US says Syria appears to be planning another chemical weapons attack


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
From the CNBC report, Trump's WH has made it clear that al-Assad is in the bulls eye if there is such an attack.

Let's kill the man and bring our troops home and let the locals settle their own dispute without American blood.
  • The White House said Syria's government appeared to be planning another chemical weapons attack.
  • The White House warned of consequences for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad if an attack proceeds.
US says Syria appears to be planning another chemical weapons attack
From the CNBC report, Trump's WH has made it clear that al-Assad is in the bulls eye if there is such an attack.

Let's kill the man and bring our troops home and let the locals settle their own dispute without American blood.
  • The White House said Syria's government appeared to be planning another chemical weapons attack.
  • The White House warned of consequences for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad if an attack proceeds.
US says Syria appears to be planning another chemical weapons attack
More lies Jake. Stop believing lies.

Funny how EVERY president loves war based on lies...W, Big Ears, and now Trump...and how the DNC media loves war too.

Get it yet Jake? Lies, lies, and more lies promoted by the ruling class, but they still dupe millions of Americans.

U.S. Military Officials: There Was NO Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria … Trump Bombed Syria DESPITE Advice From Military and Intelligence Chiefs
Posted on June 26, 2017 by WashingtonsBlog
A top U.S. missile and chemical weapons expert has documented for months that the Syrian government did not carry out a chemical weapons attack against civilians, and that contrary claims by the Trump White House, French intelligence services, the New York Times, CNN and other “mainstream” sources are wrong … and worthless propaganda.

Former top military and intelligence officials – including many who warned against the faulty Iraq intelligence in advance of the Iraq war – have long said that the claims that Assad carried out the chemical weapons attacks was bunkum.

Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh – who broke the stories of the Mai Lai massacre in Vietnam and the Iraq prison torture scandals, which rightfully disgraced the Nixon and Bush administrations’ war-fighting tactics – reported yesterday in the large German publication Weld that U.S. military officials tried to tell Trump that a chemical weapons attack never occurred at all:
U.S. Military Officials: There Was NO Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria ... Trump Bombed Syria DESPITE Advice From Military and Intelligence Chiefs
From the CNBC report, Trump's WH has made it clear that al-Assad is in the bulls eye if there is such an attack.

Let's kill the man and bring our troops home and let the locals settle their own dispute without American blood.
  • The White House said Syria's government appeared to be planning another chemical weapons attack.
  • The White House warned of consequences for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad if an attack proceeds.
US says Syria appears to be planning another chemical weapons attack
More lies Jake. Stop believing lies.

Funny how EVERY president loves war based on lies...W, Big Ears, and now Trump...and how the DNC media loves war too.

Get it yet Jake? Lies, lies, and more lies promoted by the ruling class, but they still dupe millions of Americans.

U.S. Military Officials: There Was NO Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria … Trump Bombed Syria DESPITE Advice From Military and Intelligence Chiefs
Posted on June 26, 2017 by WashingtonsBlog
A top U.S. missile and chemical weapons expert has documented for months that the Syrian government did not carry out a chemical weapons attack against civilians, and that contrary claims by the Trump White House, French intelligence services, the New York Times, CNN and other “mainstream” sources are wrong … and worthless propaganda.

Former top military and intelligence officials – including many who warned against the faulty Iraq intelligence in advance of the Iraq war – have long said that the claims that Assad carried out the chemical weapons attacks was bunkum.

Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh – who broke the stories of the Mai Lai massacre in Vietnam and the Iraq prison torture scandals, which rightfully disgraced the Nixon and Bush administrations’ war-fighting tactics – reported yesterday in the large German publication Weld that U.S. military officials tried to tell Trump that a chemical weapons attack never occurred at all:
U.S. Military Officials: There Was NO Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria ... Trump Bombed Syria DESPITE Advice From Military and Intelligence Chiefs
Don´t you see jaky is eager for murder and slaughter? Arguments won´t help here, only chains for the rabid dog.
This is where all the Trump lies are important.

Is Trump making this up? Doers anyone believe him? Is this another "Russian interference is a hoax" moment?

If no attack happens, he will take credit for stopping it. All the Trumpettes posting here will praise the Orange Wonder.
It gets WORSE.....the ruling class wants more war. So much for the old saying "consent by the governed." Big unlimited government is WONDERFUL!!!

After Getting Busted for Bombing Syria Based On a Lie, Trump Doubles Down … Threatens to Bomb Syria Even Harder for the Same Bogus Reason
Posted on June 26, 2017 by WashingtonsBlog
A report yesterday by the Pulitzer-prize winning reporter who broke some of the biggest stories of the Vietnam and Iraq wars showed that Trump bombed Syria on April 4th based upon false pretenses.

