act reserved for serious, long-term relationships.

I can honestly say I’ve never had sex with a woman I wasn’t prepared to marry and have children with.
Sexual desire, like many other emotional reactions, are traps to be ignored or worked through without allowing them to overtake the logical mind. Sex is a procreative act reserved for serious, long-term relationships.

I can honestly say I’ve never had sex with a woman I wasn’t prepared to marry and have children with.
I respect your decision but I am a healthy 33 year old male and consider sex enjoyable. Different strokes for different folks.
I respect your decision but I am a healthy 33 year old male and consider sex enjoyable. Different strokes for different folks
So long as you are prepared to marry any woman you get pregnant and support her and the child in perpetuity. If not, then I have major issues with your promiscuity.
We know you are buying Russian and Chinese women. What, you thought we didn't know and thought it was all "romance"?
That’s a form of racism against Russian women and Chinese woman as if they can be bought but what American women cannot be bought?

Women can’t be bought. What you are engaging in his sexism of a not only misogynistic level but a racist level.

Some men and some women in this world are corrupt and will do anything for money. That is the non-sexiest correct approach. Have a nice day my friend and I hope you get God in your life
I see no use in the “working woman”. There are very few truly Conservative women left in this country. Beauty is a low priority after morals, values and ideals in my mind.

Respect, yes. That and a strong understanding of the roles, duties and responsibilities of each party to the relationship.
Well there are certainly to your point many stay at home mom stay at home wives in the United States of America. It’s still happening it happens all around the world of course.

To your point I don’t have categories. So I think there’s beauty in larger women, shorter women and taller women. I don’t have “categories” and men who do are just missing out.

I don’t know what your age is but I am a younger man. Although I’m getting older not as Young used to be my friend…. I am in my mid 30s

I couldn’t even piss on my own for maybe a month because because of a car accident. I felt like that guy from the Vietnam movie directed by Oliver stone starring Tom Cruise born on the Fourth of July…. I was out of the dating game for a long time as you can imagine. By miracle I recovered many of my functions including sexual…. I know what true challenge is like and I see all over this country all over America men and women who are mostly Democrats but I’m who are Republican who are into all sorts of racism and assumption when they see certain couples as we saw in the video. The video in the original post shows us racist white women I think maybe one or two of them were black but they were mostly seemingly white liberal want to be elitists who are very judgmental and who show racism toward Asian women. They see a beautiful Asian woman and perhaps they’re jealous but no doubt about it they are showing the racism when they believe that Asian women are perhaps easy to get or are somehow “submissive” while American women are in their view not submissive it is the hallmark of racism.

The reality of the matter. You see greed and money has always been a worldwide issue this is what the Bible shows us. You see that Jesus showed us even a prostitute has something to offer they have love. He who is without sin cast the first stone.

N in our modern era. Working class women and these are black women, Puerto Ricans white women from the inner cities also from the suburbs and some parts but you can tell how they’re really awesome they’re beautiful they’re really into great sex, they’re not stuck up. They don’t judge people. They’re really great to be around. Now you contrast that with again what we saw by the proof of the original post by the proof of the very video the very testimonial of those racist those anti-Asian Races those anti-African racist white liberal women. They see a white man with a foreign wife or maybe even they see a black man with an Asian wife they start to assume all sorts of nonsense all sorts of racist thoughts. And that’s not right it has nothing to do with a civilized world nothing to do with Christianity.

I can tell you about an example I was at a bar yesterday celebrating St. Patrick’s Day ..I had a hard time finding a parking spot that was close enough because of my handicap. people were waiting 25 or 30 minutes to get a drink from the bartender because they were so busy I was just happy to be alive to be able to walk and there were a few white women who were just complaining nonstop and there was even one white man who screamed fuck this place! These people are uncivilized beasts. There was another white woman who was behind me and who said how long are we gonna have to wait and I was conversing with her at one point I said hey look that could be a lot worse we could be in a Third World country and wish she kind of sighed at me …. then an older working class white lady recognized me from physical therapy and she was very happy to talk with me … she told me how great I looked and frankly she looked a lot better than this young frankly overweight far left liberal white Biden supporter and then that younger white far left liberal maniac woman shut her mouth. It was really awesome talking with that woman she was probably 50 years old pretty good looking two and she was telling me how much better I look how healthy I look since I was in a wheelchair. A little bit later maybe 40 minutes later I got a phone number from a young beautiful woman she was probably 21 and we’ll see where that goes you know getting a phone number is only half the battle. You see after my accident I just live life to the fullest and I have no fear whatsoever of rejection from a lady because there’s billions of women in the world and so for example yesterday during the St. Patrick’s Day celebration there was like 1000 people at a beer tent and I approached probably four or five women until I got a phone number from some beautiful lady…. by the way all the other ladies I talk to Who told me they were not single were very nice, very pleasant and I’m certainly looking very good by the way….. I’ve also gotten a few dates with this Russian woman she’s in her late 30s incredibly beautiful blonde hair blue eyes very thin she’s probably 5 foot 10 much taller than the average American woman so lotta great things happening. The point is when you stay positive when you trust in God when you believe in yourself anything is possible.
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The older Russian women I’ve been dating drives a $100,000 Mercedes-Benz. She is a manager at a European gas company.


Don’t fall on the wrong side of history like those white racist women in the video of the original post.
Well there are certainly to your point many stay at home mom stay at home wives in the United States of America. It’s still happening it happens all around the world of course
They exist in this country and worldwide. Unfortunately in this country you almost have to go into the religious organizations or the smaller, more rural communities to find that type of woman. Especially in the younger generations.

I’ll be 49 in July.
I couldn’t even piss on my own for maybe a month because because of a car accident. I was out of the dating game for a long time as you can imagine. By miracle I recovered many of my functions including sexual…. I know what true challenge is like and I see all over this country all over America men and women who are mostly Democrats but I’m who are Republican who are into all sorts of racism and assumption when they see certain couples as we saw in the video
I’m very sorry to hear about your injury and very glad to hear you have recovered to the degree you have.

Racism will always exist, as it is part of human nature. What I think most of these American women in general, and Edith white ones fail to realize is that it’s not about nationality or race for these men. It’s about culture, morals/values, and ideology. These foreign women are simply more like the woman they want in their mind.
They see a beautiful Asian woman and perhaps they’re jealous but no doubt about it they are showing the racism when they believe that Asian women are perhaps easy to get or hire somehow “submissive”
These women fail to understand that it’s about personality, culture, and values. These Asian women ARE more amicable, les dramatic, and more home/family/husband oriented. That’s a cultural thing, not a racial thing.
So long as you are prepared to marry any woman you get pregnant and support her and the child in perpetuity. If not, then I have major issues with your promiscuity.
I use protection to avoid impregnating a woman so I'm not worried about having a child.
I use protection to avoid impregnating a woman so I'm not worried about having a child
I could send you a dozen names and phone numbers for people I know who have said…

“You can’t be pregnant!! We used a pill/condom/pull out/etc…”

Unless you are prepared to be a parent and a spouse you shouldn’t be having sex.
I could send you a dozen names and phone numbers for people I know who have said…

“You can’t be pregnant!! We used a pill/condom/pull out/etc…”

Unless you are prepared to be a parent and a spouse you shouldn’t be having sex.
Who are you to judge me?

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