USMB liberal Obots react to newly-revealed facts about Obamacare

Why would it take a rebellion?

Oh, gee, I dunno...maybe because the guy had total personal control over his military, to include especially the elite Republican Guard?

Are you TRYING to be as stupid as possible?

It could also take one ambition general shooting him at dinner.

Or it could take exactly how the Berlin Wall fell. Not one shot fired, but no one was going to oppose people power.

The reality is, governments exist because their people support them. We spent all of World War II looking for the "Good Germans" and never found them. They fought for Hitler until the last man.

Again, best policy, don't go sticking your dick in a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.
You raged in anger when Saddam was found hiding in a hole like a rat, and wept bitterly when he was executed by his own people.

Don't bother denying it.

Actually, at the time, I thought it was pretty cool when he got caught.

His execution- meh, letting Al-Sadr pop him off like a party favor really didn't make us look very competent.

Of course, 1 Trillion dollars spent and 5000 lives lost so that Iran can now run Iraq, I guess I just can't get out and waive the flag over that.
In the 11th hour, Joe like so many will accept Jesus Christ. At the darkest hour, they often find they are not so assured.

There will still be time however

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Can you prove that in a court of law?

Can you prove that in a science lab?

God told David Koresh that he should molest children, shoot government agents and commit mass suicide. How is his opinion of God any less valid than yours?

Let me check -- yes, despite your childish lashing out, God is still there.

You really think you can talk Him out of existing? That's rather arrogant from someone who's so afraid of life he wants the government to make all his decisions for him.

But then, your god, Government, is a jealous god.

Guy, I have so little daily interaction with government that other than filing my taxes every year, I barely do at all.

As opposed to yourself, who gets a check from the Treasury every month.

But you really are avoiding the question. The thing is, I can scientifically and legally prove the Government exists.

The Magic Sky Pixie... meh, not so much.
Then you understand nothing of faith.

You should perhaps stop talking about it, then.
It could also take one ambition general shooting him at dinner.

Or it could take exactly how the Berlin Wall fell. Not one shot fired, but no one was going to oppose people power.

The reality is, governments exist because their people support them. We spent all of World War II looking for the "Good Germans" and never found them. They fought for Hitler until the last man.

Again, best policy, don't go sticking your dick in a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.
You raged in anger when Saddam was found hiding in a hole like a rat, and wept bitterly when he was executed by his own people.

Don't bother denying it.

Actually, at the time, I thought it was pretty cool when he got caught.

His execution- meh, letting Al-Sadr pop him off like a party favor really didn't make us look very competent.

Of course, 1 Trillion dollars spent and 5000 lives lost so that Iran can now run Iraq, I guess I just can't get out and waive the flag over that.
There's nothing you'll wave the American flag over.

The Soviet flag, however...
In the 11th hour, Joe like so many will accept Jesus Christ. At the darkest hour, they often find they are not so assured.

There will still be time however


I hope he does...but there isn't always time.
Then you understand nothing of faith.

You should perhaps stop talking about it, then.

I understand faith perfectly well.

It's the opposite of reason.

Aztecs firmly had faith they need to cut the hearts out of people to keep the sun rising in the morning.

Branch Davidians firmly had faith they needed to commit mass suicide to get into heaven.

People in the dark ages had faith that there were witches who needed to be burned.

Of course, we all know that t hese things just ain't so.

But you have 'faith" that your backwards, unproveable assertation must be true.
In the 11th hour, Joe like so many will accept Jesus Christ. At the darkest hour, they often find they are not so assured.

There will still be time however


Fear of death isn't proof of a magic sky man.
Then you understand nothing of faith.

You should perhaps stop talking about it, then.

I understand faith perfectly well.

It's the opposite of reason.

Aztecs firmly had faith they need to cut the hearts out of people to keep the sun rising in the morning.

Branch Davidians firmly had faith they needed to commit mass suicide to get into heaven.

People in the dark ages had faith that there were witches who needed to be burned.

Of course, we all know that t hese things just ain't so.

But you have 'faith" that your backwards, unproveable assertation must be true.
Prove God doesn't exist.

Hint: You can't.

Now sputter and fume some more.
Prove God doesn't exist.

Hint: You can't.

Now sputter and fume some more.

Prove Unicorns don't exist.

Hint: you can't.

Now sputter and fume some more.
:lmao: I bet you thought you scored a point, too.

I have no extreme emotional investment in believing unicorns don't exist. People believing in unicorns doesn't make me angry or fearful. I don't hate people who believe in unicorns.

You know, like the way you believe God doesn't exist.
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You just refuse to give up on that don't you.....

I don't give a fuck who lied about what in the past. We can't do shit about it. (Besides bush didn't lie about WMD)

I do care about today, the current administration that has lied about more things than my older brother and that's hard to do.

You can start with transparency and go on from there. We've never been lied to as much as now.....

Your outrage about "lies" is pretty selective, isn't it?

The thing is, for 80% of us, Obama was being perfectly honest. If we liked our plans, we kept them. For anotehr 16% who couldn't get on a plan before, they can now get on a plan. 4% who had shitty plans can't keep them, but they'll get something else.

Just not seeing the problem, most of which was created by the rights INSISTANCE that Big Insurance and Big Pharma and Big Medical all get a say in crafting this bill.

