Utah's Gay Marriage Ban struck down

good to know that jakestarkey believes that voter fraud and electoral fraud are two different things, despite the fact his BFF liberal gave a link that said that electoral fraud is the "official" name for voter fraud.:lol:

The OP is Utah marriage law has been overturned. I am glad you are finally acting like a libertarian, and in my case I believe this is a truly conservative decision by the Judge.

and jake lies again. "finally"....you dumbfuck liar, this has been my stance for years and you know it. keep it up you fucking liar and you're back on ignore

poor little lying Yurt, caught again. :lol:
Utah having gay marriage is great, but it really is quite hilarious with all the Mormons out there doing all their hate-talk toward gays. I mean....really....Utah??? I think one of the LAST states to accept gay marriage in my book would've been Utah, right before Alabama and Mississippi. It really shows how much momentum this movement has gained, which is fantastic!!

This is what I meant when I said that liberals would pretend that the people accepted same sex marriage.

Of course they didn't. It was imposed by one judge. There is a legal right to marry and a social price that must be paid.

Maybe that's why so many same sex marriages are ending after a short time. One poor woman killed herself. They experience a whole new set of circumstances most of them unpleasant.
Gay couples might have just deluded themselves into really imagining that a judge's ruling that they can marry means that others will be happy to accept them as married. Then the clash with reality overwhelms them.
The Utah law denying same-sex couples their 14th Amendment rights is proof of that.

Not within the realm of Utah's legitimately-set and constitutionally-protected parameters of marriage quailfiers. ie; women and men can all get married in Utah. Just not to the same gender and not in numbers greater than one to one.

That reminds me, does anyone think the Brown v Utah case will be heard at the same time when the appeal on the one judge's decision on the Utah case absolutely appears before SCOTUS this next year?
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The Utah law denying same-sex couples their 14th Amendment rights is proof of that.

Not within the realm of Utah's legitimately-set and constitutionally-protected parameters of marriage quailfiers. ie; women and men can all get married in Utah. Just not to the same gender and not in numbers greater than one to one.

You really need to start reading court decisions before exhibiting your ignorance:

In addition to the anti-miscegenation laws the Supreme Court struck down in Loving, the
Supreme Court has held that other state regulations affecting marriage are unconstitutional where these laws infringe on an individual’s access to marriage. In Zablocki v. Redhail, the Court considered a Wisconsin statute that required any Wisconsin resident who had children that were not currently in the resident’s custody to obtain a court order before the resident was permitted to marry. 434 U.S. 374, 375 (1978).

That all men and women can marry in the state is a failed argument and irrelevant, just as it was in Loving with regard to interracial couples.

The issue concerns access to marriage, be the couple same- or opposite-sex, where denying same-sex couples access to marriage law is clearly un-Constitutional.
Liberals are going to pretend that the people of Utah wanted this all along.

Liberals correctly understand that this is an important ruling for all Americans, where individual liberty is being protected and the authority of the state appropriately restricted, where government may not indeed violate Americans’ civil liberties, regardless his state of residence.

What’s troubling is that many conservatives don’t understand this.
Utah having gay marriage is great, but it really is quite hilarious with all the Mormons out there doing all their hate-talk toward gays. I mean....really....Utah??? I think one of the LAST states to accept gay marriage in my book would've been Utah, right before Alabama and Mississippi. It really shows how much momentum this movement has gained, which is fantastic!!

When I heard the news I thought it would be fun to take a bet on which state will be the last holdout in the country.

My vote is a toss-up between Alabama and Mississippi. Texas is going to recognize gay marriages soon.
Utah having gay marriage is great, but it really is quite hilarious with all the Mormons out there doing all their hate-talk toward gays. I mean....really....Utah??? I think one of the LAST states to accept gay marriage in my book would've been Utah, right before Alabama and Mississippi. It really shows how much momentum this movement has gained, which is fantastic!!

This is what I meant when I said that liberals would pretend that the people accepted same sex marriage.

Of course they didn't. It was imposed by one judge. There is a legal right to marry and a social price that must be paid.

