Utah's Gay Marriage Ban struck down

In my lifetime we have gone from "honor thy father and mother", to "honor thy father and the guy who is pretending to be your mother". Some call that progress.

Get out and get to know some gay people, especially gay parents, I beg you. Nobody is pretending to be a mother or a father in families with SS parents.
In my lifetime we have gone from "honor thy father and mother", to "honor thy father and the guy who is pretending to be your mother". Some call that progress.

Get out and get to know some gay people, especially gay parents, I beg you. Nobody is pretending to be a mother or a father in families with SS parents.


Who Wears the Pants: The Significance of Gender Roles in Same-Sex Relationships | Sex, Gender and U.S. Society

You posted a blog piece from a guy named Logan? Try an actual study that was published in the Journal of Marriage and Family

Do Children Need Both a Mother and a Father?
Gay or straight, every American can enter into a man woman marriage. The judge is a criminal.

If they were gay, why the hell would they?

Can you show me in the Constitution the part about where if you want something different then the law is applied to you differently?

Ask the justices who decided Loving v Virginia. They (the Lovings) could have married within their race as law dictated, but they wanted it applied differently to them. Damn what the public thought!!!
Exactly, so the notion that gays should be allowed marriage licenses because they were born that way is a faulty argument.

In and of itself, perhaps. However, combine that with an absence of any compelling government interest, and we have a ball game.
Government has a compelling interest to make sure the 14th Amendment applies to everyone.
people whos sexual* preferance* is a willing adult of thier own famly (incest )

Do not exist. You seem to be confusing sexual arousal with sexual orientation. Research has allowed scientists to map the brain activity of sexual arousal. The results have been very clear.

-A heterosexual man is generally aroused by women, and not aroused by men.

-A heterosexual woman is generally aroused by men, and not aroused by women.

-A homosexual man is generally aroused by men, and not aroused by women.

-A homosexual woman is generally aroused by women, and not aroused by men.

-A straight man who "prefers" brunettes does not demonstrate any differences in brain activity when being shown erotic images of brunette women as opposed to blond women. A woman who prefers black men will show the same brain activity when viewing erotic images of white men. Etc.

Based on these results we understand that there is a difference between a person's sexual orientation, and a person's superficial "preferences." Thus, we can definitively say that homosexuality is a real sexual orientation, but that there is also no incest orientation, nambla orientation, or bestiality orientation.
In my lifetime we have gone from "honor thy father and mother", to "honor thy father and the guy who is pretending to be your mother". Some call that progress.

Get out and get to know some gay people, especially gay parents, I beg you. Nobody is pretending to be a mother or a father in families with SS parents.

That's the biggest lie of bullshit I've ever heard. I've known several lesbian parents in my time dealing with public schools. In each situation there was a bull dyke officiating as the "father" and a lipstick lesbian who was inexplicably attracted to "him". As seasoned adults we often would discuss out of ear shot of these bizarre "couples" why it is that the lipstick lesbian is attracted to men; how this didn't perk the radar of the bulldyke. None of us could and still cannot explain that blatant cry for help. Imagine how confused their kids were?

True story, and a very poor harbinger for gays claiming their behaviors are innate. One of those lesbian couples had identical twins from the lipstick lesbian having been with men for years before she thought she'd try something new. We knew these twin girls and watched them grow up with the bulldyke/"dad" and the lipstick mom. One of the identical twin girls became a lesbian. The other identical twin girl is straight, married and having kids of her own. Both were rather shy, reclusive and obviously disturbed mentally. Since identical twins grew up to take on different sexual orientations, you need not one more study to know sexual orientation is not innate but is learned. And of course animal studies bear this out to exhaustion. At or near puberty, you can train any species of warm blooded animal to sexually orient to anything under the sun if you use conditioning and pairing of stimuli with sexual release. Two or three times is sufficient to imprint a permanent artificial orientation..

So yes, I've met gay couples and no, they are not anything but role playing dads and moms when one of them is missing the equipment and actual factual status as a real man or woman. Even Rachael Maddow gets her period and has to squat to pee. She has a terrible time hiding those wide female hips under the baggy jeans she's always wearing. She isn't a man. She'll never be a man. No man will ever be a woman and no woman will ever be a man. No matter how much they mutilate their bodies or try to deform themselves. Reality is. Yet gay couples strive their whole lives to un-make reality and this takes a real toll on children raised in these homes.
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I understand the difference. But pedophiles are born the way they are. You support persecuting individuals for the way they are born.

Some people are just born psychopaths, which leads them to become serial killers. The real question is whether there is a legitimate reason to infringe upon such a person.

Exactly, so the notion that gays should be allowed marriage licenses because they were born that way is a faulty argument. Individuals can be born with engrained proclivities that society does not have to accept.
Which is why no one is making such an ‘argument.’

