US vs Russia-Trump Has Lost and Guided US into Defeat-Traitor Cult Follows Loser President

Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.
---------------------------------------- looks like President Trump will do what he and his advisors think best for the USA and not blindly follow mrobamas unamerican policies Camp .
I knew and predicted Obama's name would come up. You guys can't help yourself. So, now that you have done it, explain which action Obama took against Russia was unAmerican. Don't deviate from the topic. Keep it in regards to Obama's responses to Russia over the issue's of the conflict, sanctions and cyber warfare.
I knew and predicted Obama's name would come up.

Of course it will.

because the world didn't start, (or end), the day Trump took office.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.
---------------------------------------- looks like President Trump will do what he and his advisors think best for the USA and not blindly follow mrobamas unamerican policies Camp .
I knew and predicted Obama's name would come up. You guys can't help yourself. So, now that you have done it, explain which action Obama took against Russia was unAmerican. Don't deviate from the topic. Keep it in regards to Obama's responses to Russia over the issue's of the conflict, sanctions and cyber warfare.
------------------------------------------------ mrobama himself is unamerican . That being said , mrobama wants a shift from 'europe' to allying with middle east muslims Camp . [imo]
Oh and BTW, one of the last things Obama did before leaving office was about 16 days before end of his term, he changed all intelligence laws so that instead of intelligence staying within an agency until it is vetted, it is now immediately sent out to all 17 agencies at once, making it impossible to track who knows what, opening the door to all of this leaking!
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.

Except all of the cyber-warfare went on before Trump was even in office, jackass.
There was no claim in the OP that trump started the conflict, jackass. The claim was specifically that the conflict was being won until trump took office.

What an asshole. I never said anything about who started it! And there is absolutely no evidence that Trump is losing it! I'll say it again--- it all happened before Trump was even in office! It hit a peak last year with Obama! Now for the first time someone is digging into it and trying to fix it. Trump. Another liberal with his head on 180°.
Look at your post. You make the comment that cyber-warfare went on before trump and now you are whining and ignoring your quote by saying you never said anything about who started it. It is all in your quoted posts. Peolpe are not required to understand or comprehend your gibberish.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.
---------------------------------------- looks like President Trump will do what he and his advisors think best for the USA and not blindly follow mrobamas unamerican policies Camp .
I knew and predicted Obama's name would come up. You guys can't help yourself. So, now that you have done it, explain which action Obama took against Russia was unAmerican. Don't deviate from the topic. Keep it in regards to Obama's responses to Russia over the issue's of the conflict, sanctions and cyber warfare.
------------------------------------------------ mrobama himself is unamerican . That being said , mrobama wants a shift from 'europe' to allying with middle east muslims Camp . [imo]
That is what trump is doing, but you are deflecting and evading answering the question which specifically asked for examples of how Obama's responses to Russia were unAmerican.
but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare.
Now present some facts to back up your assertions.
Are you unaware of sanctions and allegations of cyber attacks by both sides of the conflict?
I am aware that allegations aren't facts. What the allegations have amounted to thus far is nothing more than propaganda.

As far as sanctions are concerned, they appear to be a one sided affair. It's an economic war on Russia based on flimsy pretexts.

Trump has not curtailed the sanctions (fact) so it is difficult to see what point you think you even have.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.

Could you direct us to some evidence.....I mean anything? Just any little piece or shred will do.
Evidence for what? Cyber warfare? Sanctions that show economic warfare? Are you unaware of these things? Be specific about what objective data you need to have evidence for and I will try to provide it.

