Utah's Gay Marriage Ban struck down

In my lifetime we have gone from "honor thy father and mother", to "honor thy father and the guy who is pretending to be your mother". Some call that progress.

Get out and get to know some gay people, especially gay parents, I beg you. Nobody is pretending to be a mother or a father in families with SS parents.

That's the biggest lie of bullshit I've ever heard. I've known several lesbian parents in my time dealing with public schools. In each situation there was a bull dyke officiating as the "father" and a lipstick lesbian who was inexplicably attracted to "him". As seasoned adults we often would discuss out of ear shot of these bizarre "couples" why it is that the lipstick lesbian is attracted to men; how this didn't perk the radar of the bulldyke. None of us could and still cannot explain that blatant cry for help. Imagine how confused their kids were?

True story, and a very poor harbinger for gays claiming their behaviors are innate. One of those lesbian couples had identical twins from the lipstick lesbian having been with men for years before she thought she'd try something new. We knew these twin girls and watched them grow up with the bulldyke/"dad" and the lipstick mom. One of the identical twin girls became a lesbian. The other identical twin girl is straight, married and having kids of her own. Both were rather shy, reclusive and obviously disturbed mentally. Since identical twins grew up to take on different sexual orientations, you need not one more study to know sexual orientation is not innate but is learned. And of course animal studies bear this out to exhaustion. At or near puberty, you can train any species of warm blooded animal to sexually orient to anything under the sun if you use conditioning and pairing of stimuli with sexual release. Two or three times is sufficient to imprint a permanent artificial orientation..

So yes, I've met gay couples and no, they are not anything but role playing dads and moms when one of them is missing the equipment and actual factual status as a real man or woman. Even Rachael Maddow gets her period and has to squat to pee. She has a terrible time hiding those wide female hips under the baggy jeans she's always wearing. She isn't a man. She'll never be a man. No man will ever be a woman and no woman will ever be a man. No matter how much they mutilate their bodies or try to deform themselves. Reality is. Yet gay couples strive their whole lives to un-make reality and this takes a real toll on children raised in these homes.

If every lesbian couple you know is as you describe, I suggest you step out and away from your rightwing cocoon and spend some time in the real world besides-----besides, as C_Clayton_Jones pointed out, whether or not a person is genetically predisposed to homosexuality or not is unimportant to the law but-----but FYI...
Study Finds Biological Causes For Homosexuality
By Zack Ford

A new study suggests that homosexuality can be explained by biology, though not by genes specifically. Instead, the researchers propose that there are sex-specific epi-marks on the genes that are triggered during fetal development to maintain a hormone level balance. These switches cause fluctuations in DNA expression that impacts sexual development, including sexual identity and various other gender characteristics. These switches help protect both the fetus and the mother from the natural variation in sex hormone levels present during fetal development, which could help explain why homosexuality has evolved as a common variation of human identity.
I know what consent means. Initially, removing age of consent laws was part of the agenda of the homosexual lobby. They supported legalizing pedophilia.

Harvey Milk would agree! After all, he routinely preyed on homeless teen boys on drugs to sodomize. And he is the gay icon. Children in California are required to celebrate his sexual accomplishments in late May each year. I think it's May 22nd if memory serves...
No, pedophilia has to do with prepubescent children, not sexually active teens.

If you want to accuse someone of that crime, please post a link.
Get out and get to know some gay people, especially gay parents, I beg you. Nobody is pretending to be a mother or a father in families with SS parents.

That's the biggest lie of bullshit I've ever heard. I've known several lesbian parents in my time dealing with public schools. In each situation there was a bull dyke officiating as the "father" and a lipstick lesbian who was inexplicably attracted to "him". As seasoned adults we often would discuss out of ear shot of these bizarre "couples" why it is that the lipstick lesbian is attracted to men; how this didn't perk the radar of the bulldyke. None of us could and still cannot explain that blatant cry for help. Imagine how confused their kids were?