Same-sex couples have always been eligible to enter into marriage contracts, the issue concerns states refusing to obey the 14th Amendment, where the states lack the authority to refuse issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

In addition to 14th Amendment jurisprudence, the 5th Amendment’s Liberty Clause guarantees each person the right to free expression as an individual, whether one is a homosexual as a consequence of birth or choice is of no matter, the individual retains his equal protection rights in either case.
In my lifetime we have gone from "honor thy father and mother", to "honor thy father and the guy who is pretending to be your mother". Some call that progress.

Get out and get to know some gay people, especially gay parents, I beg you. Nobody is pretending to be a mother or a father in families with SS parents.

That's the biggest lie of bullshit I've ever heard. I've known several lesbian parents in my time dealing with public schools. In each situation there was a bull dyke officiating as the "father" and a lipstick lesbian who was inexplicably attracted to "him". As seasoned adults we often would discuss out of ear shot of these bizarre "couples" why it is that the lipstick lesbian is attracted to men; how this didn't perk the radar of the bulldyke. None of us could and still cannot explain that blatant cry for help. Imagine how confused their kids were?

True story, and a very poor harbinger for gays claiming their behaviors are innate. One of those lesbian couples had identical twins from the lipstick lesbian having been with men for years before she thought she'd try something new. We knew these twin girls and watched them grow up with the bulldyke/"dad" and the lipstick mom. One of the identical twin girls became a lesbian. The other identical twin girl is straight, married and having kids of her own. Both were rather shy, reclusive and obviously disturbed mentally. Since identical twins grew up to take on different sexual orientations, you need not one more study to know sexual orientation is not innate but is learned. And of course animal studies bear this out to exhaustion. At or near puberty, you can train any species of warm blooded animal to sexually orient to anything under the sun if you use conditioning and pairing of stimuli with sexual release. Two or three times is sufficient to imprint a permanent artificial orientation..

So yes, I've met gay couples and no, they are not anything but role playing dads and moms when one of them is missing the equipment and actual factual status as a real man or woman. Even Rachael Maddow gets her period and has to squat to pee. She has a terrible time hiding those wide female hips under the baggy jeans she's always wearing. She isn't a man. She'll never be a man. No man will ever be a woman and no woman will ever be a man. No matter how much they mutilate their bodies or try to deform themselves. Reality is. Yet gay couples strive their whole lives to un-make reality and this takes a real toll on children raised in these homes.

Your perception is not reality. I'm in a gay parenting group with thousands of members in the greater SF Bay Area. What you've experienced is not representative of all gay parents.

There are no credible studies showing that orientation is learned. NARTH isn't credible.
Some people are just born psychopaths, which leads them to become serial killers. The real question is whether there is a legitimate reason to infringe upon such a person.

Exactly, so the notion that gays should be allowed marriage licenses because they were born that way is a faulty argument. Individuals can be born with engrained proclivities that society does not have to accept.
Which is why no one is making such an ‘argument.’

Same-sex couples have always been eligible to enter into marriage contracts, the issue concerns states refusing to obey the 14th Amendment, where the states lack the authority to refuse issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

In addition to 14th Amendment jurisprudence, the 5th Amendment’s Liberty Clause guarantees each person the right to free expression as an individual, whether one is a homosexual as a consequence of birth or choice is of no matter, the individual retains his equal protection rights in either case.

Fuck the Constitution. I don't really see that as a viable argument. The Constitution is irrelevant today anyways. I oppose gay marriage for other reasons, independent of the Constitution.
Your perception is not reality. I'm in a gay parenting group with thousands of members in the greater SF Bay Area. What you've experienced is not representative of all gay parents.

There are no credible studies showing that orientation is learned. NARTH isn't credible.

Who said anything about NARTH? I'm talking about the ag industry and zoo handlers who artificially orient all manner of species to anything they like with 2 or 3 repetitive episodes to graft the new and permanent orientation. That and a set of identical twin girls raised by lesbians; one who grew up to become a lesbian and the other is straight, married and having kids with a man.

That's all you need to know. Who cares about NARTH?

You saying that a bulldyke and a lipstick lesbian couple aren't representative of all gay parents is like me saying a goat born with two horns is not representative of all goats. [Some people disbud them when they are born]. Sure, there are some goats without horns but are they the real thing? No, they're artificially constructed. Just like your "not all gays are play acting husband and wife in relationships where children are being raised".

Bull Crap. Anyone with eyes can see the masculine and feminine roles being played out because even gays themselves know something is wrong with their "arrangement" as parents... And if they can't see it, the kids sure can. They don't miss a detail and as they get older they become very sophisticated at spotting and calling out adult hypocrisies. Anyone who has raised a teenager knows this like the back of their hand. The old saying "out of the mouths of babes" is not just someone breathing out empty words.
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Whats the difference between a homosexual and a pedophile really? By the left's standard, we should judge them or excoriate them because after all, they are born that way...
Wow! Where did you get THAT?

