US Intel Report Indicated 2 People Associated with Russian Intel Knew About Dossier Research – Same Month Rosenstein Signed FISA Warrant

You post lie after lie. The OP included one. A footnote said one thing and you claimed it said something entirely different.

Nice biased false opinion, snowflake......why is it that when you claim something reported (supported with link / facts) is a LIE the only thing you offer is YOUR opinion it is a lie?


The smug criminal SOB lectured the American people on how the FISA Warrant Process
works, declaring most people didn't understand it. He declared the Request was based
on VERIFIED FACT, not speculation and that every effort was made to sure everything
in the FISA Warrant Request Application was verified, that if anyone knowingly engaged
in FISA Court abuses they should be held accountable.....

"CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge obtained newly declassified footnotes in IG Horowitz’s report showing multiple warnings to the FBI about Hillary’s phony Russia dossier but they used it anyway to spy on Trump’s campaign and to sabotage his presidency.

“..[A]n early June 2017 USIC (US Intelligence Community) report indicated that two persons affiliated with RIS (Russian Intelligence Services) were aware of Steele’s election investigation in early July 2016,” the footnote said. “The Supervisory Intel Analyst told us he was aware of these reports, but that he had no information as of June 2017 that Steele’s election reporting source network had been penetrated or compromised.”

The timing of this intel report is significant because then-DAG Rosenstein used the dossier as a pretext to spy on President Trump that same month!

In June of 2017, Rod Rosenstein, along with FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, signed the fourth and final FISA application on Carter Page."


"The timing of this US intel report is also significant because Rod Rosenstein had just appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate “Trump-Russia collusion.”

So US intel agencies and the FBI both knew the dossier was Russian disinformation yet they allowed Mueller to rove around for 2 years unchecked probing Trump and harassing/arresting his associates for non-crimes."

Rosenstein might want to start 'lawyering up', if he has not done so already...


Fucking traitors!

Greatest attack on the Constitution in American history
You post lie after lie. The OP included one. A footnote said one thing and you claimed it said something entirely different.

Nice biased false opinion, snowflake......why is it that when you claim something reported (supported with link / facts) is a LIE the only thing you offer is YOUR opinion it is a lie?


Well just look at your own OP. The footnote states that the Russians were aware of Steele's network. You then made the claim that this proves that the Steele dossier was disinformation. That's a lie. That's not what the footnote says. I don't need any links to support it. It's all there in your own OP.
The biggest scandal in US history is about to start getting into the spotlight as soon as AG Barr and Durham have all of the evidence gathered. Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, and then up and down the chain....had better lawyer up.
It won’t. You guys are turning some problems with a single warrant into the biggest scandal in US history and it’s ridiculous.

No one you’ve listed has any evidence of any criminal acts In order to get Trump because they weren’t out to get Trump.

I'm sure you'd say the EXACT same thing had Bush made his FBI swear out fake FISA warrants to spy on Born in Kenya Obama
The biggest scandal in US history is about to start getting into the spotlight as soon as AG Barr and Durham have all of the evidence gathered. Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, and then up and down the chain....had better lawyer up.
They’re gonna need a bigger lawyer!
The biggest scandal in US history is about to start getting into the spotlight as soon as AG Barr and Durham have all of the evidence gathered. Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, and then up and down the chain....had better lawyer up.
It won’t. You guys are turning some problems with a single warrant into the biggest scandal in US history and it’s ridiculous.

No one you’ve listed has any evidence of any criminal acts In order to get Trump because they weren’t out to get Trump.

I'm sure you'd say the EXACT same thing had Bush made his FBI swear out fake FISA warrants to spy on Born in Kenya Obama

Obama didn't make anyone swear out a fake warrant on anyone. That was a decision made at the FBI on their own accord given the Trump campaign's "cozy" relationship with Russians who were currently engaged in illegal activities to benefit their campaign.
Well just look at your own OP. The footnote states that the Russians were aware of Steele's network. You then made the claim that this proves that the Steele dossier was disinformation. That's a lie. That's not what the footnote says. I don't need any links to support it. It's all there in your own OP.

You really aren't that bright...and are a terrible liar....

The evidence in the OP (and other official docs released and referenced / linked in the last few days, as you know since you responded to about all of them) revealed is that the FBI assessed the contents of Steele's Dossier to be Russian Intel Service (RIS) Counter-Intelligence propaganda already flagged as being used against US Foreign Policy but that the FBI intentionally used that propaganda generated by the RIS and supplied by Steele in his Dossier in their FISA Court violations anyway.

