Cost of Colorado’s free school meals program is ‘out of control.’

Did revenues increase after the tax cut? Yes, or no? If the revenues increased but spending in the budget increased at a higher rate, that means the deficit increases. The same thing happened with the Reagan tax cuts because the Dems in Congress outspent the increased revenues. You simply have no clue how this works. Your liberalism is really starting to show. Or is that TDS creeping up on your soul?
Show where spending increased. His budget.
Did revenues increase after the tax cut? Yes, or no? If the revenues increased but spending in the budget increased at a higher rate, that means the deficit increases. The same thing happened with the Reagan tax cuts because the Dems in Congress outspent the increased revenues. You simply have no clue how this works. Your liberalism is really starting to show. Or is that TDS creeping up on your soul?
No it did not go up.

When I was a kid, I’d you forgot or didn’t bring a lunch and didn’t have the buck for the “hot lunch”, you were given a sack with a peanut butter sandwich and a piece of fruit

Most kids opted to go hungry or mooch off a friend, as it was humiliating to be seen eating one of those
When I was a kid, I’d you forgot or didn’t bring a lunch and didn’t have the buck for the “hot lunch”, you were given a sack with a peanut butter sandwich and a piece of fruit

Most kids opted to go hungry or mooch off a friend, as it was humiliating to be seen eating one of those

Right, it was like that for a long time. No child would go hungry, but if the lunch account was low, the child rec'd an alternate lunch. Kids hated this, the parents heard about it, so the parents paid. And parents in bad financial situations had their kids signed up for free/reduced lunches.

But now we can't do a thing that might humiliate kids, so now even the millionaires get their kids' lunches covered by the govt.

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