US Special Ops chief: US government 'in unbelievable turmoil'

nice gambit; i will "raise you", ending our alleged wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror, to end our income tax.
1st thing's 1st - end the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner's' Un-Authorized / Un-Constitutional war, bring our troops home from where they never belonged in the 1st place.
and give Syria to Russia? :cuckoo:



2. Syria and Russia have always been tight!

ISIS invaded Iraq from Syria. We are allied with Iraq and Iraq asked for our help. We have huge financial interest and investments in Iraq. International law afforded Iraq and it's allies (the Coalition) the rights to pursue ISIS into Syria and to fight them in Iraq where they are still holding Iraqi territory in Mosul.
Isis invaded iraq from Iraq. The majority of senior ISIS members came from Saddams own army
Isis invaded iraq from Iraq. The majority of senior ISIS members came from Saddams own army

We have the winner of the 'Stupidest F*ing Statement Of The Day' Award!

ISIS invaded from SYRIA, snowflake. We watched mile-long convoys traveling from Syria, through the desert, and into Iraq...UN-OPPOSED!

The US military begged to strike them - we could have decimated them and stopped them before they ever got into Iraq...but he would not allow it.

Yes, Hussein's ex-military leaders were plotting / scheming, but they were not ISIS, were NOT the invasion force that captured city after city. THAT came from Syria.
and give Syria to Russia? :cuckoo:



2. Syria and Russia have always been tight!

ISIS invaded Iraq from Syria. We are allied with Iraq and Iraq asked for our help. We have huge financial interest and investments in Iraq. International law afforded Iraq and it's allies (the Coalition) the rights to pursue ISIS into Syria and to fight them in Iraq where they are still holding Iraqi territory in Mosul.
Isis invaded iraq from Iraq. The majority of senior ISIS members came from Saddams own army
No, they didn't. They were pushed out of by the Sunni tribes in Iraq and went to Syria to fight in that civil war. They came back to Iraq and conquered Mosul where they obtained huge amounts of Iraqi military equipment. With that equipment, they went on a revenge rampage against the Sunni tribes that had pushed them out of Iraq. That is what the beheadings were all about.

The head of US Special Operations Command said Tuesday that the US government is in "unbelievable turmoil," a situation that he suggested could undermine US efforts to fight adversaries such as ISIS. "Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil. I hope they sort it out soon because we're a nation at war," Army Gen. Raymond "Tony" Thomas told a symposium in Maryland.

Just how big a mess must there be for a four star general to say that? Tony Thomas is the guy who has the job Flynn had as the DIA Director.

The turmoil indicate a governance failure. This isn't about politics. It's about governance and Trump and his Administration's, his WH team's ineptitude at doing it.

Just a month after taking office, all of the government turmoil is the fault of Trump and his administration. Right,,, has nothing to do with the democrats openly saying they were going to oppose Trump on everything, has nothing to do with the kenyan dismantling the military while he gave BJs to the heads of the terrorist states.
This guy needs to stop being such a political hack pussy and just go ahead and do what he is supposed to do, and that would be to follow orders from his commander, his boss, President Trump. If I were Trump this guy would be reduced in rank to the point that he was peeing potatoes

JFC, I don't suppose you remember Mitch McConnell and his band of like-minded shit heads saying that they would oppose everything that Obama was going to try to accomplish. Gawd, you people are pathetic.
nice gambit; i will "raise you", ending our alleged wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror, to end our income tax.
1st thing's 1st - end the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner's' Un-Authorized / Un-Constitutional war, bring our troops home from where they never belonged in the 1st place.
ending our income tax by ending our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; would accomplish the same thing, but also end our income tax.
The problem we see / have is seditious progressives / Democrats / Obama hold-overs attempting to overthrow the newly elected US government.
Ha ha ha ha The fact you really believe that makes it a hoot and a half.
Yeah somehow it's the democrats fault that Trump knew about Flynn's treason and kept it quiet for 3 weeks and lied about it until he couldn't any longer.
Those damn democrats.
Yeah somehow it's the democrats fault that Trump knew about Flynn's treason and kept it quiet for 3 weeks and lied about it until he couldn't any longer.
Those damn democrats.
It wasn't treason - again, as per the link provided earlier, Congress - who has read the transcripts of the conversations, say there is NOTHING illegal there. FAIL!

