VA governor to remove Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond

Just plain stupid. This kind of crap is why we need to vote out all the Dims.

Democrats seek to erase their own history. The why is obvious.

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Next they'll want to remove all reference to the Korean and Viet Nam wars since they don't feel they're anything for the United States to honor.



Theres always books. They even have books with pictures in them.

View attachment 345248

That's what I forgot to add in CrusaderFrank 's thread about what's next thanks.



A statue isnt a book.

A statue tells a story.

So does a book.
The racist governor who engaged in blackface follies while he was a student in VMI is stuck with the other Lexington Va. college named after both Washington and R.E. Lee. Will the closeted racist try to rename the venerable law college Washington & Lee? Maybe so..

I don't like the idea of closeting history. I don't know, maybe people are really offended by the name "Lee," so I'll have to leave that to them, I guess. But they were both major historic figures and leaders, so changing the name?

In Maine in 2000, it became law that every place name in Maine including the word Squaw be changed. That was offensive. So they changed the name of Big Squaw Mountain to Big Moose Mountain. But Squaw Mountain was named that for a good reason. It sticks up like a pregnant woman's belly. I have tried and tried, but to me it sure doesn't look like a Moose.
View attachment 345315
So why not name it pregnant woman mountain?
Do it. Nothing I said is wrong or threatening or anything else. Its YOUR problem if you took it that way.

Did he think no one would notice the Nazi symbol in his avi?
View attachment 345261
The Valknot or "knot of the slain" is an old Norse symbol that often represented the afterlife in carvings and designs. It is often considered a symbol of the Norse god Odin. Some white supremacists, particularly racist Odinists, have appropriated the Valknot to use as a racist symbol. Often they use it as a sign that they are willing to give their life to Odin, generally in battle.
View attachment 345262
I'm not an odinist and the anti white SPLC where you more than likely got your bigoted info from tries to turn ALL symbols of my European heritage into racist symbols. Its part of the way you erase a people, destroy their culture and heritage.
I didn't have to go to the SPLC, that keeps an eye on creatures like you. I just did a google search for images.
Your not very veiled threats in your siggie, on your avi, and in your posts tells me all I need to know, and I hope Dr. Grump did report you, although he probably was just yankin' your chain.

I'm pure European heritage, too, and no one has ever tried to erase me, my culture, or my heritage. I'm pure WASP, and I know I'm damned lucky to be.

The south fought a war to keep slavery legal. They lost, but they had been treating black people like animals for so long that they had convinced themselves blacks WERE animals. And to this day, 150 years later, there are people who have not changed their minds. But our country moved on long ago and it is no longer acceptable. Robert E. Lee is an historic figure, yes, and I hope his statue will be in a museum or park somewhere with other confederate/civil war memorabilia. But if the current citizens of Virginia don't want him lording it over Richmond on his high horse, then he should be moved.
That’s Ox-Bow mentality. The mob should not be allowed to rewrite history.
Democrat Nazi book-burning.
Statues represent history just as books teach history.
No. Statues teach us nothing about history, except for possibly how a man stood, or what he wore. Books teach us history. So go read a book. Statues honor events and people. Lee does not deserve to be honored in the public space. Build yourself a barn and buy the statue. Put it in the barn. Look at it all day. Knock yourself out..
The racist governor who engaged in blackface follies while he was a student in VMI is stuck with the other Lexington Va. college named after both Washington and R.E. Lee. Will the closeted racist try to rename the venerable law college Washington & Lee? Maybe so..

I don't like the idea of closeting history. I don't know, maybe people are really offended by the name "Lee," so I'll have to leave that to them, I guess. But they were both major historic figures and leaders, so changing the name?

In Maine in 2000, it became law that every place name in Maine including the word Squaw be changed. That was offensive. So they changed the name of Big Squaw Mountain to Big Moose Mountain. But Squaw Mountain was named that for a good reason. It sticks up like a pregnant woman's belly. I have tried and tried, but to me it sure doesn't look like a Moose.
View attachment 345315
So why not name it pregnant woman mountain?

Because to Native Americans squaw means whore.
Lee was a traitor and war criminal.

He warrants no monument accordingly.
Correct. He made his choice. He went with his heart and with the Confederacy. He chose the wrong side of morality and of history. We are better today in spite of Robert E. Lee, not because of him. He deserves zero statues.
Whoa. That's pretty judgmental. Sure, fine, that's your opinion, but saying he doesn't deserve recognition? I don't know about that. Lee didn't start the war. There were a whole lot of folks to thank for that.
Do it. Nothing I said is wrong or threatening or anything else. Its YOUR problem if you took it that way.

Did he think no one would notice the Nazi symbol in his avi?
View attachment 345261
Only a moron thinks a volknut is a "nazi" symbol, its a norse symbol but then again you are a moron so. I PROUDLY display national socialist symbols on my avatar and don't give a shit who doesn't like it.
So you're a inbred Nazi eh?
The racist governor who engaged in blackface follies while he was a student in VMI is stuck with the other Lexington Va. college named after both Washington and R.E. Lee. Will the closeted racist try to rename the venerable law college Washington & Lee? Maybe so..

I don't like the idea of closeting history. I don't know, maybe people are really offended by the name "Lee," so I'll have to leave that to them, I guess. But they were both major historic figures and leaders, so changing the name?

