US military needs to be completely revamped

Korea we were completely in the right. One only has to look at North Korea today to realize we did the Koreans a solid.
Vietnam was a mistake, but because of superpower concerns, we fought that war with one hand behind our back to make it fair. Foolish.
Syria- a few advisors a war doesn't make.

My point about iraq is that both parties agreed Saddam had to go, and had been calling for him to go for a decade. The problem with the war on terror is that it was the first war where we were concerned about the enemy's feelings!

We went after Iraq because Saddam had been a pain in the ass for 20 years. Also, our Zionist masters wanted him to go.
But here's the thing, once you decide to go to war, you don't do half measures. It ruins your credibility.

Going after a country that had done absolutely nothing to you is what ruins your credibility.

Willing to sacrifice the lives of young men and women over your politics and old grudges.
Going after a country that had done absolutely nothing to you is what ruins your credibility.

Willing to sacrifice the lives of young men and women over your politics and old grudges.

Nope, the UN Authorized us to take out Saddam.
What ruined our credibility was doing it in a half-ass way.
We should have went in there with enough troops. Held a Nuremburg trial for Saddam and his Cadre (instead of just letting the Shi'ites kill him as a party favor) and imposed a government that worked on them.
We didn't.
What we did with West Germany was a pretty good model.
Nope, the UN Authorized us to take out Saddam.

The inspectors continued say "we have found nothing". The UN controls nothing. They do whatever we lead with.

What ruined our credibility was doing it in a half-ass way.
We should have went in there with enough troops. Held a Nuremburg trial for Saddam and his Cadre (instead of just letting the Shi'ites kill him as a party favor) and imposed a government that worked on them.
We didn't.
What we did with West Germany was a pretty good model.

The German people decided their outcome. Iraq, Syria, etc, aren't interested in the same. We gave the people of Iraq and Afghanistan every tool to change the direction of their countries and what did they do? They abandoned those tools and went home to maintain their old way of life.

We will never learn. You can't force people to be who you want them to be.
As was stated above, once you leave active service the DOD no longer cares about you, that is what the VA is for.
The longer a war lasts, the more the defense contractors and Congress profits! That’s why Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan went on so long.

There’s something terribly wrong with this!

Our North Korean style Brass gets promoted for contributing to defense contractors bottom line
The longer a war lasts, the more the defense contractors and Congress profits! That’s why Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan went on so long.

There’s something terribly wrong with this!

Our North Korean style Brass gets promoted for contributing to defense contractors bottom line

You are not wrong, but it happens because the people we elect allow it to happen
The German people decided their outcome. Iraq, Syria, etc, aren't interested in the same. We gave the people of Iraq and Afghanistan every tool to change the direction of their countries and what did they do? They abandoned those tools and went home to maintain their old way of life.


The US conducted opinion surveys in the American zone of occupied Germany.[94] Tony Judt, in his book Postwar: a History of Europe since 1945, extracted and used some of them.[95]

  • A majority in the years 1945–1949 stated Nazism to have been a good idea but badly applied.[94]
  • In 1946, 6% of Germans said the Nuremberg trials had been unfair.[94]
  • In 1946, 37% in the US occupation zone said about the Holocaust that "the extermination of the Jews and Poles and other non-Aryans was necessary for the security of Germans".[94]
  • In 1946, 1 in 3 in the US occupation zone said that Jews should not have the same rights as those belonging to the Aryan race.[94]
  • In 1950, 1 in 3 said the Nuremberg trials had been unfair.[94]
  • In 1952, 37% said Germany was better off without the Jews on its territory.[94]
  • In 1952, 25% had a good opinion of Hitler.[94]

Good thing we didn't let the Germans "Decide their own outcome".

The US conducted opinion surveys in the American zone of occupied Germany.[94] Tony Judt, in his book Postwar: a History of Europe since 1945, extracted and used some of them.[95]

  • A majority in the years 1945–1949 stated Nazism to have been a good idea but badly applied.[94]

True with most anything.

Sounds pretty reasonable. There will always be stragglers.

  • In 1946, 37% in the US occupation zone said about the Holocaust that "the extermination of the Jews and Poles and other non-Aryans was necessary for the security of Germans".[94]

Probably about the same as would say what we did to Native Americans is justifiable today.

