Cost of Colorado’s free school meals program is ‘out of control.’

Starve the children to hold parents accountable. That's the most capitalist sentiment I've ever heard :clap:

My kids are in their 20s. At that time, if a student's account was low on funds, they would get a "butter sandwich" with sides for lunch. Then along came the Woke Brigade and said this is shaming and embarrassing and every kid should eat for free.

This does not count for kids who were on free and reduced lunch due to income. It was just for kids whose parents did not/forgot to put money in. They got reminded real quick when their kid had to eat a "butter sandwich".
I was raised prior to all of this socialist crap of the government removing responsibility from parents. Our parents made sure we were fed and never took a penny of public assistance. Now we have welfare, EBT, free lunches etc and more obesity than any country in the world as well as a couple of generations of drug addicted parents that won't feed their children. The answer is accountability not molly coddling. You are a moron.

If you want to be super discouraged, look at the parents bringing their healthy, normally-developing kindergarteners to school IN PULL UPS.

The teachers can potty train them, they say. Yep.
What would the cost be of not providing meals for kids? . Hungry kids cannot concentrate on learning. They fail and become long term dependents on the state or find themselves in the criminal justice system. Or they may develop long term, expensive health issues. But you jadrools NEVER want to talk about the benefits of social programs. You just want to whine about the costs

As I said: we used to have free and reduced lunches for kids of low income parents. I have no problem with that. Now, every kid in our schools can get a FREE bfast and a FREE lunch. Some of our parents are millionaires (and some are poor). What are we doing here?
As I said: we used to have free and reduced lunches for kids of low income parents. I have no problem with that. Now, every kid in our schools can get a FREE bfast and a FREE lunch. Some of our parents are millionaires (and some are poor). What are we doing here?
One thing being done is teaching kids that words don't mean anything.
Well of course it's not FREE, if that's what you mean. Only Leftists think anything is truly "free"
By your reasoning, just about everyone in the U.S. is a leftist, especially those who think trade is ever free.
Why does any student get a free lunch? I forgot my lunch I went hungry. Taught me how to not forget things when I left the house.

Government run amok.

They're fed sub par processed micro plastics while the local bureaucratic scumbags pilfer the programs ....someone posted a French school lunch thread not so long ago ...that's what should be going on here with what taxpayers spend

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