US Government ***Admits***Boats In Iranian Waters Story Is ****False****

Well since we have the most transparent administration in our country's history
I'm sure we will know soon exactly what happened.

Yeah right....
Anyone who ever spent time on the water can visually estimate the distance from the boat to another boat, shoreline, etc. within a quarter mile more or less. There is no way it was an accident, unless they are totally incompetent retards, which is possible.
Anyone who believes that navel command didn't know exactly where those boats were are fools.

They were up to something and we will never know what. just like the gun running at Benghazi it will never see the light of day. Because they are all in on it together.

Are those the people in charge of belly-button lint?

Oops, I certainly deserved that, what a difference an e makes to an a.
U.S. Radically Changes Its Story of the Boats in Iranian Waters: to an Even More Suspicious Version

There was no engine failure, and the boats were never “in distress.” Once the sailors were released, AP reported, “In Washington, a defense official said the Navy has ruled out engine or propulsion failure as the reason the boats entered Iranian waters.”
Instead, said Defense Secretary Ashton Carter at a press conference this morning, the sailors “made a navigational error that mistakenly took them into Iranian territorial waters.” He added that they “obviously had misnavigated” when, in the words of the New York Times, “they came within a few miles of Farsi Island, where Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps has a naval base.” The LA Times conveyed this new official explanation: “A sailor may have punched the wrong coordinates into the GPS and they wound up off course. Or the crew members may have taken a shortcut into Iranian waters as they headed for the refueling ship, officials said.” The initial slogan “inadvertently drifted” — suggesting a disabled boat helplessly floating wherever the ocean takes it — has now been replaced in the script by “inadvertently strayed,” meaning the boats were erroneously steered into Iranian waters without any intention to go there.

How would we like Iranian boats within our borders
Yeah well, we should STILL go to war anyway. Just think of the job creation and other economic benefits.
If you believe anything the pentagon says I have a Pat Tillman jersey to sell you .
Two thousand years ago, a Roman could wander the known world confident that he would be unmolested by local unruly elements, protected only by the statement “Civis romanus sum,” I am a Roman citizen. His confidence stemmed from a demonstrated assurance that any group that dared attack a Roman would trigger a response in the form of a Roman legion, which would deal swift and brutal justice. Juxtapose this image of a previous world-spanning hegemon with the image of ten American Sailors kneeling on the deck of their own vessel with their hands clasped together over their heads. It is an image of indignity and failure that is accompanied by the smell of rotting power.

Read more at: Iran’s Arrest of U.S. Sailors Reflects Obama’s Foreign-Policy Weakness, by Jerry Hendrix, National Review
The military is saying that the iranians took two sims cards from the sat phones.

"The first report on the incident, released Monday, noted the loss. “A post-recovery inventory of the boats found that all weapons, ammunition, and communication gear are accounted for minus two SIM cards that appear to have been removed from two handheld satellite phones,” said the report from the U.S. Central Command.
The importance of that loss could be substantial, according to a former naval intelligence officer who spoke to Independent Journal.

“Those SIM cards don’t just contain the satellite links,” he said. “They also include encryption codes, and otherwise unpublished data relating to specific orders and personnel,” he added.
The former naval officer said those SIM cards should not have been allowed to fall into Iranian hands."

Former Naval Officer Just Revealed Massive Detail About What Iran Took From Captured U.S. Sailors
And those SIM cards also had joe bidens dick pics ! Curse you IRAN !!!
U.S. Radically Changes Its Story of the Boats in Iranian Waters: to an Even More Suspicious Version

There was no engine failure, and the boats were never “in distress.” Once the sailors were released, AP reported, “In Washington, a defense official said the Navy has ruled out engine or propulsion failure as the reason the boats entered Iranian waters.”
Instead, said Defense Secretary Ashton Carter at a press conference this morning, the sailors “made a navigational error that mistakenly took them into Iranian territorial waters.” He added that they “obviously had misnavigated” when, in the words of the New York Times, “they came within a few miles of Farsi Island, where Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps has a naval base.” The LA Times conveyed this new official explanation: “A sailor may have punched the wrong coordinates into the GPS and they wound up off course. Or the crew members may have taken a shortcut into Iranian waters as they headed for the refueling ship, officials said.” The initial slogan “inadvertently drifted” — suggesting a disabled boat helplessly floating wherever the ocean takes it — has now been replaced in the script by “inadvertently strayed,” meaning the boats were erroneously steered into Iranian waters without any intention to go there.

so....are you always right from the very beginning?
U.S. Radically Changes Its Story of the Boats in Iranian Waters: to an Even More Suspicious Version

There was no engine failure, and the boats were never “in distress.” Once the sailors were released, AP reported, “In Washington, a defense official said the Navy has ruled out engine or propulsion failure as the reason the boats entered Iranian waters.”
Instead, said Defense Secretary Ashton Carter at a press conference this morning, the sailors “made a navigational error that mistakenly took them into Iranian territorial waters.” He added that they “obviously had misnavigated” when, in the words of the New York Times, “they came within a few miles of Farsi Island, where Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps has a naval base.” The LA Times conveyed this new official explanation: “A sailor may have punched the wrong coordinates into the GPS and they wound up off course. Or the crew members may have taken a shortcut into Iranian waters as they headed for the refueling ship, officials said.” The initial slogan “inadvertently drifted” — suggesting a disabled boat helplessly floating wherever the ocean takes it — has now been replaced in the script by “inadvertently strayed,” meaning the boats were erroneously steered into Iranian waters without any intention to go there.


Big deal. There was some speculation about why they were there, and someone said they might have broke down, but nobody official ever said that was the reason. You are trying to make something out of nothing again.

They were delivering nukes special delivery from Obama's deal

U.S. Radically Changes Its Story of the Boats in Iranian Waters: to an Even More Suspicious Version

There was no engine failure, and the boats were never “in distress.” Once the sailors were released, AP reported, “In Washington, a defense official said the Navy has ruled out engine or propulsion failure as the reason the boats entered Iranian waters.”
Instead, said Defense Secretary Ashton Carter at a press conference this morning, the sailors “made a navigational error that mistakenly took them into Iranian territorial waters.” He added that they “obviously had misnavigated” when, in the words of the New York Times, “they came within a few miles of Farsi Island, where Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps has a naval base.” The LA Times conveyed this new official explanation: “A sailor may have punched the wrong coordinates into the GPS and they wound up off course. Or the crew members may have taken a shortcut into Iranian waters as they headed for the refueling ship, officials said.” The initial slogan “inadvertently drifted” — suggesting a disabled boat helplessly floating wherever the ocean takes it — has now been replaced in the script by “inadvertently strayed,” meaning the boats were erroneously steered into Iranian waters without any intention to go there.

so....are you always right from the very beginning?

Nobody is talking about a movie here.

Two thousand years ago, a Roman could wander the known world confident that he would be unmolested by local unruly elements, protected only by the statement “Civis romanus sum,” I am a Roman citizen. His confidence stemmed from a demonstrated assurance that any group that dared attack a Roman would trigger a response in the form of a Roman legion, which would deal swift and brutal justice. Juxtapose this image of a previous world-spanning hegemon with the image of ten American Sailors kneeling on the deck of their own vessel with their hands clasped together over their heads. It is an image of indignity and failure that is accompanied by the smell of rotting power.

Read more at: Iran’s Arrest of U.S. Sailors Reflects Obama’s Foreign-Policy Weakness, by Jerry Hendrix, National Review

This isn't ancient Rome dumb ass.
Ya don't say.......principle still applies though.......Iran immediately replaced the hostages they let go with new ones..........oooops..........

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