US Special Operations Command Will Deploy Argus AI Program to Scour Social Media for Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation.

Its the person who initiates the civil lawsuit. The govt can not initiate or make me pay for slandering them.

New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, which held that the First Amendment protects speech criticizing public officials against even civil defamation liability, unless the defendant acted with “actual malice”—i.e., knowing or recklessly disregarding that the statement was false.
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, which held that the First Amendment protects speech criticizing public officials against even civil defamation liability, unless the defendant acted with “actual malice”—i.e., knowing or recklessly disregarding that the statement was false.

Thats a given. If I slander a doctor, who is a mayor, and intentionally accuse him of something relating to his private life or practice, that he did not do, then I can pay damages. This is nothing new.
The funding for this program should be terminated immediately. It's a violation of the First Amendment for the government to be determining what is disinformation, misinformation or malinformation.

US Special Operations Command Will Deploy Argus AI Program to Scour Social Media for Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation, National Security Authority to Protect U.S. Internet from "Pain Points" - The Last Refuge

US Special Operations Command Will Deploy Argus AI Program to Scour Social Media for Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation, National Security Authority to Protect U.S. Internet from “Pain Points”

Annnd… Here we go. If you have not read the background {Go Deep}, you will not have the appropriate context to absorb the latest revelation about how the Dept of Defense will now conduct online monitoring operations, using enhanced AI to protect the U.S. internet from “disinformation” under the auspices of national security.
Gee, who would have predicted that U.S. internet operations would suddenly have a totally new set of enhanced AI guardians at the gateways? 👀
Read Carefully – Eyes Wide Open:
The US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has contracted New York-based Accrete AI to deploy software that detects “real time” disinformation threats on social media.
The company’s Argus anomaly detection AI software analyzes social media data, accurately capturing “emerging narratives” and generating intelligence reports for military forces to speedily neutralize disinformation threats.
“Synthetic media, including AI-generated viral narratives, deep fakes, and other harmful social media-based applications of AI, pose a serious threat to US national security and civil society,” Accrete founder and CEO Prashant Bhuyan said.
“Social media is widely recognized as an unregulated environment where adversaries routinely exploit reasoning vulnerabilities and manipulate behavior through the intentional spread of disinformation.
“USSOCOM is at the tip of the spear in recognizing the critical need to identify and analytically predict social media narratives at an embryonic stage before those narratives evolve and gain traction. Accrete is proud to support USSOCOM’s mission.”
Worried they'll catch on to your disinformation & bullshit, halftard?
The company was hired by the government on contract, from my understanding....

And why didn't the companies they claim to have been effected in the article hire them themselves? A private solution for the companies problems, no need for the feds, especially the freaking military, to get involved. And you have yet to prove the necessity for them doing so.

And why didn't the companies they claim to have been effected in the article hire them themselves? A private solution for the companies problems, no need for the feds, especially the freaking military, to get involved. And you have yet to prove the necessity for them doing so.

I think some companies are buying it themselves from that company.
and generating intelligence reports for military forces to speedily neutralize disinformation threats.

The Constitution is a document to limit government power.

This A/I threat is much more complicated. All hands needed on deck, imo.

A/I has no Constitutional rights, and it be good for ALL OF US, never ever ever, to go down that road or even contemplate it!!!!

It's A/I, going after other A/I.

is NOT your free speech being hunted.
Someone, somebody ,somewhere PROGRAMS A/I to 'speak'

They are not (hopefully not) sentient beings capable of developing false narratives , so constitutionality's exist via proxy

ergo the conundrum.......~S~
Someone, somebody ,somewhere PROGRAMS A/I to 'speak'

They are not (hopefully not) sentient beings capable of developing false narratives , so constitutionality's exist via proxy

ergo the conundrum.......~S~
I disagree, it's not a human, it is what it is called,


Not Human.
I disagree, it's not a human, it is what it is called,


Not Human.
Yes C4All, not human

Yet controlled , and manipulated by humans

This is exactly what our gov did with corporations who can skate the 1st Amd. (as well as most others)
Same freedom killing modus operandi , they've just acquired a new b*tch to do their dirty work

The purpose is to detect A/I disinformation and deep fakes, not people.

“Companies are already experiencing significant economic damage caused by the spread of AI-generated viral disinformation and deep fakes manufactured by competitors, disgruntled employees, and other types of adversaries. We believe that the market for AI that can predict and neutralize malign AI-generated synthetic media is about to explode,” he added.
Yes, yes….And the FISA process would never be used on Americans….right?
Yes C4All, not human

Yet controlled , and manipulated by humans

This is exactly what our gov did with corporations who can skate the 1st Amd. (as well as most others)
Same freedom killing modus operandi , they've just acquired a new b*tch to do their dirty work


The capabilities in a time span out perform humans in the same task.

The program created is not A/I by government to spy on people, it is A/I created to spot and identify nefarious A/I and its created algorithms, deep fakes, etc....

It's a good thing and very import to our national security.....

We are not talking about a rumor of something false that trump did or Biden did...

We are talking about A/I created by an enemy govt, to harm us with A/I. DEEP FAKE, an article stating Trump or Biden was assassinated with deep fake video, forced in to the viral-sphere by A/I....

or deep fake A/I created news that a nuclear bomb went off, and / or anything to cause fear and chaos of the masses.....that our enemies A/I Generated.
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Is an A/I generated program developed by China, or Russia or North Korea or Iran to create fake news with deep fake video, an American citizen? Or a Person???
Oh, our benevolent government would never do something like that, right?
Yes, we all know that you hate America....we are an evil evil evil country made up of all evil people! :cuckoo:
I do HATE the.corrupt beurocrats that use computer models to create panic over "climate change" and viruses, yes indeed!
You don't think they'll use GIGO A/I to do the same?
Laughable, gullible, and pathetic to think otherwise.
The purpose is to detect A/I disinformation and deep fakes, not people.

“Companies are already experiencing significant economic damage caused by the spread of AI-generated viral disinformation and deep fakes manufactured by competitors, disgruntled employees, and other types of adversaries. We believe that the market for AI that can predict and neutralize malign AI-generated synthetic media is about to explode,” he added.
the italicized comment in this previous post, was made by the private company who created it, not our government....I should have made that clearer, from all the comments... He was sales pitching his product to the private sector companies....why they needed it.

The government has to fight fire with fire, and has the whole nation to protect from other nation's created A/I.
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