The only reason you have the same plan is Obama delayed the employee mandate for a year.
Good question.

Okay - Clinton's lie- He said he didn't get a blow job when he really did.

Bush's lie- He said Saddam had WMD's when he didn't. Thousands of people died.

Obama's lie- He said that we can keep our policies when 3% of us can't, but we'll end up getting another policy anyway.

Okay, which lie is the most serious?

JoeB's lie

Go back and take your anit-crazy meds, and get back to me.

I already provided a paper written by HHS that says that anywhere from 40% to 80% of people on group healthcare plans would lose their insurance under Obamacare. All you have is a lie that that means only 3% of people will lose their plans, and that all the plans are crappy.
Prove God doesn't exist.

Hint: You can't.

Now sputter and fume some more.

Prove Unicorns don't exist.

Hint: you can't.

Now sputter and fume some more.
:lmao: I bet you thought you scored a point, too.

I have no extreme emotional investment in believing unicorns don't exist. People believing in unicorns doesn't make me angry or fearful. I don't hate people who believe in unicorns.

You know, like the way you believe God doesn't exist.

People who believe in Unicorns don't burn witches, start Crusades and Jihads, torture heretics, ally themselvs with dictators, assist the wealthy in exploiting the rest of us, stifle scientific progress and all the other shit you do.

It isn't what you believe, it's what you all do with that belief.
You just refuse to give up on that don't you.....

I don't give a fuck who lied about what in the past. We can't do shit about it. (Besides bush didn't lie about WMD)

I do care about today, the current administration that has lied about more things than my older brother and that's hard to do.

You can start with transparency and go on from there. We've never been lied to as much as now.....

Your outrage about "lies" is pretty selective, isn't it?

The thing is, for 80% of us, Obama was being perfectly honest. If we liked our plans, we kept them. For anotehr 16% who couldn't get on a plan before, they can now get on a plan. 4% who had shitty plans can't keep them, but they'll get something else.

Just not seeing the problem, most of which was created by the rights INSISTANCE that Big Insurance and Big Pharma and Big Medical all get a say in crafting this bill.

The only reason you have the same plan is Obama delayed the employee mandate for a year.

That's retarded. It was the EMPLOYER mandate, and my employer ALREADY provides insurance that complies with the ACA.
For now maybe.........

Or maybe for as long as the whole system of private insurance (which was failing before ObamaCare came along) lasts...

You see, here's the underlying secret of ObamaCare.

Private Insurance was totally for it, because they KNOW their industry is dying. They know they can't go on as they have.

So they let the government be the bad guy and mandate what is what, to squeeze a few more years where they can make profits before we have an attack of common sense and go to a single payer system like EVERY OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED NATION already has done.

Frankly, I'd have rather cut to the chase and just gone direct to single payer.
Gee, if every other industrialized nation had one in every one hundred jump off a bridge would you volunteer to jump?

We aren't everyone else...Everyone else failed at following us........
Gee, if every other industrialized nation had one in every one hundred jump off a bridge would you volunteer to jump?

We aren't everyone else...Everyone else failed at following us........

Or they realized what we were doing was stupid with the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world or the lowest life expectency or twice the per capita spending wasn't worth copying.

I would say that if they all figured it out and we are still struggling with it, maybe we are the ones not getting it.
Prove Unicorns don't exist.

Hint: you can't.

Now sputter and fume some more.
:lmao: I bet you thought you scored a point, too.

I have no extreme emotional investment in believing unicorns don't exist. People believing in unicorns doesn't make me angry or fearful. I don't hate people who believe in unicorns.

You know, like the way you believe God doesn't exist.

People who believe in Unicorns don't burn witches, start Crusades and Jihads, torture heretics, ally themselvs with dictators, assist the wealthy in exploiting the rest of us, stifle scientific progress and all the other shit you do.

It isn't what you believe, it's what you all do with that belief.

What we ALL do?

That's odd. I don't remember burning witches, starting Crusades and Jihads, torturing heretics, allying with dictators, assisting anyone in exploiting anyone else, or stifling scientific progress.

I think the worst I can be accused of is "other shit", and that's pretty weak, dood.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, you are on record as saying that Communists murdering millions is moral.

So you should probably just STFU while you're light-years behind.
Your outrage about "lies" is pretty selective, isn't it?

The thing is, for 80% of us, Obama was being perfectly honest. If we liked our plans, we kept them. For anotehr 16% who couldn't get on a plan before, they can now get on a plan. 4% who had shitty plans can't keep them, but they'll get something else.

Just not seeing the problem, most of which was created by the rights INSISTANCE that Big Insurance and Big Pharma and Big Medical all get a say in crafting this bill.

The only reason you have the same plan is Obama delayed the employee mandate for a year.

That's retarded. It was the EMPLOYER mandate, and my employer ALREADY provides insurance that complies with the ACA.
Until 2015. Then you're screwed.

White House delays employer mandate requirement until 2015
The Obama administration will not penalize businesses that do not provide health insurance in 2014, the Treasury Department announced Tuesday.
Instead, it will delay enforcement of a major Affordable Care Act requirement that all employers with more than 50 employees provide coverage to their workers until 2015.​

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