USDA Sensitivity Training Has Employees Recite,


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
USDA Sensitivity Training Has Employees Recite, “If We Work For A Federal Agency, We’ve Discriminated Against African-Americans In The Past”…​

[ame=]USDA Production 2: Federal Discrimination - YouTube[/ame]​

The clips, released by the conservative government accountability group Judicial Watch Thursday evening, are the second installation of revealing footage obtained by a Freedom of Information Act (FIOA) request the organization made last May.

According to Judicial Watch, the documents reveal the sensitivity training was delivered to USDA employees at least 16 times last year in an attempt to boost employees’ “emotional intelligence.”

In the additional clips, excerpted from the more than 3.5-hour “Cultural Sensitivity Training” session that was never intended to be publicized, diversity awareness trainer Samuel Betances of Souder, Betances and Associates advises further on the cultural sensitivity sins of America.


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What a giant pile of bullshit. This isn't sensitivity training, this is just laying a guilt trip on people even though they've done nothing wrong. No one today is responsible for the sins of those that lived before. I am so tired of this brainwashing. There are those who want a good portion of the population to feel guilty for simply being born white, as if it's a crime and those people have a debt to society.

As far as not appreciating certain cultures, it's not a sin. If a person takes issue with certain religions or cultures that mistreat or even abuse women, it's okay to be totally against that. I've yet to see any sensitivity on the part of some who have harmed innocent people. They need the sensitivity training to learn not to wish death on infidels or those different from them. However, suggesting that they need to be more sensitive just insults them and then the left defends their deadly reaction to it.
What a giant pile of bullshit. This isn't sensitivity training, this is just laying a guilt trip on people even though they've done nothing wrong. No one today is responsible for the sins of those that lived before. I am so tired of this brainwashing. There are those who want a good portion of the population to feel guilty for simply being born white, as if it's a crime and those people have a debt to society.

As far as not appreciating certain cultures, it's not a sin. If a person takes issue with certain religions or cultures that mistreat or even abuse women, it's okay to be totally against that. I've yet to see any sensitivity on the part of some who have harmed innocent people. They need the sensitivity training to learn not to wish death on infidels or those different from them. However, suggesting that they need to be more sensitive just insults them and then the left defends their deadly reaction to it.

You're don't have to appreciate cultures you disagree with. However, you DO have to allow them to exist here in the U.S.A. I mean, we allow the KKK and the Christian conservatives who believe in denying the rights of women. Most of the conservatives believe that a woman should be celibate until married, and then chained to a stove, pumping out babies until they die.

And................................if you want to talk about those that wish death on infidels, wanna talk about how tolerant the Christians are of the other religions such as the Buddhists, Taoists or Jews? They say all of them are going to hell if they don't believe in Jesus.

How tolerant is that?
What a giant pile of bullshit. This isn't sensitivity training, this is just laying a guilt trip on people even though they've done nothing wrong. No one today is responsible for the sins of those that lived before. I am so tired of this brainwashing. There are those who want a good portion of the population to feel guilty for simply being born white, as if it's a crime and those people have a debt to society.

As far as not appreciating certain cultures, it's not a sin. If a person takes issue with certain religions or cultures that mistreat or even abuse women, it's okay to be totally against that. I've yet to see any sensitivity on the part of some who have harmed innocent people. They need the sensitivity training to learn not to wish death on infidels or those different from them. However, suggesting that they need to be more sensitive just insults them and then the left defends their deadly reaction to it.

You're don't have to appreciate cultures you disagree with. However, you DO have to allow them to exist here in the U.S.A. I mean, we allow the KKK and the Christian conservatives who believe in denying the rights of women. Most of the conservatives believe that a woman should be celibate until married, and then chained to a stove, pumping out babies until they die.

And................................if you want to talk about those that wish death on infidels, wanna talk about how tolerant the Christians are of the other religions such as the Buddhists, Taoists or Jews? They say all of them are going to hell if they don't believe in Jesus.

How tolerant is that?

what does that have to with the USDA making people recite a pledge?
so this is what our government has come down to and what our TAX monies are paying for

how lovely
The reason that the government focuses so much attention on RACE issues is because by doing so they can avoid any questions about CLASSISM.