Im aware of the CIA and cyber warfare that it and russia engage in. Point us to some evidence of russia interfering in our most recent election. Any microscopic shred will suffice. To date, none has been shown...only that we're to believe in what our govt tells us.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.
---------------------------------------- looks like President Trump will do what he and his advisors think best for the USA and not blindly follow mrobamas unamerican policies Camp .
I knew and predicted Obama's name would come up. You guys can't help yourself. So, now that you have done it, explain which action Obama took against Russia was unAmerican. Don't deviate from the topic. Keep it in regards to Obama's responses to Russia over the issue's of the conflict, sanctions and cyber warfare.
------------------------------------------------ mrobama himself is unamerican . That being said , mrobama wants a shift from 'europe' to allying with middle east muslims Camp . [imo]
Hard to believe you would make such a ridiculous claim. Trump is the one alienating European allies and kissing Muslim asses all over the middle east.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.

Elections have consequences.

Get Over It.



No charge.

Not THIS time.
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.

Could you direct us to some evidence.....I mean anything? Just any little piece or shred will do.
Evidence for what? Cyber warfare? Sanctions that show economic warfare? Are you unaware of these things? Be specific about what objective data you need to have evidence for and I will try to provide it.

Im aware of the CIA and cyber warfare that it and russia engage in. Point us to some evidence of russia interfering in our most recent election. Any microscopic shred will suffice. To date, none has been shown...only that we're to believe in what our govt tells us.
You are deflecting away from the topic and trying to make this another thread about a topic already being discussed in numerous threads. The topic of this thread is the cyber warfare and economic sanctions taking place and trump's failure to not only respond but to lose the initiative created before he took office.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.
---------------------------------------- looks like President Trump will do what he and his advisors think best for the USA and not blindly follow mrobamas unamerican policies Camp .
I knew and predicted Obama's name would come up. You guys can't help yourself. So, now that you have done it, explain which action Obama took against Russia was unAmerican. Don't deviate from the topic. Keep it in regards to Obama's responses to Russia over the issue's of the conflict, sanctions and cyber warfare.
------------------------------------------------ mrobama himself is unamerican . That being said , mrobama wants a shift from 'europe' to allying with middle east muslims Camp . [imo]
Hard to believe you would make such a ridiculous claim. Trump is the one alienating European allies and kissing Muslim asses all over the middle east.
and kissing Muslim asses all over the middle east.

He has?
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.
---------------------------------------- looks like President Trump will do what he and his advisors think best for the USA and not blindly follow mrobamas unamerican policies Camp .
I knew and predicted Obama's name would come up. You guys can't help yourself. So, now that you have done it, explain which action Obama took against Russia was unAmerican. Don't deviate from the topic. Keep it in regards to Obama's responses to Russia over the issue's of the conflict, sanctions and cyber warfare.
------------------------------------------------ mrobama himself is unamerican . That being said , mrobama wants a shift from 'europe' to allying with middle east muslims Camp . [imo]
That is what trump is doing, but you are deflecting and evading answering the question which specifically asked for examples of how Obama's responses to Russia were unAmerican.
----------------------------------------------------- Trump is notifying certain muslim states to get in line if they want peaceful and productive relations with the USA . The real problems in arab , persian and muslims lands are the persians and others and Trump is not allying with those 'curs' Camp . ----------- Russia , as Trump and others say , it only makes sense to ally or at least have good relations with the Russians Camp !!
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.

Elections have consequences.

Get Over It.


View attachment 132072

No charge.

Not THIS time.
See, as predicted in the OP, a meme from a cult follower who can't articulate with words and thoughts.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.

Could you direct us to some evidence.....I mean anything? Just any little piece or shred will do.
Evidence for what? Cyber warfare? Sanctions that show economic warfare? Are you unaware of these things? Be specific about what objective data you need to have evidence for and I will try to provide it.

Im aware of the CIA and cyber warfare that it and russia engage in. Point us to some evidence of russia interfering in our most recent election. Any microscopic shred will suffice. To date, none has been shown...only that we're to believe in what our govt tells us.
You are deflecting away from the topic and trying to make this another thread about a topic already being discussed in numerous threads. The topic of this thread is the cyber warfare and economic sanctions taking place and trump's failure to not only respond but to lose the initiative created before he took office.
---------------------------------------------------------- WHO put the sanctions in place Camp ?? CYBER WARFARE , seems like the USA under Trump is fighting that warfare .
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.

