US tipping culture comes to the UK.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Some grim experiences here. Businesses should just pay their staff a living wage.
Any restaurant that shares tips is usually shit anyway.

Some grim experiences here. Businesses should just pay their staff a living wage.
Any restaurant that shares tips is usually shit anyway.
true …..

Some grim experiences here. Businesses should just pay their staff a living wage.
Any restaurant that shares tips is usually shit anyway.
You have to pay to use the bathroom in Europe but you are opposed to tipping a waiter?



Some grim experiences here. Businesses should just pay their staff a living wage.
Any restaurant that shares tips is usually shit anyway.

You have my condolences
I always tip very well.

It is my way to show appreciation for the person serving me and a realization that the money is important to them.

They aren't a bunch of banking executives, after all.
I spent some time in New Zealand some 50 or so years ago. At the time, it was considered an insult to the owner of the establishment if you left a tip.

Some grim experiences here. Businesses should just pay their staff a living wage.
Any restaurant that shares tips is usually shit anyway.

I know a bartender that makes 2 grand a week in tips alone. The bar can keep it's prices lower because it's not paying bartenders 100K a year
Using the bathroom is a human right damn it!

Stop charging money for this crap!!

What is wrong with you people?

There, I feel better.
Should you tip the bathroom attendant?
Using the bathroom is a human right damn it!

Stop charging money for this crap!!

What is wrong with you people?

There, I feel better.
You sound like a fucking commie. Go before you leave the house.
It shoud be a part of the bill. instead of a rip off.
No, it's a way to reward excellent service. If a waiter makes my experience a great one, I am happy to give him extra, because he deserves it. If a waiter makes my experience trash, he doesn't deserve much extra, or any. This sounds a lot like arguments from a socialist, who insists everyone deserves to get the same income, no matter how excellent they are at their job or how much risk they take to start and run their own business.

I know a bartender that makes 2 grand a week in tips alone. The bar can keep it's prices lower because it's not paying bartenders 100K a year
But you end up paying anyway. Lower prices are not a saving.
Tipping reflects the “Everyone gets a trophy” mentality.
You are rewarded for exceptional service whether you give it or not. You are expected to give additional compensation for just doing their job.

You handed me a menu. I picked what I wanted. You took my order and someone else brought the meal to the table and cleaned it afterwards

Some grim experiences here. Businesses should just pay their staff a living wage.
Any restaurant that shares tips is usually shit anyway.
And what is a fair wage?
Tipping reflects the “Everyone gets a trophy” mentality.
You are rewarded for exceptional service whether you give it or not. You are expected to give additional compensation for just doing their job.

You handed me a menu. I picked what I wanted. You took my order and someone else brought the meal to the table and cleaned it afterwards
Then you are doing it wrong.

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