Pedophilia is a serious crime.

Homosexuality used to be a crime. It is still a crime in other countries...
Sure - in shockingly backward Thirdworldistans. Even the RCC has no pb with people being same sex oriented. Plus, the Pope is telling his church to back off this crazy political assault.

So, who in America is still furthering this idea of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?
Wow! Where did you get THAT?

Pedophilia is a serious crime.

Homosexuality used to be a crime. It is still a crime in other countries...
Sure - in shockingly backward Thirdworldistans. Even the RCC has no pb with people being same sex oriented. Plus, the Pope is telling his church to back off this crazy political assault.

So, who in America is still furthering this idea of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

You said the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is that one is a crime one isn't. that is not the case, both are crimes in certain countries. So that is a stupid comparison.

By the way, did you know the initial gay rights platform in 1972 called for the removal of age of consent laws? Look it up.
Your perception is not reality. I'm in a gay parenting group with thousands of members in the greater SF Bay Area. What you've experienced is not representative of all gay parents.

There are no credible studies showing that orientation is learned. NARTH isn't credible.

Who said anything about NARTH? I'm talking about the ag industry and zoo handlers who artificially orient all manner of species to anything they like with 2 or 3 repetitive episodes to graft the new and permanent orientation. That and a set of identical twin girls raised by lesbians; one who grew up to become a lesbian and the other is straight, married and having kids with a man.

That's all you need to know. Who cares about NARTH?

You saying that a bulldyke and a lipstick lesbian couple aren't representative of all gay parents is like me saying a goat born with two horns is not representative of all goats. [Some people disbud them when they are born]. Sure, there are some goats without horns but are they the real thing? No, they're artificially constructed. Just like your "not all gays are play acting husband and wife in relationships where children are being raised".

Bull Crap. Anyone with eyes can see the masculine and feminine roles being played out because even gays themselves know something is wrong with their "arrangement" as parents... And if they can't see it, the kids sure can. They don't miss a detail and as they get older they become very sophisticated at spotting and calling out adult hypocrisies. Anyone who has raised a teenager knows this like the back of their hand. The old saying "out of the mouths of babes" is not just someone breathing out empty words.

Again, I'm going to bet I know more gay parents than you do and I do not find your archaic stereotypes to be the norm. Your stereotype is certainly not the reality in my family nor in the family I was a surrogate for (gay men).

All credible studies show that our children are at no disadvantage to those of straight parents.
Homosexuality used to be a crime. It is still a crime in other countries...

Sure - in shockingly backward Thirdworldistans. Even the RCC has no pb with people being same sex oriented. Plus, the Pope is telling his church to back off this crazy political assault.

So, who in America is still furthering this idea of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

You said the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is that one is a crime one isn't. that is not the case, both are crimes in certain countries. So that is a stupid comparison.

By the way, did you know the initial gay rights platform in 1972 called for the removal of age of consent laws? Look it up.

Consent, look it up.
Sure - in shockingly backward Thirdworldistans. Even the RCC has no pb with people being same sex oriented. Plus, the Pope is telling his church to back off this crazy political assault.

So, who in America is still furthering this idea of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

You said the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is that one is a crime one isn't. that is not the case, both are crimes in certain countries. So that is a stupid comparison.

By the way, did you know the initial gay rights platform in 1972 called for the removal of age of consent laws? Look it up.

Consent, look it up.

I know what consent means. Initially, removing age of consent laws was part of the agenda of the homosexual lobby. They supported legalizing pedophilia.
I know what consent means. Initially, removing age of consent laws was part of the agenda of the homosexual lobby. They supported legalizing pedophilia.

Harvey Milk would agree! After all, he routinely preyed on homeless teen boys on drugs to sodomize. And he is the gay icon. Children in California are required to celebrate his sexual accomplishments in late May each year. I think it's May 22nd if memory serves...
Homosexuality used to be a crime. It is still a crime in other countries...
Sure - in shockingly backward Thirdworldistans. Even the RCC has no pb with people being same sex oriented. Plus, the Pope is telling his church to back off this crazy political assault.

So, who in America is still furthering this idea of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

You said the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is that one is a crime one isn't. that is not the case, both are crimes in certain countries. So that is a stupid comparison.

By the way, did you know the initial gay rights platform in 1972 called for the removal of age of consent laws? Look it up.
Asked and answered. And, your insistence on considering criminally backwards third world nations as your aspiration for America is certainly a comment on you.

Who cares what was in some 1972 group's platform? Besides, the issues of teen sexuality were and in some places remain real. And, that has nothing to do with pedophilia, which has to do with prepubescent children.

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