Documented information (I believe it was US IG) identified Steele as working for / on behalf of 5 separate Russian Oligarchs while taking money from Hillary and the FBI to investigate Trump.
-- So Steele - a KNOWN untrustworthy, biased, Trump-hating foreign spy with an anti-Trump agenda - was working for / with the Russians, and they knew he was investigating Trump on behalf of the US / Obama FBI. Already engaged in 2 years of attempting to hack the US power grid, using social media to trick snowflakes into organizing and marching for them, and attempting to hack senior US officials - all thanks to Obama giving them a free hand to do s ofor 2 years, OF COURSE THE RUSSIANS WERE ALL TOO EAGER TO FEED STEELE - THE FBI'S ANTI-TRUMP INVESTIGATOR - PROPAGANDA TO TAKE BACK TO THE FBI.

The US IG Report even reports that STEELE himself told the FBI that he had no clue if any of the information was valid or not.....and after seeing what was in the report the FBI made ZERO effort to validate the info!
-- In the interview, Steele admitted he was working for Russian Oligarchs, Hillary, and Fusion GPS at the same time he was working for the FBI and said HE FELT NO OBLIGATION TO BE LOYAL, HONEST, OR OFFER UP ANY INFORMATION HE HAD THAT HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIS OTHER EMPLOYERS!

This type of lying and dishonesty is exactly why the State Department immediately told the NSA, CIA, DOJ, and FBI - before the Dossier was used to commit FISA Court Abuses - that Steele had lied during a State Department Interview and was not to be considered trustworthy...

...but the DIS Propaganda Steele delivered in the Dossier was just so damn juicy - everything they wanted / much so that they refused to attempt to validate it, ignored the State Department's warning (outwardly / publicly 'firing' Steele but continuing to work with him and have him work with Ohr and Mueller quietly...and intentionally ended up using the KNOWN RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA in their FISA Court abuses toi get warrants to spy on Trump and his team.

ALL of the evidence has been uncovered, revealed, and laid out.
- Page testified it happened.
- Ohr Testified it happened.
- STEELE admitted it all happened.
- The FBI has admitted they engaged in FISA Court Abuses after being called before the FISA Court
- Wray was forced to admit it and provide a proposed plan for the FBI making 'fixes' and ensuring it never happened again.
- The US IG recorded / reported it; rebuked the FBI for failing to properly vet foreign sources like Steele, reported how they sat on the report - despite already having assessed it as RIS Propaganda, Steele saying he had no idea if it was true, and making no attempt to verify anything in it (BECAUSE THEY HAD ALREADY ASSESSED IT CONTAINED KNOWN RIS PROPAGANDA)...and still ADMITTEDLY used it to commit FISA Court Violations.
Obama didn't make anyone swear out a fake warrant on anyone.

FBI Agent Lisa Page testified that she attended meetings (referenced in her lover's texts) in the Oval office that were attended by the President, VP, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, and Baker - meeting in which they discussed the on-going actions being taken to spy on Trump and his team. She confirmed (validated) what was in Strzok's texts and a lot of what has been revealed in FBI files, official docs, etc....

Former NSA Clapper, when pressed on his part in the scandal (spying, controlling information sent to 4 of the more than a dozen Intel Agencies in order to get the desire result they wanted to justify further actions, etc...), DECLARED HE DID NOT KNOW WHY PEOPLE / INVESTIGATORS WRE MAKING SUCH A BIG DEAL OUT OF THEIR INVESTIGATING / SPYING ON TRUMP AND HIS TEAM...HE AID HE WAS 'JUST DOING WHAT THE PRESIDENT ORDERED US TO DO'.
-- At this point Clapper knew Shit was about to hit the fan, and he had already escaped 2 Felony Indictments for Perjury under Obama...and with Obama out the door he was getting nervous. He wanted to / wants to make sure he ain't going down when it was Barry who ordered them to dig up crap on Trump 'BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE'.
The evidence in the OP (and other official docs released and referenced / linked in the last few days, as you know since you responded to about all of them) revealed is that the FBI assessed the contents of Steele's Dossier to be Russian Intel Service (RIS) Counter-Intelligence propaganda already flagged as being used against US Foreign Policy but that the FBI intentionally used that propaganda generated by the RIS and supplied by Steele in his Dossier in their FISA Court violations anyway.