  • In 1946, 1 in 3 in the US occupation zone said that Jews should not have the same rights as those belonging to the Aryan race.[94]

Probably a lower percentage than would have said blacks shouldn't have the same rights as whites in the U.S. in 1946. Might still be true today.

  • In 1950, 1 in 3 said the Nuremberg trials had been unfair.[94]
  • In 1952, 37% said Germany was better off without the Jews on its territory.[94]
  • In 1952, 25% had a good opinion of Hitler.[94]

Good thing we didn't let the Germans "Decide their own outcome".

A minority of the people.
True with most anything.

Sounds pretty reasonable. There will always be stragglers.

Probably about the same as would say what we did to Native Americans is justifiable today.

Probably a lower percentage than would have said blacks shouldn't have the same rights as whites in the U.S. in 1946. Might still be true today.

A minority of the people.

You miss the point, Stupid. This is the attitudes they had WITH our Army Issued boots on their necks.
You could only imagine what would have happened if after the war, we said, "Naw, it'll be fine, let them sort it out."
Create viable democracies
ah the ever popular world police debate.....

i'll simply say we've no right to trot the torch of freedom around this rock, if w can't serve as example to it .....
The problem with the war on terror is that it was the first war where we were concerned about the enemy's feelings!
in the sense of propaganda Joe?

i'm inclined to agree.....

what America needs is a war on bullsh*t!

You miss the point, Stupid. This is the attitudes they had WITH our Army Issued boots on their necks.
You could only imagine what would have happened if after the war, we said, "Naw, it'll be fine, let them sort it out."

The numbers show they regretted their actions. People partially changed that perception because of American boots being there. 20 years in Afghanistan. To what end? Nothing changed. It was not us, it was the people.
Korea we were completely in the right. One only has to look at North Korea today to realize we did the Koreans a solid.
Vietnam was a mistake, but because of superpower concerns, we fought that war with one hand behind our back to make it fair. Foolish.
Syria- a few advisors a war doesn't make.

My point about iraq is that both parties agreed Saddam had to go, and had been calling for him to go for a decade. The problem with the war on terror is that it was the first war where we were concerned about the enemy's feelings!

We went after Iraq because Saddam had been a pain in the ass for 20 years. Also, our Zionist masters wanted him to go.
But here's the thing, once you decide to go to war, you don't do half measures. It ruins your credibility.
We killed at least 100,000 innocent people because Saddam was a pain in the ass? Colin Powell told us that the war couldn`t have been sold on "removing Saddam" and that`s why they concocted a most ridiculous story about Iraq being a threat to us and we needed to make a pre-emptive attack. Half measures? How many more Americans were you willing to sacrifice? Iraq wasn`t even a threat to their neighbors. Zionist masters? :auiqs.jpg:
The numbers show they regretted their actions. People partially changed that perception because of American boots being there. 20 years in Afghanistan. To what end? Nothing changed. It was not us, it was the people.
When we go to places where we`re unwanted and unneeded, the invaders will be sent packing. It could take a year or 20 years but they`ll be leaving and the Vietnamese knew this. They kicked the Chinese out twice and the second time it took 700 years to get rid of them.
Why, just because you were never man enough to serve?

Frankly, the worst thing we ever did was end selective service. Everyone should do at least a couple years in the military.
OK, the devil is ice skating now. For once I agree with you.
The numbers show they regretted their actions. People partially changed that perception because of American boots being there. 20 years in Afghanistan. To what end? Nothing changed. It was not us, it was the people.

They regretted their actions because they had a boot on their neck. Had we not gone into Germany, if let's say the July 20 plot succeeded and we reached an agreement to return Germany to her 1937 borders, it would have only been a matter of time before another "Stabbed in the Back" myth showed up.
Nope, the UN Authorized us to take out Saddam.
What ruined our credibility was doing it in a half-ass way.
We should have went in there with enough troops. Held a Nuremburg trial for Saddam and his Cadre (instead of just letting the Shi'ites kill him as a party favor) and imposed a government that worked on them.
We didn't.
What we did with West Germany was a pretty good model.
That was not the same. And in hindsight it cost us a lot of money. Germany was purposely kept split as their people are some of the smartest in the world. Germany is a crossover nation from Western Europe to Eastern Europe. Natural boundaries for defense nonexistent like the U.K. have had over history and the United States has. In a way we kept the Soviet Union going.

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