True story, and a very poor harbinger for gays claiming their behaviors are innate. One of those lesbian couples had identical twins from the lipstick lesbian having been with men for years before she thought she'd try something new. We knew these twin girls and watched them grow up with the bulldyke/"dad" and the lipstick mom. One of the identical twin girls became a lesbian. The other identical twin girl is straight, married and having kids of her own. Both were rather shy, reclusive and obviously disturbed mentally. Since identical twins grew up to take on different sexual orientations, you need not one more study to know sexual orientation is not innate but is learned. And of course animal studies bear this out to exhaustion. At or near puberty, you can train any species of warm blooded animal to sexually orient to anything under the sun if you use conditioning and pairing of stimuli with sexual release. Two or three times is sufficient to imprint a permanent artificial orientation..

So yes, I've met gay couples and no, they are not anything but role playing dads and moms when one of them is missing the equipment and actual factual status as a real man or woman. Even Rachael Maddow gets her period and has to squat to pee. She has a terrible time hiding those wide female hips under the baggy jeans she's always wearing. She isn't a man. She'll never be a man. No man will ever be a woman and no woman will ever be a man. No matter how much they mutilate their bodies or try to deform themselves. Reality is. Yet gay couples strive their whole lives to un-make reality and this takes a real toll on children raised in these homes.

If every lesbian couple you know is as you describe, I suggest you step out and away from your rightwing cocoon and spend some time in the real world besides-----besides, as C_Clayton_Jones pointed out, whether or not a person is genetically predisposed to homosexuality or not is unimportant to the law but-----but FYI...
Study Finds Biological Causes For Homosexuality
By Zack Ford

A new study suggests that homosexuality can be explained by biology, though not by genes specifically. Instead, the researchers propose that there are sex-specific epi-marks on the genes that are triggered during fetal development to maintain a hormone level balance. These switches cause fluctuations in DNA expression that impacts sexual development, including sexual identity and various other gender characteristics. These switches help protect both the fetus and the mother from the natural variation in sex hormone levels present during fetal development, which could help explain why homosexuality has evolved as a common variation of human identity.

Ok, so lets accept your premise homosexuality is genetically predetermined. What if at a future date, we could determine this gene while a fetus is still in the womb. Would you support the right of a couple to abort their gay fetus?
National Organization for Marriage Condemns Ruling by Utah Judge Redefining Marriage and Overriding the Will of the People | NOM Blog

As NOM says the will of the people has been over ridden 10 years after the PEOPLE all of them that could vote decided to make marriage between 1 man and 1 woman.
Yes. The people can ask for stuff that is unconstitutional.

In our form of government, such requests fail - sometimes not immediately.

This happens every once in a while - some legislative body provides some law that the people like, and it is found to be counter to our direction as a nation.
Its not unconstitutional. Every person had a chance to vote for it including faggots. It passed.Now some activist scum bag judge of course appointed by Obama overturns the will of the people. Its time for open revolt. Plain and simple.Guillotine time.
No, pedophilia has to do with prepubescent children, not sexually active teens.

If you want to accuse someone of that crime, please post a link.

There you go folks. Witness gay activists right on this website "explaining" and defending the actions of a man in his 30s-40s actively seeking out at-risk homeless youth who were yes, sexually active because they were turning tricks just to stay alive, to sodomize and use; then unceremoniously dump back on the streets when he was done with them. When they became too old. Two of those youth committed suicide. One, Jack McKinley, when he jumped to his death on Harvey Milk's birthday. Harvey Milk was 33 when he picked up Jack, age 16 and a minor in New York. Jack was 33 when he jumped to his death on Milk's birthday..

Just a reminder WillReadmore. Sodomizing minors is a felony in most states. And in most states that felony is exacerbated if the victim was mentally compromised: you know, like a homeless youth from an abusive home on drugs and desperate for a roof over his head might be...

A law promoted by gay activists in California requires school kids to celebrate Harvey Milk's sexual accomplishments each May.
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No, pedophilia has to do with prepubescent children, not sexually active teens.

If you want to accuse someone of that crime, please post a link.

There you go folks. Witness gay activists right on this website "explaining" and defending the actions of a man in his 30s-40s actively seeking out at-risk homeless youth who were yes, sexually active because they were turning tricks just to stay alive, to sodomize and use; then unceremoniously dump back on the streets when he was done with them. When they became too old. Two of those youth committed suicide. One, Jack McKinley, when he jumped to his death on Harvey Milk's birthday. Harvey Milk was 33 when he picked up Jack, age 16 and a minor in New York. Jack was 33 when he jumped to his death on Milk's birthday..