Specifically, Trump said the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack on civilians. But U.S. military and intelligence officials say that they told Trump there was no evidence for that claim … and they say that what really happened is that Syria bombed Islamic terrorists, and that accidentally released chemicals being stored by the terrorists.

So how does Trump respond to the report?

He doubles down on the bull …

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said tonight:

The United States has identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children.

The activities are similar to preparations the regime made before its April 4, 2017 chemical weapons attack.


If … Mr. Assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price.

After Spicer’s statement, Neocon warmonger – and U.S. representative to the U.N. – Nikki Haley tweeted:

Any further attacks done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Assad, but also on Russia & Iran who support him killing his own people.

⇒ Keep Reading
After Getting Busted for Bombing Syria Based On a Lie, Trump Doubles Down ... Threatens to Bomb Syria Even Harder for the Same Bogus Reason
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"only chains for the rabid dog", al-Assad, is absolutely right.
gipper, here's your answer.

Oh boy, I call bullshit!

This is code for: "The MIC is ready to start war to make profits".
This Bogus Baboon in Orange just busted out that stuff to get the attention of his Submissive Supporters ....
Trump Suddenly Warns Syria
June 26, 2017 at 11:00 pm

The White House said that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria appeared to be preparing another chemical weapons attack, and warned that he would “pay a heavy price” if one took place, the New York Times reports.

“Several military officials who were reached late Monday said they had been caught off guard by the White House statement, but it was unclear how closely held the intelligence regarding a potential chemical attack was.”

Buzzfeed News: “Five defense officials… said they not only did not know where the potential chemical attack would come from, but they were unaware the White House was planning to release the statement.”
If it was Noon and Trump announced that there was daylight I would run outside to check ...The Orange Nectarine Nixon is a Right wing Suck Hole

Trump Bombed Syria Ignoring Important U.S. Intelligence
By Seymour M. Hersh
Trump ignored important intelligence reports when he decided to attack Syria
Why can't you see he is no different than your Messiah or dipshit W...or BJ Bubba...or LBJ....or Stalin's take your pick.
If it was Noon and Trump announced that there was daylight I would run outside to check ...The Orange Nectarine Nixon is a Right wing Suck Hole

Trump Bombed Syria Ignoring Important U.S. Intelligence
By Seymour M. Hersh
Trump ignored important intelligence reports when he decided to attack Syria
Why can't you see he is no different than your Messiah or dipshit W...or BJ Bubba...or LBJ....or Stalin's take your pick.
In Bong I trust....

I know the US is not just a Nation its an Empire I like it ...No hell no I do not like it
....its just a way to funnel the Nations Monetary wherewithal into the pockets of Contributors to the Political class however the GOP is 100 % BAD and Evil whereas the Dems are 99 % bad and evil but its a crucial 1 %
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If it was Noon and Trump announced that there was daylight I would run outside to check ...The Orange Nectarine Nixon is a Right wing Suck Hole

Trump Bombed Syria Ignoring Important U.S. Intelligence
By Seymour M. Hersh
Trump ignored important intelligence reports when he decided to attack Syria
Why can't you see he is no different than your Messiah or dipshit W...or BJ Bubba...or LBJ....or Stalin's take your pick.
In Bong I trust....

I know the US is not just a Nation its an Empire I like it ...No hell no I do not like it
....its just a way to funnel the Nations Monetary wherewithal into the pockets of Contributors to the Political class however the GOP is 100 % BAD and Evil whereas the Dems are 99 % bad and evil but its a crucial 1 %
Only disagree on the percentages. 100% Dems bad....99% Rs bad.

I know the US is not just a Nation its an Empire I like it ...No hell no I do not like it
....its just a way to funnel the Nations Monetary wherewithal into the pockets of Contributors to the Political class however the GOP is 100 % BAD and Evil whereas the Dems are 99 % bad and evil but its a crucial 1 %
Only disagree on the percentages. 100% Dems bad....99% Rs bad.
This was straight out of the GOP Conservative PNAC Game plan ...the game plan was brought to Libya and to Syria...

Here are my metrics in deciding my percentages
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
I call the US Empire the MICE ...Military Industrial Complex Empire ..........This cheese eating MICE is coming for your benefits ...your social safety will never have enough of the Nation's wants a submissive population, look at how sub the Trump supporters are , no matter how much he lies and humiliates them with broken promises and lies and word games they are always there ready to fetch...sad weak

The MICE wants you frightened lol that is easy here in the US which is far from being the home of the Brave ...only home of the Braves in the US is Atlanta Fulton stadium ...
Let's kill the man

^^^^^ the ideal option and MISSED over and over and over.
the assad dynastry should have been ABORTED in 1971.

short list of Baathist scum that the USA neglected to abort>>>
1) mufti al husseini
2) gamal abdel Nasser
3) Idi Amin
4) Saddam Hussein
5) hafez assad


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