US Navy Gets outmanuevered

Really? I'm guessing that I know a hell of a lot more than you on the subject. Like I said, shipyard and overhaul periods are dangerous and stressful times onboard a Navy ship. I've got experience with them, how about you?
Fire was small Capt exited the ship twice refusing to fight it and had to be ordered back on....crew didnt even begin to use the capabilities at I said damn you stupid and talking out your ass
Hate to tell you, but it's not just US ships that are not being allowed in, it's ALL nations, and that is just until they get a new set of procedures in place.

The Solomon Islands has issued a moratorium on all nations requesting to send in naval ships while it works on new processes for military vessels entering port.

The announcement from the prime minister, Manasseh Sogavare, comes after it was revealed the US had been issued with a notice of the moratorium.

Dumbass says what?
gee wonder if their new relationship with China had anything to do with it....oooops
Fire was small Capt exited the ship twice refusing to fight it and had to be ordered back on....crew didnt even begin to use the capabilities at I said damn you stupid and talking out your ass

Did you know that the fire was deliberately set by a crewmember? Did you also know that they were undergoing an overhaul period? Do you know what happens during an overhaul period? Or, are you just reading what you want to read, without getting the full picture? Yes, there were many errors when it came to the fire, and yes, there was a lack of training, as well as a lack of maintenance on the ship that should have been done. the way, the CO isn't going to be fighting the fire himself, the bulk of the responsibility is going to be on the firefighting teams and the on scene leaders. Your posts sound like loud flatulence as you appear to be talking out your ass.
Maybe, maybe not, but it's not just US warships that are not being allowed to port there, it's warships of ALL countries at this time.
Gee has the Chinese Navy ever made a port call there........they will be since they will control it....seems only Allies are being kept out.......
Did you know that the fire was deliberately set by a crewmember? Did you also know that they were undergoing an overhaul period? Do you know what happens during an overhaul period? Or, are you just reading what you want to read, without getting the full picture? Yes, there were many errors when it came to the fire, and yes, there was a lack of training, as well as a lack of maintenance on the ship that should have been done. the way, the CO isn't going to be fighting the fire himself, the bulk of the responsibility is going to be on the firefighting teams and the on scene leaders. Your posts sound like loud flatulence as you appear to be talking out your ass.
LMAAOOOO ....Capt was on scene,,,,,its his Admiral had to kick his ass to get him on board. Seem to have read more than you from mil sites....not the news rags
LMAAOOOO ....Capt was on scene,,,,,its his Admiral had to kick his ass to get him on board. Seem to have read more than you from mil sites....not the news rags

Sorry, but reading military news sites doesn't make you an expert. Me? I actually lived that life for over 20 years. And, even if the CO were onboard, they'd more than likely be in DC Central listening to the reports coming over the sound powered phones and making decisions along with the DCA, not manning a hose and fighting the fire.
Anybody believe that a U.S. Coast Guard cutter was "monitoring fishing" in an area where we have no jurisdiction while our borders are unprotected? As usual there has to be a hell of a lot more to the story but if it reflects negatively on the Biden administration the media will ignore it.

It was part of an ongoing Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency mission to monitor illegal fishing in the Pacific. It was doing so in International Waters, which it does have jurisdiction. In fact, the Solomon Islands are a part of the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency. In fact, the headquarters for the agency is on the Solomons!

In fact, the US is not even a member of the organization, but sent the Coast Guard when they asked for assistance in doing the patrols. And the visit was one that is commonly done world wide, and was scheduled in advance.

Wow, maybe you should actually try to learn the facts before spouting off like that.

Operation Island Chief is one of four operations conducted annually under FFA. It includes the Pacific waters of 11 participating FFA member nations - Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, the Marshall Islands, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.

"The Oliver Henry crew are committed to regional collaboration and sharing best practices to strengthen our relationships and information sharing," said Lt. Freddy Hofschneider, commanding officer of Oliver Henry. "The U.S. Coast Guard has been a dedicated partner in the region for decades. We appreciate the support of our colleagues as we take this ship across vast distances in this region, making some transits and port calls for the first time."

