USMB lets you use Live Ammo


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Other boards are afraid of what people might say so they only let you shoot blanks, not USMB. This is as real as it gets.

There are people of all opinions and levels of sanity here and within very broad limits, you can say what's on your mind. However, you'd better be able to defend it because no one is taking any more of your shit without challenging it.

Thank You Gunny and the entire staff at USMB for such an enjoyable place!
The USMB not only supports free speech, but the right to bare arms too!

The USMB not only supports free speech, but the right to bare arms too!


However, as we know, just because one has the right to bear arms, does not mean that we should all exercise that right.... unless we have exercised that right and that left. Chicken wings are not for public display!
Other boards are afraid of what people might say so they only let you shoot blanks, not USMB. This is as real as it gets.

There are people of all opinions and levels of sanity here and within very broad limits, you can say what's on your mind. However, you'd better be able to defend it because no one is taking any more of your shit without challenging it.

Thank You Gunny and the entire staff at USMB for such an enjoyable place!

However, you'd better be able to defend it because no one is taking any more of your shit without challenging it.

Prove it, bucko.
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Other boards are afraid of what people might say so they only let you shoot blanks, not USMB. This is as real as it gets.

There are people of all opinions and levels of sanity here and within very broad limits, you can say what's on your mind. However, you'd better be able to defend it because no one is taking any more of your shit without challenging it.

Thank You Gunny and the entire staff at USMB for such an enjoyable place!

However, you'd better be able to defend it because no one is taking any more of your shit without challenging it.

Prove it, bucko.

Other boards are afraid of what people might say so they only let you shoot blanks, not USMB. This is as real as it gets.

Posting on USMB is like ejaculating potent semen...while posting elsewhere is like ejaculating after a vasectomy.
I've been on many boards.. Most of which will ban you if you even so much as disagree with the views of the majority of people. Not this one.. Everyone is welcomed here. Which is just one of the reasons I've left every other board I'm a member of, to post more here. Thanks to all of the mods for making this an awesome place to be a part of!
I don't know about "all" levels of sanity, Frank. That implies some of us are.....normal. :eek:

No it doesn't. It just means that should someone normal happen to find their way here, we'll let them stay and play. :)

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