In Maine in 2000, it became law that every place name in Maine including the word Squaw be changed. That was offensive. So they changed the name of Big Squaw Mountain to Big Moose Mountain. But Squaw Mountain was named that for a good reason. It sticks up like a pregnant woman's belly. I have tried and tried, but to me it sure doesn't look like a Moose.
View attachment 345315
So why not name it pregnant woman mountain?

Because to Native Americans squaw means whore.
Yeah OK dummy.
The racist governor who engaged in blackface follies while he was a student in VMI is stuck with the other Lexington Va. college named after both Washington and R.E. Lee. Will the closeted racist try to rename the venerable law college Washington & Lee? Maybe so..

I don't like the idea of closeting history. I don't know, maybe people are really offended by the name "Lee," so I'll have to leave that to them, I guess. But they were both major historic figures and leaders, so changing the name?

In Maine in 2000, it became law that every place name in Maine including the word Squaw be changed. That was offensive. So they changed the name of Big Squaw Mountain to Big Moose Mountain. But Squaw Mountain was named that for a good reason. It sticks up like a pregnant woman's belly. I have tried and tried, but to me it sure doesn't look like a Moose.
View attachment 345315
So why not name it pregnant woman mountain?
Um.... never mind.
Looks like he was another in a long line of white boys that raped Black women and kids.

You just presented us with the liberal spin on the issue of slavery. This had nothing personal about Robert E. Lee himself -- just a bunch of propaganda.
That’s Ox-Bow mentality. The mob should not be allowed to rewrite history.
Democrat Nazi book-burning.

The only rewriting of history took place due to the Daughters of the Confederacy. Those privileged white southern girls don't get to rewrite history.
The racist governor who engaged in blackface follies while he was a student in VMI is stuck with the other Lexington Va. college named after both Washington and R.E. Lee. Will the closeted racist try to rename the venerable law college Washington & Lee? Maybe so..

I don't like the idea of closeting history. I don't know, maybe people are really offended by the name "Lee," so I'll have to leave that to them, I guess. But they were both major historic figures and leaders, so changing the name?

In Maine in 2000, it became law that every place name in Maine including the word Squaw be changed. That was offensive. So they changed the name of Big Squaw Mountain to Big Moose Mountain. But Squaw Mountain was named that for a good reason. It sticks up like a pregnant woman's belly. I have tried and tried, but to me it sure doesn't look like a Moose.
View attachment 345315
So why not name it pregnant woman mountain?
Um.... never mind.
Its just weird to me that a ethnic slur is the preferred description of something women of all ethnicities are able to do.

How about prego mountain?
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Looks like he was another in a long line of white boys that raped Black women and kids.

You just presented us with the liberal spin on the issue of slavery. This had nothing personal about Robert E. Lee himself -- just a bunch of propaganda.
Lee owned slaves....check
Lee fought for the loser confederates.....check
Conclusion. Lee is a cave chimp and a traitor. No honor should ever be afforded for someone that trafficked in humans and fought as a traitor.
Statues represent history just as books teach history.
No. Statues teach us nothing about history, except for possibly how a man stood, or what he wore. Books teach us history. So go read a book. Statues honor events and people. Lee does not deserve to be honored in the public space. Build yourself a barn and buy the statue. Put it in the barn. Look at it all day. Knock yourself out..
He represents VA history. He represents US history. You believe in denying context in order to force a contemporary racist culture. Ironic in that you use an out-of-context racism to justify your own racism.
You’re a hypocrite.
If you remove vestiges of those who defended their states then you have to do the same with most of the founding fathers. If you do that then you deny your own freedom.
That’s Ox-Bow mentality. The mob should not be allowed to rewrite history.
Democrat Nazi book-burning.

The only rewriting of history took place due to the Daughters of the Confederacy. Those privileged white southern girls don't get to rewrite history.
Acknowledging the nobility of legacy is not rewriting history. It’s affirming and honoring history. You’re another selective history revisionist. Dishonest and hypocritical.
Statues represent history just as books teach history.
No. Statues teach us nothing about history, except for possibly how a man stood, or what he wore. Books teach us history. So go read a book. Statues honor events and people. Lee does not deserve to be honored in the public space. Build yourself a barn and buy the statue. Put it in the barn. Look at it all day. Knock yourself out..
He represents VA history. He represents US history. You believe in denying context in order to force a contemporary racist culture. Ironic in that you use an out-of-context racism to justify your own racism.
You’re a hypocrite.
If you remove vestiges of those who defended their states then you have to do the same with most of the founding fathers. If you do that then you deny your own freedom.
" He represents VA history. He represents US history. "

A missing statue wont change that. He will still be in the books.
" MEMO TO GOV RALPH NORTHAM: Or, how about this plan instead ... you leave in place this iconic statue honoring a great American, but pledge that you will never again wear blackface or a Klan hood. " - Acerbic Ann Coulter
That’s Ox-Bow mentality. The mob should not be allowed to rewrite history.
Democrat Nazi book-burning.

The only rewriting of history took place due to the Daughters of the Confederacy. Those privileged white southern girls don't get to rewrite history.
Acknowledging the nobility of legacy is not rewriting history. It’s affirming and honoring history. You’re another selective history revisionist. Dishonest and hypocritical.
You dont honor and affirm someone against freedom for all. You talk about them like the POS they truly were.

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