USMB's Second Annual Thirteen Days Till Halloween

Hey guys, I'm busy right now, but as soon as I get back from my walk it'll be time for a LOT more Halloween fun!! 🎃
Alright guys, almost ready but I'm probably going to have dinner first since I was outside longer than I thought as it's Indian summer weather. :cool: (Btw, here's an announcement for a brand new Halloween event this year. The Monster Mash Bash!! :D)

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Alright, NOW I can finally do my page(s) for today's Thirteen Days Till Halloween. We'll go ahead and start with the aliens and no I'm not talking about the illegal kind for once. XD Let's look up to the skies, is it a bird,.. is it an airplane,.. or is it a UFO? ( AKA: Unidentified Flying Object) :omg:


Of course we have to love these guys right? 😍



Also, what does the Bible say about the existence of aliens? Here's what Pastor Matt Brown has to say about it. (Me personally I believe that the Bible says that God created life here on earth, but it never says that it wasn't created anywhere else as well.)

Now onto vampires!! Btw, speaking of God I keep forgetting to mention that I am still sort of uncertain about that whole entire "good" witchcraft now exists in the world for real as I'm pretty sure that all real witchcraft is Satanic, but of course, I could be wrong. Here's the legend and origins of vampires.

Also everybody knows what is supposed to kill and destroy a vampire right?



A wooden stake through the heart


Holy water


And finally the cross.


But why do vampires fear it? Well besides the fact that anything evil cannot touch anything holy here's why.

The last thing about vampires are is it all real? Or just a myth?

Boy! I'm going to have a LOT of videos to watch when this is all done with, but now onto werewolves.


Also, these are my two most favorite werewolf transformations in the movies!! 😍

Our final theme of the day (and I know it's a lot trust me lol) is monsters!! ::04:

Finally we have some music to close out the day and tomorrow will be all about the origin of trick-or-treating and Halloween candy!! :D (Also adding this song because I forgot about it on witches' day.)


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