This is a lie. You will link a document and then lie about the contents like you did in this OP.
This is a lie. You will link a document and then lie about the contents like you did in this OP.
Thanks for that But-hurt opinion, snowflake....

As I said, it is factual data documented in numerous official documents and reports, all of which you keep ignoring / lying about:

The footnotes reveal that, beginning early on and continuing throughout the FBI’s Russia investigation, FBI officials learned critical information streams that flowed to the dossier were likely tainted with Russian Intelligence disinformation. But the FBI aggressively advanced the probe anyway, ignoring internal oversight mechanisms and neglecting to flag the material credibility concerns for a secret court. Despite later intelligence reports that key elements of the FBI’s evidence were the result of Russian infiltration to undermine U.S. foreign relations.

Four footnotes in the Inspector General report on the FBI’s Russia investigation, which were partially declassified on Friday, indicate that the FBI suspected that portions of the Steele dossier contained Russian disinformation as early as 2017.

FBI officials had also expressed concerns about former British spy Christopher Steele’s ties to Russian oligarchs as early as 2015, but those concerns were never relayed to the team that investigated the Trump campaign.

Last edited:
FBI Agent Lisa Page testified that she attended meetings (referenced in her lover's texts) in the Oval office that were attended by the President, VP, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, and Baker - meeting in which they discussed the on-going actions being taken to spy on Trump and his team. She confirmed (validated) what was in Strzok's texts and a lot of what has been revealed in FBI files, official docs, etc....

Total bullshit. Show me the testimony if you want to make this bullshit claim. You won't. You'll run away again, just like you always do.

CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge obtained newly declassified footnotes in IG Horowitz’s report showing multiple warnings to the FBI about Hillary’s phony Russia dossier but they used it anyway to spy on Trump’s campaign and to sabotage his presidency.

So US intel agencies and the FBI both knew the dossier was Russian disinformation yet they allowed Mueller to rove around for 2 years unchecked probing Trump and harassing/arresting his associates for non-crimes.

#FISA Notable timing: June 2017 US report indicates individuals associated w/Russian intel knew about dossier research. Also June 2017, after appointment SC Mueller, DAG Rosenstein signs final @carterwpage FISA renewal, according to declassified footnotes first obtained @CBSNews
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) April 15, 2020

Former FBI Agent Lisa Pages testified that the FBI had done its own investigating and knew there was nothing to the BS Russian Narrative before the Official investigation was opened and before Mueller was appointed SC :

This is a lie. You will link a document and then lie about the contents like you did in this OP.
Thanks for that But-hurt opinion, snowflake....

As I said, it is factual data documented in numerous official documents and reports, all of which you keep ignoring / lying about:

The footnotes reveal that, beginning early on and continuing throughout the FBI’s Russia investigation, FBI officials learned critical information streams that flowed to the dossier were likely tainted with Russian Intelligence disinformation. But the FBI aggressively advanced the probe anyway, ignoring internal oversight mechanisms and neglecting to flag the material credibility concerns for a secret court. Despite later intelligence reports that key elements of the FBI’s evidence were the result of Russian infiltration to undermine U.S. foreign relations.

Four footnotes in the Inspector General report on the FBI’s Russia investigation, which were partially declassified on Friday, indicate that the FBI suspected that portions of the Steele dossier contained Russian disinformation as early as 2017.

FBI officials had also expressed concerns about former British spy Christopher Steele’s ties to Russian oligarchs as early as 2015, but those concerns were never relayed to the team that investigated the Trump campaign.

Those footnotes indicate limited subsets (their words) may have been. None of those subsets were part of the Page warrant.
Total bullshit. Show me the testimony if you want to make this bullshit claim. You won't. You'll run away again, just like you always do.

Gladly, snowflake....

As already posted....

Former FBI Agent Lisa Pages testified that the FBI had done its own investigating and knew there was nothing to the BS Russian Narrative before the Official investigation was opened and before Mueller was appointed SC :

Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn't prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

To date, Lisa Page’s infamy has been driven mostly by the anti-Donald Trump text messages she exchanged with fellow FBI agent Peter Strzok as the two engaged in an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion with Russia. Yet, when history judges the former FBI lawyer...



