US has murdered thousands of civilians with drones


Aug 5, 2012
FEMA region 4
US Killed 700 Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in 2009 -- News from

This in in 2009 alone 700 civilians murdered by drones...and you chicken hawks wonder WHY they hate us? Why so many people are willing to blow themselves up just to take out a handful of American soldiers? WHY they try to blow up planes? You seriously ask WHY? Either people are extremely stupid or are they just don't care WHY they do this...
US Killed 700 Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in 2009 -- News from

This in in 2009 alone 700 civilians murdered by drones...and you chicken hawks wonder WHY they hate us? Why so many people are willing to blow themselves up just to take out a handful of American soldiers? WHY they try to blow up planes? You seriously ask WHY? Either people are extremely stupid or are they just don't care WHY they do this...

Where are the records of this estimate and who recorded them?
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Read the article. Hell all ya gotta do is listen to the news and keep track of how many they say each time...I am sure they don't tell the whole truth on it though...point being even if 1 is killed that creates possible hundreds of "terrorists"
Americans WILL start to care when these drones, all 30,000 of them, start dropping bombs here. THEN it won't be so "cool".
You clowns claimed crazy numbers in Iraq, so claim 1,000,000 killed to really make your point stand out.
Read the article. Hell all ya gotta do is listen to the news and keep track of how many they say each time...I am sure they don't tell the whole truth on it though...point being even if 1 is killed that creates possible hundreds of "terrorists"

I read the article. They got their number from another obscure web site. Their link to that web site is broken.

So what do we have in the way of evidence of the "murdered thousands of civilians with drones"?

Nothing. Zip. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

I did go to the Qatar Penisula web site which the OP link linked to and tried to find anything about US drones killing 700 civilians, but could not find it.

I did find an article there which says the Taliban has murdered thousands, though.

The Taliban last week threatened Pakistani security forces with further suicide attacks to avenge US missile strikes, which have become a key tactic in the US-led fight to reverse a Taliban insurgency in neighbouring Afghanistan.

A militant bombing campaign has killed more than 3,700 people and fanned instability across nuclear-armed Pakistan since July 2007.

These assholes deliberately target women and children civilian targets.

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Ah. Typical chicken hawks...can't disprove it so turn the tables on the militants the drone attacks helped create...BRILLIANT!
Innocent civilians were killed by mistake in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan but that is what happens in a warzone.

Now the terrorists in those countries kill innocent civilians even today on purpose to blame it on the US/coalition, to scare/blackmail the locals to support them or just to create chaos to hopefully get dumbfuck liberals and losertarians demand "bring home the troops."
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US Killed 700 Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in 2009 -- News from

This in in 2009 alone 700 civilians murdered by drones...and you chicken hawks wonder WHY they hate us? Why so many people are willing to blow themselves up just to take out a handful of American soldiers? WHY they try to blow up planes? You seriously ask WHY? Either people are extremely stupid or are they just don't care WHY they do this...

Interesting how you remain silent about the thousands of innocent civilians killed by insurgents and terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, or the civilians slaughtered by muslims in Africa, the Middle East and Asia simply for being christians. I guess it doesn't fit you personal political agenda, eh. Your double standard is showing, although what else could be expected from an anarchist.
Obama's administration have blood on their hands. First with Fast and Furious and Brian Terry and also Jaime Zapata the other Ice agent who death is also linked to the guns in fast and Furious.. Now the Ambassador and the 3 others who were killed in Egypt is Obama's fault too. Why have people defend that place with guys with rubber bullets. That is not going to stop a crazy Muslim.. He also killed Anward al-Awlaki an American citizen without due process. ALthough I feel that he should be dead doesnt give Obama the right to go out and just kill Americans . And in that drone attack he killed Awlaki 16 year old son
US Killed 700 Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in 2009 -- News from

This in in 2009 alone 700 civilians murdered by drones...and you chicken hawks wonder WHY they hate us? Why so many people are willing to blow themselves up just to take out a handful of American soldiers? WHY they try to blow up planes? You seriously ask WHY? Either people are extremely stupid or are they just don't care WHY they do this...

Interesting how you remain silent about the thousands of innocent civilians killed by insurgents and terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, or the civilians slaughtered by muslims in Africa, the Middle East and Asia simply for being christians. I guess it doesn't fit you personal political agenda, eh. Your double standard is showing, although what else could be expected from an anarchist.

My government is the reason those "terrorists" have blood on their government creates terrorists by murdering civilians women and children,propping up dictatorships in the ME,putting sanctions on them that only hurts the people and not the leadership...
Thank goodness the kiddies have "" for their inquiring little minds.........

Whats next, Alex Jones ??? LOL
Ah. Typical chicken hawks...can't disprove it so turn the tables on the militants the drone attacks helped create...BRILLIANT!

^ typical lying twat. You can't PROVE your own idiotic assertions, so you pretend that others have an obligation to disprove your fiction. :lol:

Eat shit. You SUCK at this.

What are you? Like 16 or 17?

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