Us Poised To Become World’s Leading Liquid Petroleum Producer

If you can't refine what you produce then you become Mexico. Which has large reserves yet small refining capacity. How are THEY doing? Oh yeah, they're a Failed State.

See, the plan is to make all the countries dependent on each other so that they can't attain any level of independence and sovereignty.
There is currently a ban on exporting U.S.-produced crude oil. This ban needs to be lifted ASAP.

Mexico, on the other hand, exports quite a lot of their oil.
There is currently a ban on exporting U.S.-produced crude oil. This ban needs to be lifted ASAP.

Mexico, on the other hand, exports quite a lot of their oil.

Yeah, instead of refining it and selling it to its own people :blowup:
There is currently a ban on exporting U.S.-produced crude oil. This ban needs to be lifted ASAP.

Mexico, on the other hand, exports quite a lot of their oil.

Yeah, instead of refining it and selling it to its own people :blowup:
Why are we exporting tens of millions of gallons of ethanol every month?

Ethanol export was never the intent of the RFS mandate. At least it wasn't when the entire load of bullshit was forced on America back in the 80's.

At any given moment, there are over one billion barrels of crude and products in storage around the U.S., and that doesn't include the 690 million barrels of crude in the SPR.
U.S. Total Stocks of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products

The crude export ban must be lifted to ensure continued exploration and drilling in this country. When prices plummet, the rigs and jobs will go with them.

The U.S. has the chance to become a key player in world energy markets. WTI should be in parity with Brent, not discounted from it. :slap:

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