Operation Island Chief protects Pacific from illegal fishing​

HONIARA, 25th August, 2022 – Operation Island Chief, a Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency-led surveillance operation covering 18.2 million squarekilometres, came to a successful closure today (Friday 26th August 2022).
Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Director Fisheries Operations, Mr Allan Rahari said the 12-day Operation was strengthened by local knowledge and expertise.
“Island Chief, one of four operations conducted annually, is a massive operation that covers the Pacific waters of 11 participating FFA member nations - Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and the high sea area,”said Mr Rahari.
The operation involved close to 400 personnel from the navy, police, air force and national fisheries bodies from across the Pacific.
The FFA Regional Fisheries Surveillance Centre (RFSC) team, supported by 11 officers from the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Fijian Navy, US Coast Guard and Australian Defence Force, provided watchkeepers and intelligence gathering and analysis capability, supplementing targeted information before and during the operation in order to support targeted surveillance activities by Member countries.
"Regional collaboration, the co-operative sharing of resources and intelligence, and the ongoing training and strengthening of local expertise is a critical cornerstone of the success of our surveillance operations- our Pacific personnel are highly experienced,”Mr Rahari said.

That was a press release by the very agency when the mission concluded.

So yes, they were indeed there to try and find illegal fishing. At the request of the international agency based in the Solomons.

Gee, it is so damned hard to even do a little research I can see.
The Solomon Islands will no longer allow U.S. naval vessels access to its ports pending "updates in protocol procedures," according to the U.S. Embassy in Australia.
Dumbass says what

US Coast Guard???
One Star Trek novel (The Abode of Life) claims that Starfleet was modeled after the U.S. Coast Guard
One Star Trek novel (The Abode of Life) claims that Starfleet was modeled after the U.S. Coast Guard

That was Gene's idea. Which since he died they have largely ignored as it was not workable.

Remember, he also "created" a future with no currency, and they eventually threw that away also. Old Gene was a Utopian that created things that were simply unworkable even in a fantasy world.

Remember, the original "USS Enterprise" was intended to be the future equivalent of a Heavy Cruiser. And even though none were ever featured on screen, the "canon" included ships ranging from Destroyers to Dreadnaughts (Battleships). Ranging from a single nacelle to four of them. The show simply centered around the "Constitution Class" because it was the smallest ship that was considered to be able to operate on its own. And the budget never allowed for any more than a single ship model to be constructed.

I have never heard of a "Coast Guard" with that kind of firepower. Gene may have thought that, but when he was shoved to a desk and out of actual production, that was all quickly ignored.
That was Gene's idea. Which since he died they have largely ignored as it was not workable.

Remember, he also "created" a future with no currency, and they eventually threw that away also. Old Gene was a Utopian that created things that were simply unworkable even in a fantasy world.

Remember, the original "USS Enterprise" was intended to be the future equivalent of a Heavy Cruiser. And even though none were ever featured on screen, the "canon" included ships ranging from Destroyers to Dreadnaughts (Battleships). Ranging from a single nacelle to four of them. The show simply centered around the "Constitution Class" because it was the smallest ship that was considered to be able to operate on its own. And the budget never allowed for any more than a single ship model to be constructed.

I have never heard of a "Coast Guard" with that kind of firepower. Gene may have thought that, but when he was shoved to a desk and out of actual production, that was all quickly ignored.

I think the "Coast Guard" idea was more in the way of mission types than firepower.
I think the "Coast Guard" idea was more in the way of mission types than firepower.

Actually, if you look back in the "Age of Exploration", that was all the Navy. Captain Cook, Ferdinand Magellan, and others. Either the Navy, soldiers looking for conquest, or civilians looking for money. Most of the simple "exploration" came later, and by the Navy. And they were normally quite well armed.

Before Captain Cook left on his expedition to explore the Pacific, they converted a merchant vessel and installed 10 cannons. That was in addition to the two guns that were already mounted fore and aft.

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