US should help Syria rebels, GOP's John McCain and Lindsey Graham say


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2009
The senators, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, both Republicans, laid out a series of diplomatic, humanitarian and military aid proposals that would put the United States squarely behind the effort to topple President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. The senators, both of whom are on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that rebel fighters deserved to be armed and that helping them take on the Syrian government would aid Washington’s effort to weaken Iran.

NYT: US should help Syria rebels, McCain says - World news - The New York Times -

How are we supposed to pay for this? I thought we were broke? Just another example of GOP saber rattling? Why does the GOP continue to fight to take Government assistance away from Americans, and give it to citizens of other countries?
The senators, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, both Republicans, laid out a series of diplomatic, humanitarian and military aid proposals that would put the United States squarely behind the effort to topple President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. The senators, both of whom are on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that rebel fighters deserved to be armed and that helping them take on the Syrian government would aid Washington’s effort to weaken Iran.

NYT: US should help Syria rebels, McCain says - World news - The New York Times -

How are we supposed to pay for this? I thought we were broke? Just another examle of GOP saber rattling? Why does the GOP continue to fight to take Government assistance away from Americans, and give it to citizens of other countries?

When the GOP has the executive you may luck up on to a point. Until then....:lol:
If we could help these people I would be with them.

There needs to be a stronghold of rebels to defend like there was in Lybia.

I think The US should help peopel being murdered by their government if we can.
Graham seems to like direct intevention. I don't think we should be putting our soldiers in. From the Libya debate:

One of the problems I have with “leading from behind” is that when a day like this comes, we don’t have the infrastructure in place that we could have. I’m glad it ended the way it did. It took longer than it should have. If we could have kept American air power in the fight it would have been over quicker. Sixty-thousand Libyans have been wounded, 3,000 maimed, 25,000 killed. Let’s get in on the ground. There is a lot of money to be made in the future in Libya. Lot of oil to be produced. Let’s get on the ground and help the Libyan people establish a democracy and a functioning economy based on free market principles.
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No money to help Americans, but the GOP is all ready to go to war. Again.

Are repubs the most stupid people to ever walk and talk?
If we could help these people I would be with them.

There needs to be a stronghold of rebels to defend like there was in Lybia.

I think The US should help peopel being murdered by their government if we can.

We have no contract or treaty in place with Syria which demands our help or particiaption. Direct or indirect support would be unConstitutional, right? And oh by the way, we are still broke....
Helping Syria is bullshit.

Let the Arab League assist an Arab Country.

We are broke.
Libya becoming new safe haven for terrorists...
Growing concern over jihadist ‘safe haven’ in eastern Libya
May 15th, 2012 - Diplomats and other observers in Libya say that with elections one month away, the National Transitional Council is struggling to exert control over various militia prominent in the uprising against Moammar Gadhafi. The situation is further complicated by tribal rivalries and a growing presence of Islamist militants in some areas.
One source briefed by Western intelligence officials says of particular concern is the city of Derna on the Mediterranean coast some 160 miles (300 kilometers) west of the Egyptian border. The source tells CNN that hundreds of Islamist militants are present in and around the town, and there are camps where weapons and physical training are provided to militants. He said one official had described the area as "a disaster zone." Tensions have grown between local people and the militants. Last month, a number of Derna residents went to a camp on the outskirts of the city, according to the source, and forced militants to leave.

There have been a number of car bomb explosions in Derna in recent months, apparently as rival Islamist factions compete for supremacy in the area. One is said to have targeted Abdel Hakim al Hasadi, a former member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) who spent time in Afghanistan in the 1990s. He told reporters last year he had been handed over to the Americans and sent back to Libya, where he was jailed for six years. The LIFG formally repudiated al Qaeda in 2009 and disbanded shortly afterwards.

The source said that groups sympathetic to al Qaeda as well as former members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group had converged on Derna – and the presence of one man was especially worrying: senior al Qaeda operative Abdul Basit Azuz. He had been sent to the area last spring by al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and now had some 300 men under his command. Azuz is operating at least one training facility and has sent some of his men to establish contact with other militant Islamist groups as far west as Brega, the source said.

Al-Zawahiri’s plan was for him to establish a "home base for al Qaeda" in Libya, the source said. A senior counter-terrorism official told CNN that western intelligence is aware of Azuz’s presence, his recruitment and training of fighters, and believes his redeployment to Libya had the backing of al-Zawahiri. The official said it was unclear whether former LIFG militants were contesting Azuz’z presence in Derna. It was possible, he said, that al Qaeda had grown strong enough in the area to deter such a confrontation. The threat to Western security posed by al Qaeda in eastern Libya was mainly “over-the-horizon” according to the official - but had the potential to become significant because of Libya’s proximity to Europe.

The senators, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, both Republicans, laid out a series of diplomatic, humanitarian and military aid proposals that would put the United States squarely behind the effort to topple President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. The senators, both of whom are on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that rebel fighters deserved to be armed and that helping them take on the Syrian government would aid Washington’s effort to weaken Iran.

NYT: US should help Syria rebels, McCain says - World news - The New York Times -

How are we supposed to pay for this? I thought we were broke? Just another example of GOP saber rattling? Why does the GOP continue to fight to take Government assistance away from Americans, and give it to citizens of other countries?

Very bad idea.

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