US tipping culture comes to the UK.

But you end up paying anyway. Lower prices are not a saving.
But when one bartender gets big tips and the others get mediocre ones, it means the excellent are rewarded more than the rest, and that flies in the face of the socialist who believes it should not matter how excellent you are at your job, you should not receive more than someone else who is at best mediocre.
Tipping reflects the “Everyone gets a trophy” mentality.
You are rewarded for exceptional service whether you give it or not. You are expected to give additional compensation for just doing their job.
Nope. You give extra IF the service was exceptional. If not, the tip is not large. It is the opposite of the socialist ideal, wherein everyone gets the same regardless of the quality of their work.
You handed me a menu. I picked what I wanted.
You also explained what the specials were, what items on the menu were exceptionally good, carefully explained what to avoid if you have any food allergies, did not invade your personal space, but paid attention and if your glass was empty, showed up with more before you had to ask for a refill. You know, all the ways an excellent waiter makes your experience a good one.
You took my order and someone else brought the meal to the table and cleaned it afterwards
Nonsense. A waiter can make your experience exceptional or lousy with their attitudes and attention to detail. When your tip is small or non-existent, they get the message that they did not make your experience a good one. When, OTOH, your tip is large, they also get a message, and it's along the lines of, "Boy, if that guy shows up at my table again, I'm going to take REALLY good care of him".
You also explained what the specials were, what items on the menu were exceptionally good, carefully explained what to avoid if you have any food allergies, did not invade your personal space, but paid attention and if your glass was empty, showed up with more before you had to ask for a refill. You know, all the ways an excellent waiter makes your experience a good one.

Which qualifies as exceptional service.
Handing a menu (with a page of specials included) and taking an order is not exceptional.

Acting annoyed when someone asks a lot of questions is not exceptional.

Being nowhere to be found when there is a problem is not exceptional
Which qualifies as exceptional service.
Handing a menu (with a page of specials included) and taking an order is not exceptional.

Acting annoyed when someone asks a lot of questions is not exceptional.

Being nowhere to be found when there is a problem is not exceptional
Especcially as the tip is automatically included and the restaurant skims a percentage as well.

I like tipping culture, allows me a chance to reward outstanding service. I always leave at least 20%, even if the service is bad, but do enjoy rewarding good service and recognizing the wait staff for doing a great job.
Especcially as the tip is automatically included and the restaurant skims a percentage as well.

That depends on the restaurant. How much do you actually know about tipping, anyway? There are varying ways restaurants handle tips. In some, the waiter keeps all of the money. In others, they give percentages to the busboys and cooks, as they are also instrumental in the quality of the experience. Some restaurants insist that all tips be tossed into a pool and the owner divvies it up among wait staff, busboys, cooks, etc. Also, restaurants have a different minimum wage specifically because of tipping, so no, it's not included in the menu prices.
Which qualifies as exceptional service.
Handing a menu (with a page of specials included) and taking an order is not exceptional.
No, it is not, and does not give me incentive to leave a big tip.
Acting annoyed when someone asks a lot of questions is not exceptional.
See above.
Being nowhere to be found when there is a problem is not exceptional
See above.

And, like I said, exceptional service makes my experience better and I reward more those who make it so.
No, it is not, and does not give me incentive to leave a big tip.

See above.

See above.

And, like I said, exceptional service makes my experience better and I reward more those who make it so.

I have no problem with rewarding service that made my visit more enjoyable.

I am growing tired over the expansion of the tipping culture.

A standard 15 percent tip has now become a 20 percent tip
You are asked to tip a cashier who merely rings up your order
You are asked to tip for a serve yourself meal
You are asked to tip the owner of the establishment

Tip jars are everywhere
I have no problem with rewarding service that made my visit more enjoyable.

I am growing tired over the expansion of the tipping culture.

A standard 15 percent tip has now become a 20 percent tip
You are asked to tip a cashier who merely rings up your order
You are asked to tip for a serve yourself meal
You are asked to tip the owner of the establishment

Tip jars are everywhere
I can still ignore them and focus on only those who actually enhance my experience.

Some grim experiences here. Businesses should just pay their staff a living wage.
Any restaurant that shares tips is usually shit anyway.

How can restaurants ask you tip TWICE after you've already tipped the first time? What a joke we've become.
Which qualifies as exceptional service.
Handing a menu (with a page of specials included) and taking an order is not exceptional.

Acting annoyed when someone asks a lot of questions is not exceptional.

Being nowhere to be found when there is a problem is not exceptional
So why would you want to patronize that place? And would paying those shitty wait staff more money improve their service?

If they know they're getting $20 an hour no matter how shitty their service why do you think that will improve your ecxperience?
Using the same imagined smear that actually applies to you .
Standard Alinsky tactic .
That is , left wing deranged .

OP is hilarious because he he comes from an enclave full up with poisonous tips --- Coal Tips .
You don’t even know who Alinsky was

You just make shit up and attribute it to Alinsky

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