Total bullshit. Show me the testimony if you want to make this bullshit claim. You won't. You'll run away again, just like you always do.

Gladly, snowflake....

As already posted....

Former FBI Agent Lisa Pages testified that the FBI had done its own investigating and knew there was nothing to the BS Russian Narrative before the Official investigation was opened and before Mueller was appointed SC :

Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn't prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

To date, Lisa Page’s infamy has been driven mostly by the anti-Donald Trump text messages she exchanged with fellow FBI agent Peter Strzok as the two engaged in an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion with Russia. Yet, when history judges the former FBI lawyer...



I don't know if your short term memory is that bad or what, but you claimed Page testified to sitting in the oval office with the president, VP and a bunch of other people talking about spying on Trump.

FBI Agent Lisa Page testified that she attended meetings (referenced in her lover's texts) in the Oval office that were attended by the President, VP, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, and Baker - meeting in which they discussed the on-going actions being taken to spy on Trump and his team. She confirmed (validated) what was in Strzok's texts and a lot of what has been revealed in FBI files, official docs, etc....

The links you provided above don't say that.

This is yet another example of posting a link and lying about what's in it.

So I'll give you another swing sport. Where is the testimony that Page was in the oval office talking about the investigation.
"Before Donald Trump was sworn in as president, FBI agents flew to Ukraine and interviewed Christopher Steele’s primary sub-source for the dossier. That individual revealed that all of his claims were drunken bar jokes that he told Steele after he had swilled too much vodka. The FBI knew that Steele’s dossier was fake from that alone, but there was even more evidence!

The British government alerted the US that it was disavowing all of Steele’s work on the dossier. All of it. His former spook employers with British intelligence told the FBI: Don’t trust this guy, he’s a loser, and nothing that he says, or writes, can be taken as truthful."

Oh, but it gets better.....

The British government sent that communique directly to Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn as Trump’s acting national security advisor – but Flynn never received it. Instead, it somehow ended up in the hands of the FBI and it was withheld from Flynn’s current legal team for more than two years. Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice had a copy of it. Even Robert Mueller’s team saw that communique from the British government before Flynn’s legal team did.

And even with all that information, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Sally Yates and the rest of Team Collusion signed off on an additional three FISA warrant applications against Carter Page. The Papadopoulos and Page exculpatory statements were deliberately excluded from the FISA warrant applications."

Total bullshit. Show me the testimony if you want to make this bullshit claim. You won't. You'll run away again, just like you always do.

Gladly, snowflake....

As already posted....

Former FBI Agent Lisa Pages testified that the FBI had done its own investigating and knew there was nothing to the BS Russian Narrative before the Official investigation was opened and before Mueller was appointed SC :

Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn't prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

To date, Lisa Page’s infamy has been driven mostly by the anti-Donald Trump text messages she exchanged with fellow FBI agent Peter Strzok as the two engaged in an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion with Russia. Yet, when history judges the former FBI lawyer...



I don't know if your short term memory is that bad or what, but you claimed Page testified to sitting in the oval office with the president, VP and a bunch of other people talking about spying on Trump.

FBI Agent Lisa Page testified that she attended meetings (referenced in her lover's texts) in the Oval office that were attended by the President, VP, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, and Baker - meeting in which they discussed the on-going actions being taken to spy on Trump and his team. She confirmed (validated) what was in Strzok's texts and a lot of what has been revealed in FBI files, official docs, etc....

The links you provided above don't say that.

This is yet another example of posting a link and lying about what's in it.

So I'll give you another swing sport. Where is the testimony that Page was in the oval office talking about the investigation.

In the last few posts alone I have provided more links to debunk your lies and BS than you have provided altogether the last several MONTHS. You know about those links - you have seen those links - you have responded to those links. The problem is that you and your die-hard snowflake lying buddies have this tactic of demanding the SAME EXACTR LINKS you always demand every time the same discussions come up...and each time you declare if you do not provide those (same) links (again) you are a liar. That has been debunked, too.

As I said, I have provided more links in the last few posts alone than you have in 6 months. All you do is spew opinionated BS, accusations, and never back any of it up with anything other than your own opinion.

