US judge OKs holding Taliban cook at Guantanamo


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
A US judge said on Wednesday that being a cook for the Taliban was reason enough for the US military to hold a Yemen man as an enemy combatant at Guantanamo Bay.

US District Judge Richard Leon denied Ghaleb Nassar Al Bihani's request to be released from the military prison.

Al Bihani, a Yemen citizen, has been held for more than seven years. He said that he never fired a weapon while serving with Taliban forces in Afghanistan and worked as an assistant in the kitchen.

Leon said Al Bihani's work still supported the Taliban and the US government has appropriately classified him as an enemy combatant. In his ruling, Leon quoted Napoleon as saying "An army marches on its stomach."

US judge OKs holding Taliban cook at Guantanamo | International | Jerusalem Post
A US judge said on Wednesday that being a cook for the Taliban was reason enough for the US military to hold a Yemen man as an enemy combatant at Guantanamo Bay.

US District Judge Richard Leon denied Ghaleb Nassar Al Bihani's request to be released from the military prison.

Al Bihani, a Yemen citizen, has been held for more than seven years. He said that he never fired a weapon while serving with Taliban forces in Afghanistan and worked as an assistant in the kitchen.

Leon said Al Bihani's work still supported the Taliban and the US government has appropriately classified him as an enemy combatant. In his ruling, Leon quoted Napoleon as saying "An army marches on its stomach."

US judge OKs holding Taliban cook at Guantanamo | International | Jerusalem Post

Does anyone notice the irony here?

A U.S. Judge is finally speaking out against this man SEVEN YEARS after he was arrested. And of course, no trial yet either.

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