The head of US Special Operations Command said Tuesday that the US government is in "unbelievable turmoil," a situation that he suggested could undermine US efforts to fight adversaries such as ISIS. "Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil. I hope they sort it out soon because we're a nation at war," Army Gen. Raymond "Tony" Thomas told a symposium in Maryland.

Just how big a mess must there be for a four star general to say that? Tony Thomas is the guy who has the job Flynn had as the DIA Director.

The turmoil indicate a governance failure. This isn't about politics. It's about governance and Trump and his Administration's, his WH team's ineptitude at doing it.

Just a month after taking office, all of the government turmoil is the fault of Trump and his administration. Right,,, has nothing to do with the democrats openly saying they were going to oppose Trump on everything, has nothing to do with the kenyan dismantling the military while he gave BJs to the heads of the terrorist states.
This guy needs to stop being such a political hack pussy and just go ahead and do what he is supposed to do, and that would be to follow orders from his commander, his boss, President Trump. If I were Trump this guy would be reduced in rank to the point that he was peeing potatoes

JFC, I don't suppose you remember Mitch McConnell and his band of like-minded shit heads saying that they would oppose everything that Obama was going to try to accomplish. Gawd, you people are pathetic.

obama was trying to destroy the country, it was a patriotic act when it came to opposing him, it was actually their obligation, as it would have been the obligation of any U.S. Citizen to oppose anything that flea infested POS tried to do.
Trump is trying to bring the country back, a much different situation.
Troops in Syria helping terrorists?
You mean 400 advisors in the fight against ISIS.
Oh for God's sake, please tell me you REALLY don't buy that 'advisor' bullshit!

From the NY Times:
U.S. to Send 200 More Troops to Syria in ISIS Fight

American Is Killed in First Casualty for U.S. Forces in Syria Combat


Thanks to Obama we have COMBAT troops and a war going on IN Syria! We have no business being there. You bat-shit crazy partisan SOBs can NOT honestly declare Bush drug us into a war we had no business in and then turn around and try to defend Obama's UN-Authorized, UN-Constitutional Wars in Libya and Syria.

Goof friggin' grief!

Fighting ISIS, fool.
So we shouldn't fight ISIS now?

The head of US Special Operations Command said Tuesday that the US government is in "unbelievable turmoil," a situation that he suggested could undermine US efforts to fight adversaries such as ISIS. "Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil. I hope they sort it out soon because we're a nation at war," Army Gen. Raymond "Tony" Thomas told a symposium in Maryland.

Just how big a mess must there be for a four star general to say that? Tony Thomas is the guy who has the job Flynn had as the DIA Director.

The turmoil indicate a governance failure. This isn't about politics. It's about governance and Trump and his Administration's, his WH team's ineptitude at doing it.

Just a month after taking office, all of the government turmoil is the fault of Trump and his administration. Right,,, has nothing to do with the democrats openly saying they were going to oppose Trump on everything, has nothing to do with the kenyan dismantling the military while he gave BJs to the heads of the terrorist states.
This guy needs to stop being such a political hack pussy and just go ahead and do what he is supposed to do, and that would be to follow orders from his commander, his boss, President Trump. If I were Trump this guy would be reduced in rank to the point that he was peeing potatoes

JFC, I don't suppose you remember Mitch McConnell and his band of like-minded shit heads saying that they would oppose everything that Obama was going to try to accomplish. Gawd, you people are pathetic.

obama was trying to destroy the country, it was a patriotic act when it came to opposing him, it was actually their obligation, as it would have been the obligation of any U.S. Citizen to oppose anything that flea infested POS tried to do.
Trump is trying to bring the country back, a much different situation.

