US vs Russia-Trump Has Lost and Guided US into Defeat-Traitor Cult Follows Loser President

Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.

Except all of the cyber-warfare went on before Trump was even in office, jackass.
There was no claim in the OP that trump started the conflict, jackass. The claim was specifically that the conflict was being won until trump took office.

What an asshole. I never said anything about who started it! And there is absolutely no evidence that Trump is losing it! I'll say it again--- it all happened before Trump was even in office! It hit a peak last year with Obama! Now for the first time someone is digging into it and trying to fix it. Trump. Another liberal with his head on 180°.
Look at your post. You make the comment that cyber-warfare went on before trump and now you are whining and ignoring your quote by saying you never said anything about who started it. It is all in your quoted posts. Peolpe are not required to understand or comprehend your gibberish.

"now you are whining and ignoring your quote by saying you never said anything about who started it."

Well, then copy and paste what post I made where I said anything about who started it, imbecile! I mean really! Liberals can't even read. They look at statements and read into them only what they want to hear. Do you actually HOLD A JOB? What could you possibly do worth being paid money for, sweeping up fries at McDonalds? Cyber-warfare has been going on as long as there has been an internet. NO ONE STARTED IT. But it certainly reached a crescendo under Obama. Now it has moved intra-governmental and it has been weaponized by the democrats just as with the IRS a few years ago aimed at taking out anyone who the Washington Elite do not like.
cyber warfare , seems to me that cyber , computer warfare is just normal since invention of computers or 'algore' inventing the internet . Everyone does it and its up to the target to guard against it . I don't like it perhaps but its NORMAL all over the world with ALL nations , entities , people and just everywhere a person looks . ----------------- To me , getting upset about supposed real or imagined Russia hacking is dumb . Guard against for sure but no big deal to me , imo !! -------------------------- Just a comment .
Russia took over part of Ukraine, annexed Crimea became a force in Europe again with these actions and became a force in the Middle East again by proping up Assad in Syria and all of this during the previous administration. If this what someone thinks the U.S. winning looks like than we have very different ideas of what winning is.

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