Utah's Gay Marriage Ban struck down

Good. Pretty soon all 50 states will follow and then maybe Australia will, too.

The only hope of this happening is if gays can convince SCOTUS that their behavior is innate.

You REALLY should read the judge's decision in the Utah case for details on that. http://legaltimes.typepad.com/files/utah-ssm.pdf Grandma always said, "don't count your chickens before they hatch"...
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I wonder if SCOTUS is going to hear Brown v Utah and this case at the same time? It's interesting to me how gay activists hear a case like this, of extreme legal gravity like striking down a constitutional provision of a state without the governed's permission, and automatically assume it's a done deal at the SCOTUS level. I wonder if these same activists have sat down and considered what would happen if SCOTUS consults its own decision in DOMA/Windsor and concludes that yes, it agrees with itself in that each state has a constitutional right to consensus to decide gay marriage and that no one, including a lower federal court judge, can remove that right from them?

Guess what that means? That means that in each state that has a ban on gay marriage brought about by a consensus, including Prop 8, gay marriage is retroactively illegal back to the founding of the country; as was stated in DOMA/Windsor is the span of time each state's citizenry has possessed this right.

Don't want to really burst any bubbles too hard here but this is the stone wall I predicted and gays need to be cushioned for the blow that is coming.
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A federal judge in Utah Friday struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, saying the law violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection and due process.

Which is fundamental, settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence.

From the ruling:

The Fourteenth Amendment protects the liberty rights of all citizens, and none of the
State’s arguments presents a compelling reason why the scope of that right should be greater for heterosexual individuals than it is for gay and lesbian individuals.
If, as is clear from the Supreme Court cases discussing the right to marry, a heterosexual person’s choices about intimate association and family life are protected from unreasonable government interference in the marital context, then a gay or lesbian person also enjoys these same protections.

The court’s determination that the fundamental right to marry encompasses the Plaintiffs’
right to marry a person of the same sex is not the end of the court’s analysis. The State may pass a law that restricts a person’s fundamental rights provided that the law is “narrowly tailored to serve a compelling state interestReno v. Flores, 507 U.S. 292, 302 (1993). For instance, a state may permissibly regulate the age at which a person may be married because the state has a compelling interest in protecting children against abuse and coercion. Similarly, a state need not allow an individual to marry if that person is mentally incapable of forming the requisite consent, or if that prohibition is part of the punishment for a prisoner serving a life sentence. See Butler v. Wilson, 415 U.S. 953 (1974) (summarily affirming decision to uphold a state law that prohibited prisoners incarcerated for life from marrying).

The court finds no reason that the Plaintiffs are comparable to children, the mentally
incapable, or life prisoners. Instead, the Plaintiffs are ordinary citizens—business owners,
teachers, and doctors—who wish to marry the persons they love. As discussed below, the State of Utah has not demonstrated a rational, much less a compelling, reason why the Plaintiffs should be denied their right to marry. Consequently, the court finds that Amendment 3 violates the Plaintiffs’ due process rights under the Fourteenth Amendment.
I wonder if SCOTUS is going to hear Brown v Utah and this case at the same time? It's interesting to me how gay activists hear a case like this, of extreme legal gravity like striking down a constitutional provision of a state without the governed's permission, and automatically assume it's a done deal at the SCOTUS level. I wonder if these same activists have sat down and considered what would happen if SCOTUS consults its own decision in DOMA/Windsor and concludes that yes, it agrees with itself in that each state has a constitutional right to consensus to decide gay marriage and that no one, including a lower federal court judge, can remove that right from them?

Guess what that means? That means that in each state that has a ban on gay marriage brought about by a consensus, including Prop 8, gay marriage is retroactively illegal back to the founding of the country; as was stated in DOMA/Windsor is the span of time each state's citizenry has possessed this right.

Don't want to really burst any bubbles too hard here but this is the stone wall I predicted and gays need to be cushioned for the blow that is coming.

Obviously you didn’t read the ruling, or comprehend it.

Again, the ruling is based on fundamental, settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence, as determined by the Supreme Court.
There is just one problem.... There is no fundamental right to marry except for man and woman.

Oh please.

Not that pile of dog crap again.

Read the judge's decision and say exactly what part of the US Constitution you want repealed.

Gay or straight, every American can enter into a man woman marriage. The judge is a criminal.

It would be criminal for the judge to find for the State, as there is no case law in support of such a ruling.
Isn't it great the way the Left is supporting the "Will of the People" here?

I wonder why they weren't proclaiming "It's the law, get used to it. You can't have it your way." like they are about Obama-care?

This has nothing to do with ‘left’ or ‘right.’

The people do not have the authority to enact measures offensive to the Constitution.

This is why we have a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy; in a Constitutional Republic the people are subject to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly.

The Utah law denying same-sex couples their 14th Amendment rights is proof of that.
I'm glad gays can now get married in Mormon Country, but this is really gay:

"I’m just very thrilled that Derek and I will be able to get married soon, if all goes well and the state doesn’t appeal. We want a farmer’s market wedding because it’s where we spend a lot of time."

That one sounds like the catcher.
Isn't it great the way the Left is supporting the "Will of the People" here?

I wonder why they weren't proclaiming "It's the law, get used to it. You can't have it your way." like they are about Obama-care?

This has nothing to do with ‘left’ or ‘right.’

The people do not have the authority to enact measures offensive to the Constitution.

This is why we have a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy; in a Constitutional Republic the people are subject to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly.

The Utah law denying same-sex couples their 14th Amendment rights is proof of that.

If that old evil federal govt. wasn't there them darn old rwer's would still be a killin' them homersexuals.
Good. Pretty soon all 50 states will follow and then maybe Australia will, too.

The only hope of this happening is if gays can convince SCOTUS that their behavior is innate.

You REALLY should read the judge's decision in the Utah case for details on that. http://legaltimes.typepad.com/files/utah-ssm.pdf Grandma always said, "don't count your chickens before they hatch"...

You know a fetish is the use of the chicken feathers, a perversion is when you use the whole chicken.
Can't blame the regular people when fags start getting bashed now can we? Just more polluting of society. The jew's ultimate plan. They have integrated our schools,taught women they are just like men and should work and not have babies,now pushing for marriage for faggots. A nation destroyed is easier to take over and control.

Glad to be against you. Very glad.
Liberals are going to pretend that the people of Utah wanted this all along.

Well, let 'em pretend, but people are on to them and getting real sick of their bull shit and fag coddling... people have been real patient and lenient with these militant sons a bitchin' perverted bigots, but sooner or later they push a little too far and then people have had enough...

GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years

Duck Dynasty Fallout: GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years, Says Rep
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Utah having gay marriage is great, but it really is quite hilarious with all the Mormons out there doing all their hate-talk toward gays. I mean....really....Utah??? I think one of the LAST states to accept gay marriage in my book would've been Utah, right before Alabama and Mississippi. It really shows how much momentum this movement has gained, which is fantastic!!

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