Just a reminder WillReadmore. Sodomizing minors is a felony in most states. And in most states that felony is exacerbated if the victim was mentally compromised: you know, like a homeless youth from an abusive home on drugs and desperate for a roof over his head might be...

A law promoted by gay activists in California requires school kids to celebrate Harvey Milk's sexual accomplishments each May.

And the fact that you and others on the right hostile to equal protection rights have moved on to the inane and irrelevant subject of pedophilia as an ‘argument’ demonstrates why the State failed to make its case.

No, the State didn’t make a pedophilia argument, but its other arguments were just as desperate, baseless, and unpersuasive.
And the fact that you and others on the right hostile to equal protection rights have moved on to the inane and irrelevant subject of pedophilia as an ‘argument’ demonstrates why the State failed to make its case.

No, the State didn’t make a pedophilia argument, but its other arguments were just as desperate, baseless, and unpersuasive.

The fact that I've yet to see a gay person or activist do anything but defend the law requiring children to celebrate the pedophile Harvey Milk as a gay icon/hero means it is a significant observation when discussing "gay rights". Do they include the right to psychologically abuse children by requiring them as a matter of law to celebrate a pedophile/gay hero's sexuality in schools?
There never has been and never will be government marriage. Government makes laws. There are people who work for the government who perform civil ceremonies if the couple decides they don't want a religious ceremony but that's about it.

People already choose who they want to make their living/dying decisions.... government makes laws guaranteeing that.

Insurance already is a private agreement between insurers and citizens... government makes laws guaranteeing that.

Every law the government extends regarding marriage is to protect the people involved in the marriage.

There has obviously been a need for government to legislate those protections because the government doesn't just make laws for fun.



If they were gay, why the hell would they?

Can you show me in the Constitution the part about where if you want something different then the law is applied to you differently?

Ask the justices who decided Loving v Virginia. They (the Lovings) could have married within their race as law dictated, but they wanted it applied differently to them. Damn what the public thought!!!

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you. I cannot comprehend it for you.
Sil, your opinion or your anecdotal "The fact that I've yet to see a gay person or activist do anything but defend the law requiring children to celebrate the pedophile Harvey Milk as a gay icon/hero means it is a significant observation when discussing 'gay rights'" means absolutely nothing.

Honey, your opinion is not fact.
You said the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is that one is a crime one isn't. that is not the case, both are crimes in certain countries. So that is a stupid comparison.

By the way, did you know the initial gay rights platform in 1972 called for the removal of age of consent laws? Look it up.

Consent, look it up.

I know what consent means. Initially, removing age of consent laws was part of the agenda of the homosexual lobby. They supported legalizing pedophilia.

Age of consent laws have only gone up in the United States. And, no, gays in a majority do no support lowering age of consent laws. Keep up the homophobic hyperbole though...it only helps the marriage equality side. :lol:
Can you show me in the Constitution the part about where if you want something different then the law is applied to you differently?

Ask the justices who decided Loving v Virginia. They (the Lovings) could have married within their race as law dictated, but they wanted it applied differently to them. Damn what the public thought!!!

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you. I cannot comprehend it for you.

Oh, I comprehend just fine. Damn activist judges forced an unwilling public to accept interracial marriage, right? See, perfect comprehension.
Its not unconstitutional. Every person had a chance to vote for it including faggots. It passed.Now some activist scum bag judge of course appointed by Obama overturns the will of the people. Its time for open revolt. Plain and simple.Guillotine time.

You are an idiot. None of the judges that ruled on Prop 8 were appointed by President Obama and that it was passed by majority vote does not guarantee its constitutionality.
Consent, look it up.

I know what consent means. Initially, removing age of consent laws was part of the agenda of the homosexual lobby. They supported legalizing pedophilia.

Age of consent laws have only gone up in the United States. And, no, gays in a majority do no support lowering age of consent laws. Keep up the homophobic hyperbole though...it only helps the marriage equality side. :lol:

Just because they weren't effective at removing such laws and dropped these positions as they gained more mainstream traction, doesn't mean they didn't hold those views initially. As late as the 70s, pedophile rights and homosexual rights were one in the same politically.
I know what consent means. Initially, removing age of consent laws was part of the agenda of the homosexual lobby. They supported legalizing pedophilia.