Spoon-feeding time is over. If you want the same links again and again, feel free to look them up in my previous responses to these same lying / bs accusations of yours. They won't be hard to find since I provided you with them enough times.
Page also testified Obama's DOJ Told the FBI To 'Stand Down' on the Hillary Investigation:

From the transcript:

Rep John Ratcliffe:
“Okay. So, let me get this if I can, I know I’m testing your memory, but when you say advice you got from the [Justice] Department, you’re making it sound like it was the Department that told you: You’re not going to charge gross negligence because we’re the prosecutors and we’re telling you we’re not going to –”

Page: “That is correct.”

Colon, are you stupid enough to believe the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI Directors would conduct an un-authorized investigation of the Republican Party's Presidential Nominee in an election year, to include obtaining FISA Court Warrants to spy on that candidate and team - in an election year - without the President of the United States 1`) Knowing about it, 2) authorizing it, and 3) being fully briefed and kept updated about it...because that is what you have been and are contiuning to suggest.

Strzok texted about it.
Page confirmed it.
Clapper declared they were only doing what Obama ordered them to do.
The US IG already confirmed the FBI's actions and rebuked them.
The FISA Court exposed the Abuse and called the current FBI Director on it.

The evidence exists the FBI knew there was no crime or even evidence.
They knew he Dossier was RIS Propaganda and still used it
The State Dept warned the NSA, DOJ, CIA, & FBI Steele proved himself not trustworthy by lying to them
STEELE himself told the FBI the information was unverified...and the FBI made no effort to do so

Rosenstein testified it is mandatory to make sure every effort to validate / verify any claims / info on a FISA court warrant Request is 100% accurate
- The FBI knowingly used a foreign working for the Russians and who lied to the State Dept
- The FBI KNEW the contents were assessed to be RIS propaganda
- The FBI KNEW Steele said it was not verified yet made no effort to verify it.
- Page stated the FBI did NOT have any evidence of a crime / illegal collusion

....yet Comey and Rosenstein signed the FISA Court Requests...WHICH ROSENSTEIN TESTIFIED IS A CRIME!

Everyone knows what happened because that is what the evidence, documents, reports, texts, testimony, and more all undeniably show....yet despite the overwhelming undeniable amount of already existing evidence POS snowflakes still lie,deny, and justify....
Total bullshit. Show me the testimony if you want to make this bullshit claim. You won't. You'll run away again, just like you always do.

Gladly, snowflake....

As already posted....

Former FBI Agent Lisa Pages testified that the FBI had done its own investigating and knew there was nothing to the BS Russian Narrative before the Official investigation was opened and before Mueller was appointed SC :

Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn't prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

To date, Lisa Page’s infamy has been driven mostly by the anti-Donald Trump text messages she exchanged with fellow FBI agent Peter Strzok as the two engaged in an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion with Russia. Yet, when history judges the former FBI lawyer...



I don't know if your short term memory is that bad or what, but you claimed Page testified to sitting in the oval office with the president, VP and a bunch of other people talking about spying on Trump.

FBI Agent Lisa Page testified that she attended meetings (referenced in her lover's texts) in the Oval office that were attended by the President, VP, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, and Baker - meeting in which they discussed the on-going actions being taken to spy on Trump and his team. She confirmed (validated) what was in Strzok's texts and a lot of what has been revealed in FBI files, official docs, etc....

The links you provided above don't say that.

This is yet another example of posting a link and lying about what's in it.

So I'll give you another swing sport. Where is the testimony that Page was in the oval office talking about the investigation.

In the last few posts alone I have provided more links to debunk your lies and BS than you have provided altogether the last several MONTHS. You know about those links - you have seen those links - you have responded to those links. The problem is that you and your die-hard snowflake lying buddies have this tactic of demanding the SAME EXACTR LINKS you always demand every time the same discussions come up...and each time you declare if you do not provide those (same) links (again) you are a liar. That has been debunked, too.

As I said, I have provided more links in the last few posts alone than you have in 6 months. All you do is spew opinionated BS, accusations, and never back any of it up with anything other than your own opinion.

Spoon-feeding time is over. If you want the same links again and again, feel free to look them up in my previous responses to these same lying / bs accusations of yours. They won't be hard to find since I provided you with them enough times.

Yeah. That’s what I thought. You make stupid unsubstantiated claims and then run away like a little bitch when called out on them.

Still waiting for that testimony where Page said she was in the Oval Office with Biden and Obama.

Going to provide it or going to whine like a little bitch again?

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