Valkyrie/Darkman: Movie Title Democracy?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The two offbeat but engaging films Valkyrie (Tom Cruise) and Darkman (Liam Neeson) are very different conceptually but share some odd qualities:

1. they're both about crusades
2. they're both about socially or psychologically symbolic 'catch-phrases'

'Valkyrie' refers to Operation Valkyrie which was an anti-Hitler conspiracy within the Third Reich during WWII.

'Darkman' refers to the fictional titular crusading vigilante whose avenger-status renders him angelic.

The fact that many modern film-makers opt to make films with catchy titles and catch-phrases suggests that new age movies reflect a modern interest in 'communication jargon.' It's easier to market ideas quickly when it's presented with 'easy-to-follow' language.

This partially explains the social appeal of 'communications-edification' films such as Johnny Mnemonic and LOL.

Does anyone else feel the eerie wind of Orwellian prophecy?


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