Maybe that's why so many same sex marriages are ending after a short time. One poor woman killed herself. They experience a whole new set of circumstances most of them unpleasant.

Are you saying Straight Marriages don't end in divorce or suicide?
Liberals are going to pretend that the people of Utah wanted this all along.

I want you to look very carefully at this chart. Loving v Virginia was ruled on by the SCOTUS in 1967. Look at what "the people wanted" in 1967.


Should the SCOTUS not have ruled on Loving?
Utah having gay marriage is great, but it really is quite hilarious with all the Mormons out there doing all their hate-talk toward gays. I mean....really....Utah??? I think one of the LAST states to accept gay marriage in my book would've been Utah, right before Alabama and Mississippi. It really shows how much momentum this movement has gained, which is fantastic!!

When I heard the news I thought it would be fun to take a bet on which state will be the last holdout in the country.

My vote is a toss-up between Alabama and Mississippi. Texas is going to recognize gay marriages soon.

Nate Silver thought Utah would be among the last too...of course his predictions are all without judicial intervention.

the Utah Supreme Court will have the FINAL word anyway.

It was a federal Judge I thought?


the matter of marriage was deliberately dropped by SCOTUS and left to states only.

so the state Supreme Court has the FINAL word.

It is the state law which he is objecting. so the state has the final say unless the issue is taken by SCOTUS.
With the history of SCOTUS on the issue I don't think it is going to happen.

If what you say were true, than Prop 8 would have remained in effect because the California Supreme Court upheld it's case. However, Prop 8 lost in Federal court and was ruled unconstitutional. The SCOTUS did not vacate that ruling and allowed the District Court Judges ruling to stand.

So are Same-sex Civil Marriages happening or not happening in California?

If the state appeals - the case will go to the state Supreme Court, right?

That is not right. Appeals from a federal court do not go then to state courts, they go to the federal appeals court which in this case is United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.

That reminds me, does anyone think the Brown v Utah case will be heard at the same time when the appeal on the one judge's decision on the Utah case absolutely appears before SCOTUS this next year?

#1 The cases are unlikely to be combined as they have different core questions.

In Brown v. Utah the Federal District Court Judge (Judge Waddoups) invalidated provisions of the Utah Code that made it illegal for consenting adults to co-habitate and specifically leaving in place the state ban on bygamy.

The SSCM case involves Civil Marriage discrimination which the co-habitation ruling does not. They are fundamentally different core questions.​

#2 You are incorrect that an appeal will be heard by the SCOTUS based on "one judge's decision". The next step in the process is for the government officers of Utah (Governor & Attorney General) to appeal the decision to the 10th Circuit Court. The case is then reviewed/heard by a panel of Judges. The next step would be for a party to appeal that ruling for an "en banc" review - which then 10th Circuit then decides to do or not. Finally after all legal means have been addressed through the 10th, they can finally appeal to the SCOTUS. That process involves at leas 14 Judges (1 District Court, 13 10th Circuit Court).

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people have been real patient and lenient with these militant sons a bitchin' perverted bigots

Fag-o-troops? Seriously? That's the argument that you want to go with?

That’s just it: conservatives have no ‘argument,’ there is no rational, compelling, objective reason to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law.

And given the fact there is no argument in support of denying same-sex couples their civil liberties, most on the right attack with hate, the proof of that is in this very forum, and in this very thread.

Judge strikes down Utah's same-sex marriage ban as unconstitutional | Fox News New Link provided by Intense.

A federal judge in Utah Friday struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, saying the law violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection and due process.

"The state’s current laws deny its gay and lesbian citizens their fundamental right to marry and, in so doing, demean the dignity of these same-sex couples for no rational reason," wrote U.S. District Court Judge Robert J. Shelby. "Accordingly, the court finds that these laws are unconstitutional." [...]


This will open the door to bigamy and plural-marriage! You OK with that?
Next could be siblings marrying. You OK with that?
Lastly if could be an adult to a minor. Where do you draw the line? One uniqueness opens the door to more uniqueness.

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