V.A. sending medical info. to the FBI to disarm veterans...see....don't trust the gun grabbers...

Timothy McVey was a veteran. Being a veteran doesn't grant you immunity from common sense. If you're so unhinged you present a threat to the public you shouldn't have a weapon in your possession.
Timothy McVey was a veteran. Being a veteran doesn't grant you immunity from common sense. If you're so unhinged you present a threat to the public you shouldn't have a weapon in your possession.

and he would have passed background checks...but the vet with insomnia lost his guns..............they aren't concerened about the dangerously mentally ill.....they want to exploit the system to use against all gun owning vets who get medical help......
There is a law that requires that people who have certain mental illnesses be added to the database that is used by the NICS. If these veterans are mentally ill in ways that cause them to be a danger, they cannot legally buy a firearm from a dealer. That has been the law for years.
There is a law that requires that people who have certain mental illnesses be added to the database that is used by the NICS. If these veterans are mentally ill in ways that cause them to be a danger, they cannot legally buy a firearm from a dealer. That has been the law for years.

That is not what this program does though.......
Bergdahl won't have that problem. The left is only interested in disarming partiots or those who they feel might resist tyranny.
More on what is going on....

Some of the veterans we represent have been put on the list simply because they let their spouses pay the family bills or even have the bills paid automatically every month by the bank,” said Connelly, who flagged the documents provided to TheDC for this report. “There is a total lack of due process here, and it is never mentioned in the memo. The burden of proof is on the veterans and even if they succeed in getting the incompetency ruling reversed the VA is apparently not informing the DOJ of that so the veterans stay on the NICS list. Some veterans say that they send the info to the FBI that still refuses to move them from the list.”

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