US Secretary Of State: Israel Apartheid State

If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

Right up there with the "..the war is lost.." snippet of a quote.


"If black people don't start acting right, they risk becoming *******"

You truly are one stupid human being.

And pathetic.

dimocraps don't get subtleties, you gotta hit them head.

Like you do a stupid fucking Mule.

Hey, Hey, Hey Now!!!!

I will not stand by and allow you to denigrate mules. They actually work for their feed, and while they may be stubborn at times, they have better hygene than any democrook bed wetters. Furthermore mules are supposed to be stupid, they're animals and have no choice.

Moonbat are worse than intentionally ignorant. THEY RESIST THINKING. Mules reconsider their options once they've been beaten. Bed wetters will vote to their deaths to protect their delusions. They won't fight for anything, but they'll shit on cop cars and spend a few days in jail for some free food.
If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

Right up there with the "..the war is lost.." snippet of a quote.


"If black people don't start acting right, they risk becoming *******"

You truly are one stupid human being.

And pathetic.

dimocraps don't get subtleties, you gotta hit them head.

Like you do a stupid fucking Mule.

Hey, Hey, Hey Now!!!!

I will not stand by and allow you to denigrate mules. They actually work for their feed, and while they may be stubborn at times, they have better hygene than any democrook bed wetters. Furthermore mules are supposed to be stupid, they're animals and have no choice.

Moonbat are worse than intentionally ignorant. THEY RESIST THINKING. Mules reconsider their options once they've been beaten. Bed wetters will vote to their deaths to protect their delusions. They won't fight for anything, but they'll shit on cop cars and spend a few days in jail for some free food.

My apologies to hard working Mules everywhere :D

Opposition to abortion doesn't equate to opposition to women you goofball... geeze. You lefties are a laugh-riot.

It is but one of many fronts in their agenda of rolling back women's rights.

But the current lie is that John Kerry said what the OP says he said. He didn't, the OP in typical fashion, lies again.

Right, the unborn don't deserve the chance to live, they haven't earned it yet...

As if the concept of "earning" means anything to bed wetters.

Of course as I've said in the past, all liberal children accidentally conceived should be aborted. Retroactively if necessary.

Far be it from a moonbat to take things out of context right? I mean kerry and the moonbat messiah have done SOOO much to prove they're devoted to helping the Israelis protect their country from jihadist sociopaths who want to not only destroy the last shred of jewish DNA, but create a global caliphate and have ALL THE WOMEN on earth wearing burqas and wishing to be treated equally with livestock.

How could a man who's grades were worse that GWB, who was apparently the dumbest man to occupy the WH, be qualified to be the Sec State? Is stupid now a desirable quality? In order to be a good republicrat you have to suck up to bed wetter interests, then you can be a complete retard. If you're too smart for that, you're a racist.
Opposition to abortion doesn't equate to opposition to women you goofball... geeze. You lefties are a laugh-riot.

It is but one of many fronts in their agenda of rolling back women's rights.

But the current lie is that John Kerry said what the OP says he said. He didn't, the OP in typical fashion, lies again.

Far be it from a moonbat to take things out of context right? I mean kerry and the moonbat messiah have done SOOO much to prove they're devoted to helping the Israelis protect their country from jihadist sociopaths who want to not only destroy the last shred of jewish DNA, but create a global caliphate and have ALL THE WOMEN on earth wearing burqas and wishing to be treated equally with livestock.

How could a man who's grades were worse that GWB, who was apparently the dumbest man to occupy the WH, be qualified to be the Sec State? Is stupid now a desirable quality? In order to be a good republicrat you have to suck up to bed wetter interests, then you can be a complete retard. If you're too smart for that, you're a racist.

It's not out of context. It is a complete lie. Kerry never said it.

Even Faux doesn't by that hyperbole.

[ame=]Joe The Plumber - Obama Will Bring Death To Israel - YouTube[/ame]
If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

That's pretty clear. Note he does not say the PA risks becoming an apartheid state. Or the PA risks anything, despite the fact it is filled with murder and corruption. No, Israel will become an apartheid state. Because under apartheid blacks had representatiion in parliament and human rights, right?
Lies are still Lies...

Here is what Kerry actually said:

Kerry: Israel risks becoming apartheid state - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

The Thread title misleading, but since you are a RW loon, that is to be expected.

The post you are quoting was edited to set up my post as a Straw Man so our resident liar could take cheap shots at it.

Let's see what happens.

Go back to my UNEDITED post and see what I wrote

It was copied directly from your link at JMF. Not only that but the article they reference at the Daily Beast, has the exact same words.

It?s Come to This: State Department Nitwit Jen Psaki Now Tweeting Think Progress and Daily Kos Links | Jammie Wearing Fools

Exclusive: Kerry Warns Israel Could Become ?An Apartheid State? - The Daily Beast

AAAAHHHHH! The facts! Not the facts! Please don't confuse these poor souls with the unedited facts. They want it to appear that Kerry is wishing some doom on Israel, when in reality he is stating a fact which Israel fully understands.. No Secretary of State has worked harder to bring peace to the Middle East.
The post you are quoting was edited to set up my post as a Straw Man so our resident liar could take cheap shots at it.

Let's see what happens.

Go back to my UNEDITED post and see what I wrote

It was copied directly from your link at JMF. Not only that but the article they reference at the Daily Beast, has the exact same words.

It?s Come to This: State Department Nitwit Jen Psaki Now Tweeting Think Progress and Daily Kos Links | Jammie Wearing Fools

Exclusive: Kerry Warns Israel Could Become ?An Apartheid State? - The Daily Beast

AAAAHHHHH! The facts! Not the facts! Please don't confuse these poor souls with the unedited facts. They want it to appear that Kerry is wishing some doom on Israel, when in reality he is stating a fact which Israel fully understands.. No Secretary of State has worked harder to bring peace to the Middle East.