Bwahahaha! This is the kind of blind obedience to Fox News that has given "patriots" a bad name. The cheesy overuse of flags and eagles doesn't help either.
Yeah somehow it's the democrats fault that Trump knew about Flynn's treason and kept it quiet for 3 weeks and lied about it until he couldn't any longer.
Those damn democrats.
It wasn't treason - again, as per the link provided earlier, Congress - who has read the transcripts of the conversations, say there is NOTHING illegal there. FAIL!
So Flynn discussing sanctions with Russians when Obama was still president is ethical? You really want to go with that?
If it was no big deal why did TRump keep it hush hush and then lied about it?
You can't answer that can you.
Giant fail by YOU.

The head of US Special Operations Command said Tuesday that the US government is in "unbelievable turmoil," a situation that he suggested could undermine US efforts to fight adversaries such as ISIS. "Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil. I hope they sort it out soon because we're a nation at war," Army Gen. Raymond "Tony" Thomas told a symposium in Maryland.

Just how big a mess must there be for a four star general to say that? Tony Thomas is the guy who has the job Flynn had as the DIA Director.

The turmoil indicate a governance failure. This isn't about politics. It's about governance and Trump and his Administration's, his WH team's ineptitude at doing it.

What do the special ops know when we have the deplorables to instruct us what is really happening.
You kook libs are losing it, its only been 3 weeks for fucks sake, if things are that dire its Obama's fault. You idiots need to hold off on your 'the sky is falling' BS for a few months if you want to blame Trump.

Every day the left proves electing Trump was the right call.

The head of US Special Operations Command said Tuesday that the US government is in "unbelievable turmoil," a situation that he suggested could undermine US efforts to fight adversaries such as ISIS. "Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil. I hope they sort it out soon because we're a nation at war," Army Gen. Raymond "Tony" Thomas told a symposium in Maryland.

Just how big a mess must there be for a four star general to say that? Tony Thomas is the guy who has the job Flynn had as the DIA Director.

The turmoil indicate a governance failure. This isn't about politics. It's about governance and Trump and his Administration's, his WH team's ineptitude at doing it.

Just a month after taking office, all of the government turmoil is the fault of Trump and his administration. Right,,, has nothing to do with the democrats openly saying they were going to oppose Trump on everything, has nothing to do with the kenyan dismantling the military while he gave BJs to the heads of the terrorist states.
This guy needs to stop being such a political hack pussy and just go ahead and do what he is supposed to do, and that would be to follow orders from his commander, his boss, President Trump. If I were Trump this guy would be reduced in rank to the point that he was peeing potatoes

JFC, I don't suppose you remember Mitch McConnell and his band of like-minded shit heads saying that they would oppose everything that Obama was going to try to accomplish. Gawd, you people are pathetic.

obama was trying to destroy the country, it was a patriotic act when it came to opposing him, it was actually their obligation, as it would have been the obligation of any U.S. Citizen to oppose anything that flea infested POS tried to do.
Trump is trying to bring the country back, a much different situation.

Bwahahaha! This is the kind of blind obedience to Fox News that has given "patriots" a bad name. The cheesy overuse of flags and eagles doesn't help either.

I understand how hard it can be to believe but, I dont watch Fox News. as a matter of fact, I dont even turn on the TV at all anymore. Im either working or sleeping, its what those of us that have to support the scum do, just to make ends meet.
end our income tax by ending our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.

why does the right like to complain about taxes and blame the poor?
How is it even remotely possible that someone with the title of "special operations chief" would be so freaking stupid to suggest (or leak to the media) that in his opinion his own Country is in "turmoil" during an orderly transition of government. Are angry Obama holdovers going completely crazy to the point of freaking treason?
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How is it even remotely possible that someone with the title of "special operations chief" would be so freaking stupid to suggest (or leak to the media) that in his opinion his own Country is in "turmoil" during an orderly transition of government. Are angry Obama holdovers going completely crazy to the point of freaking treason?
dude; when even the real estate guys "catch on to it", the "jig is up".

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