I will remind ya'll that more White folks are poor than Black.

Statistically, of course Blacks are far worse off, but that's no compensation for those
White who are ALSO poor.
I find the idea of adults reciting anything silly and pointless, but at the same time

- I don't see anyone here arguing the basic premise is probably true.
The reason that the government focuses so much attention on RACE issues is because by doing so they can avoid any questions about CLASSISM.

Yeah, that's exactly what the Democrat Lie Machine demonstrated in the recent election, huh?
You're don't have to appreciate cultures you disagree with. However, you DO have to allow them to exist here in the U.S.A. I mean, we allow the KKK and the Christian conservatives who believe in denying the rights of women. Most of the conservatives believe that a woman should be celibate until married, and then chained to a stove, pumping out babies until they die.

And................................if you want to talk about those that wish death on infidels, wanna talk about how tolerant the Christians are of the other religions such as the Buddhists, Taoists or Jews? They say all of them are going to hell if they don't believe in Jesus.

How tolerant is that?

And how "tolerant" is it of you to sit there on your perforated ass spewing lies about what Christians and conservatives supposedly believe, hypocrite?
What a giant pile of bullshit. This isn't sensitivity training, this is just laying a guilt trip on people even though they've done nothing wrong. No one today is responsible for the sins of those that lived before. I am so tired of this brainwashing. There are those who want a good portion of the population to feel guilty for simply being born white, as if it's a crime and those people have a debt to society.

As far as not appreciating certain cultures, it's not a sin. If a person takes issue with certain religions or cultures that mistreat or even abuse women, it's okay to be totally against that. I've yet to see any sensitivity on the part of some who have harmed innocent people. They need the sensitivity training to learn not to wish death on infidels or those different from them. However, suggesting that they need to be more sensitive just insults them and then the left defends their deadly reaction to it.

You're don't have to appreciate cultures you disagree with. However, you DO have to allow them to exist here in the U.S.A. I mean, we allow the KKK and the Christian conservatives who believe in denying the rights of women. Most of the conservatives believe that a woman should be celibate until married, and then chained to a stove, pumping out babies until they die.

And................................if you want to talk about those that wish death on infidels, wanna talk about how tolerant the Christians are of the other religions such as the Buddhists, Taoists or Jews? They say all of them are going to hell if they don't believe in Jesus.

How tolerant is that?

Sensitivity training is medium in which to provide paybacks to white men for the sins of the father. In my 20 year career, the most sexist, prejudiced, and stereotype comments in the workplace continue to come from woman, Blacks, Indians, and Asians. In my sons school, a black administrator was asked by a Middle Eastern parent as to why the school's ratings dropped. The administrator responded that it was because of all of the Latinos.

If we are going to do sensitivity training and mandate multi culturalism, then everyone needs to be held accountable. No one gets a pass. Otherwise, it is a tool to seek out and punish white guys for sins of the father..... That won't fly.
What a giant pile of bullshit. This isn't sensitivity training, this is just laying a guilt trip on people even though they've done nothing wrong. No one today is responsible for the sins of those that lived before. I am so tired of this brainwashing. There are those who want a good portion of the population to feel guilty for simply being born white, as if it's a crime and those people have a debt to society.

As far as not appreciating certain cultures, it's not a sin. If a person takes issue with certain religions or cultures that mistreat or even abuse women, it's okay to be totally against that. I've yet to see any sensitivity on the part of some who have harmed innocent people. They need the sensitivity training to learn not to wish death on infidels or those different from them. However, suggesting that they need to be more sensitive just insults them and then the left defends their deadly reaction to it.

You're don't have to appreciate cultures you disagree with. However, you DO have to allow them to exist here in the U.S.A. I mean, we allow the KKK and the Christian conservatives who believe in denying the rights of women. Most of the conservatives believe that a woman should be celibate until married, and then chained to a stove, pumping out babies until they die.

And................................if you want to talk about those that wish death on infidels, wanna talk about how tolerant the Christians are of the other religions such as the Buddhists, Taoists or Jews? They say all of them are going to hell if they don't believe in Jesus.

How tolerant is that?

Don't forget, we allow liars like you spew your crap.

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