You dont know what a fact is.
Yup, that's our Winter Soldier diplomat, folks. Out there telling the world that Israel is an Apartheid State.

Not only that but the obama regime is now tweeting out web links to FAR left wing hate sites:

It?s Come to This: State Department Nitwit Jen Psaki Now Tweeting Think Progress and Daily Kos Links | Jammie Wearing Fools

Even better, our Winter Soldier made his comments the day after Holocaust Remembrance day.

Any Jew that votes dimocrap.....? :dunno:
Kerry was, is, and always will be a retarded idiot.

How about these guys?

Olmert to Haaretz: Two-state solution, or Israel is done for Israel News | Haaretz

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert: “If the day comes when the two-state solution collapses, and we face a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights (also for the Palestinians in the territories), then, as soon as that happens, the State of Israel is finished.”

Barak: Peace With Palestinians Or Apartheid

Israeli Defense Minister and Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak: “The simple truth is, if there is one state” including Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, “it will have to be either binational or undemocratic. … if this bloc of millions of Palestinians cannot vote, that will be an apartheid state.”

Top Israeli Official Warns Of An 'Apartheid State' Should Two-State Solution Fail | ThinkProgress

Israeli Justice Minister and Lead Peace Negotiator Tzipi Livni: “But the time has come for the same youth to ask, to what kind of state do they want to leave the gas reserves? To a Jewish democratic Israel? Or to a binational Arab state? Or to an apartheid state? It is impossible to deal with economic issues and to ignore the important diplomatic issues related to two states for two peoples.”

Former Top Israeli Security Official Warns Time Is Running Out On Two-State Solution | ThinkProgress

Yuval Diskin — the former head of Israel’s internal security service:

“When we get there...we will face an immediate existential threat of the erasure of the identity of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, and in a few years, the reality of the country’s demographics will lead to a Palestinian- Arab majority and a Jewish minority, with all that entails.”
The post you are quoting was edited to set up my post as a Straw Man so our resident liar could take cheap shots at it.

Let's see what happens.

Go back to my UNEDITED post and see what I wrote

It was copied directly from your link at JMF. Not only that but the article they reference at the Daily Beast, has the exact same words.

It?s Come to This: State Department Nitwit Jen Psaki Now Tweeting Think Progress and Daily Kos Links | Jammie Wearing Fools

Exclusive: Kerry Warns Israel Could Become ?An Apartheid State? - The Daily Beast

AAAAHHHHH! The facts! Not the facts! Please don't confuse these poor souls with the unedited facts. They want it to appear that Kerry is wishing some doom on Israel, when in reality he is stating a fact which Israel fully understands.. No Secretary of State has worked harder to bring peace to the Middle East.

It's been this same song and dance since the 1980's. As the talks stall with every successive US administration, Israel takes control over more land in Judea and Samaria which many feel is rightfully theirs. We protest. Palestinians start Suicide bombing. We see Israeli children being killed. We side with Israel...........
Yup, that's our Winter Soldier diplomat, folks. Out there telling the world that Israel is an Apartheid State.

Not only that but the obama regime is now tweeting out web links to FAR left wing hate sites:

It?s Come to This: State Department Nitwit Jen Psaki Now Tweeting Think Progress and Daily Kos Links | Jammie Wearing Fools

Even better, our Winter Soldier made his comments the day after Holocaust Remembrance day.

Any Jew that votes dimocrap.....? :dunno:
Kerry was, is, and always will be a retarded idiot.

How about these guys?

Olmert to Haaretz: Two-state solution, or Israel is done for Israel News | Haaretz

Barak: Peace With Palestinians Or Apartheid

Top Israeli Official Warns Of An 'Apartheid State' Should Two-State Solution Fail | ThinkProgress

Israeli Justice Minister and Lead Peace Negotiator Tzipi Livni: “But the time has come for the same youth to ask, to what kind of state do they want to leave the gas reserves? To a Jewish democratic Israel? Or to a binational Arab state? Or to an apartheid state? It is impossible to deal with economic issues and to ignore the important diplomatic issues related to two states for two peoples.”

Former Top Israeli Security Official Warns Time Is Running Out On Two-State Solution | ThinkProgress

Yuval Diskin — the former head of Israel’s internal security service:

“When we get there...we will face an immediate existential threat of the erasure of the identity of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, and in a few years, the reality of the country’s demographics will lead to a Palestinian- Arab majority and a Jewish minority, with all that entails.”

"But....But....But....Kerry said....But....But"
Yup, that's our Winter Soldier diplomat, folks. Out there telling the world that Israel is an Apartheid State.

Not only that but the obama regime is now tweeting out web links to FAR left wing hate sites:

It?s Come to This: State Department Nitwit Jen Psaki Now Tweeting Think Progress and Daily Kos Links | Jammie Wearing Fools

Even better, our Winter Soldier made his comments the day after Holocaust Remembrance day.

Any Jew that votes dimocrap.....? :dunno:
Funny how that works, isn't it? I never understood how they could vote for the party that undermines their interests...especially in equating Israel as 'Apartheid State'. Does Kerry know how many Arabs live there AND are Citizens to boot? In any case we are seeing who the real racists are...and they control the reigns of Government at present. Sad.

John F'ing Kerry, (Who served in Viet Nam), should resign over those idiotic racist comments. Good choice Obama...another faled Secretary Of State...and another fail in YOUR COLUMN.

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