Age of consent laws have only gone up in the United States. And, no, gays in a majority do no support lowering age of consent laws. Keep up the homophobic hyperbole though...it only helps the marriage equality side. :lol:

Just because they weren't effective at removing such laws and dropped these positions as they gained more mainstream traction, doesn't mean they didn't hold those views initially. As late as the 70s, pedophile rights and homosexual rights were one in the same politically.

Your being stuck in the past has nothing to do with today's reality.
Age of consent laws have only gone up in the United States. And, no, gays in a majority do no support lowering age of consent laws. Keep up the homophobic hyperbole though...it only helps the marriage equality side. :lol:

Just because they weren't effective at removing such laws and dropped these positions as they gained more mainstream traction, doesn't mean they didn't hold those views initially. As late as the 70s, pedophile rights and homosexual rights were one in the same politically.

Your being stuck in the past has nothing to do with today's reality.

I think most of the gay pedos who advocated the legalization of pedophilia died of aids, that would be my guess. That and dropping the legalization of pedophilia became politically expedient
No, pedophilia has to do with prepubescent children, not sexually active teens.

If you want to accuse someone of that crime, please post a link.

There you go folks. Witness gay activists right on this website "explaining" and defending the actions of a man in his 30s-40s actively seeking out at-risk homeless youth who were yes, sexually active because they were turning tricks just to stay alive, to sodomize and use; then unceremoniously dump back on the streets when he was done with them. When they became too old. Two of those youth committed suicide. One, Jack McKinley, when he jumped to his death on Harvey Milk's birthday. Harvey Milk was 33 when he picked up Jack, age 16 and a minor in New York. Jack was 33 when he jumped to his death on Milk's birthday..

Just a reminder WillReadmore. Sodomizing minors is a felony in most states. And in most states that felony is exacerbated if the victim was mentally compromised: you know, like a homeless youth from an abusive home on drugs and desperate for a roof over his head might be...

A law promoted by gay activists in California requires school kids to celebrate Harvey Milk's sexual accomplishments each May.
I'm not a gay activist.

When people lie about something as serious as pedophilia, I'm certainly going to hold that person to account - including you.

You will also notice that you are dead wrong about me "defending" Milk or anyone else.

So, please try to move your nonsense a little closer to the truth.
And the fact that you and others on the right hostile to equal protection rights have moved on to the inane and irrelevant subject of pedophilia as an ‘argument’ demonstrates why the State failed to make its case.

No, the State didn’t make a pedophilia argument, but its other arguments were just as desperate, baseless, and unpersuasive.

The fact that I've yet to see a gay person or activist do anything but defend the law requiring children to celebrate the pedophile Harvey Milk as a gay icon/hero means it is a significant observation when discussing "gay rights". Do they include the right to psychologically abuse children by requiring them as a matter of law to celebrate a pedophile/gay hero's sexuality in schools?
Link please.

I see nothing to indicate Milk was a pedophile.

I've asked for this link before - why the problem? Or, is your claim just a lie?
And the fact that you and others on the right hostile to equal protection rights have moved on to the inane and irrelevant subject of pedophilia as an ‘argument’ demonstrates why the State failed to make its case.

No, the State didn’t make a pedophilia argument, but its other arguments were just as desperate, baseless, and unpersuasive.

The fact that I've yet to see a gay person or activist do anything but defend the law requiring children to celebrate the pedophile Harvey Milk as a gay icon/hero means it is a significant observation when discussing "gay rights". Do they include the right to psychologically abuse children by requiring them as a matter of law to celebrate a pedophile/gay hero's sexuality in schools?
Link please.

I see nothing to indicate Milk was a pedophile.

I've asked for this link before - why the problem? Or, is your claim just a lie?

His claim is a lie, of course.

And even if true, it has no bearing on the constitutionality of the Utah statute, or a similar statute in any other state.

But if conservatives hostile to equal protection rights for same-sex couples want to go before the judges on a Federal appeals court and make the argument that same-sex couples should not be allowed access to marriage law because they’re all a bunch a ‘pedophiles,’ they’re more than welcome to do so.

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