Could you direct us to some evidence.....I mean anything? Just any little piece or shred will do.
Evidence for what? Cyber warfare? Sanctions that show economic warfare? Are you unaware of these things? Be specific about what objective data you need to have evidence for and I will try to provide it.

Im aware of the CIA and cyber warfare that it and russia engage in. Point us to some evidence of russia interfering in our most recent election. Any microscopic shred will suffice. To date, none has been shown...only that we're to believe in what our govt tells us.
You are deflecting away from the topic and trying to make this another thread about a topic already being discussed in numerous threads. The topic of this thread is the cyber warfare and economic sanctions taking place and trump's failure to not only respond but to lose the initiative created before he took office.
---------------------------------------------------------- WHO put the sanctions in place Camp ?? CYBER WARFARE , seems like the USA under Trump is fighting that warfare .
You are failing to address the issue and questions asked to another poster. Do you really not know who started the sanctions? And the claim about trump addressing the cyber-warfare situation is odd, to say the least. He has portions of the American public attacking the people fighting the battles for the US, namely, our American intelligence agencies. The executive branch, trump himself is neutralizing the effectiveness of our national security agents and agencies. He has made his ego more important than national security or defeating the Russians.
looks like mrobama put sanctions on the Russians or was it that mrobama put MORE sanctions on the Russians .
Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
There really is no cure for this level of stupidity & partisanship.

You nutjobs change your stance EVERY WEEK with regard to Russia & Trump. One week he's a Russian insider. Next week he's trying to start ww3 with them. Next week he's Putin's lapdog. This week he's lost a non existent cyber war that the magic man had won.

Basically you dumbfucks are the true puppets of Putin and you don't even know it. Russia's plan was to foment unrest in the American political spectrum. YOU and other unwitting idiots like you are securing that goal for them daily.
Could you direct us to some evidence.....I mean anything? Just any little piece or shred will do.
Evidence for what? Cyber warfare? Sanctions that show economic warfare? Are you unaware of these things? Be specific about what objective data you need to have evidence for and I will try to provide it.

Im aware of the CIA and cyber warfare that it and russia engage in. Point us to some evidence of russia interfering in our most recent election. Any microscopic shred will suffice. To date, none has been shown...only that we're to believe in what our govt tells us.
You are deflecting away from the topic and trying to make this another thread about a topic already being discussed in numerous threads. The topic of this thread is the cyber warfare and economic sanctions taking place and trump's failure to not only respond but to lose the initiative created before he took office.
---------------------------------------------------------- WHO put the sanctions in place Camp ?? CYBER WARFARE , seems like the USA under Trump is fighting that warfare .
You are failing to address the issue and questions asked to another poster. Do you really not know who started the sanctions? And the claim about trump addressing the cyber-warfare situation is odd, to say the least. He has portions of the American public attacking the people fighting the battles for the US, namely, our American intelligence agencies. The executive branch, trump himself is neutralizing the effectiveness of our national security agents and agencies. He has made his ego more important than national security or defeating the Russians.
------------------------------------------- maybe President Trump doesn't trust USA security agencies and people like 'clapper , brennen and comey' that mrobama appointed or has / had in place Camp .
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Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.

He wants to end conflict?

Trump cult followers will defend trump with memes, deflections with rants and such about Obama and the Clinton's, but there is no real running away from facts. The US and Russia have been involved in 21st Century cyber and economic warfare. That war was being won by the US until Donal Trump took charge by becoming the new US President. The US is no longer winning.
Trump was in charge when the Russians hacked the DNC puters?
The conflict was in progress when trump came into office. He has, and is, attempting to sabotage the economic conflict (sanctions) and belittled the cyber conflict.

He wants to end conflict?



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