Vatican relics headed to Anglican cathedral for display as pivotal summit nears


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
CANTERBURY, England (RNS) Relics of British Christianity now in the hands of the Vatican will be flown to England, where they will be displayed at Canterbury Cathedral just ahead of an important summit that may decide the fate of the Anglican Communion.

The first item to arrive is an ivory handle of a staff, or crozier, used by St. Gregory, the pope who helped establish Christianity in England in the sixth century. It was Gregory who sent St. Augustine to England to help convert the Anglo-Saxons.

Vatican relics headed to Anglican cathedral for display as pivotal summit nears - Religion News Service

Not only is there a summit this weekend but they have cool stuff to check out.
Will it include the skull relic?
There were found the catheri relics one labeled
"Caput LVIII" contained the skull of a woman and this was sworn to be the flesh and blood tomb of Jesus.
OMG I just was able to see the OP's relic image (I usually have images off on my browser).
Didn't anyone notice the handle design symbolism?
First of all the P handle was always a symbol of destruction and decay, this one is made of a serpent swallowing people surrounding the Goat of Mendes/ Baphomet/ the horned god/or in this case the 2 horned beast representing the 2 powers of authority the church holds both political and religious.
Serpent swallowing man (Adam) surrounding his 2 horn bride the Church (Eve the second bride).
How can you miss that?
If Lilith was the orginal bride of man but she left him and was Demonized for doing so then Eve who was "created" or taken out of Adam (Mankinds myths and legends) became the "havvah"(hebrew for mother of all things) interestingly a "serpent" so the Vatican that gave us this "Eve" had to swallow up all traces of mankinds past in order to control Adam(or mankinds) future...Thus I find it ironic and truthfull that this depiction that the Vatican sends to England depicts this very thing of swallowing up the Anglo Saxons former culture....The Snake or sepent by swallowing whole subjagates all and everything...
Exactly, he was trying to convert the Anglo Saxons by swallowing them up in the same way they did to all cultures. Ironically they even swallowed up all the christ figures through defeat, convergance, changing names and dates (as it said the adversary would), and staking their claim as new authority to all their cults of those many christs now compiled as Christians (blanket term).
No longer existing as they were, now they merge into a myth and image even they would not approve nor recognize. =Swallowed up.
You know what is interesting is that all these years we have been showing the Jonah/ Israel being swallowed by a giant fish was symbolic of christianity trying to swallow Israel whole and here we have absolute proof that the Romans under the quise of religion or christianity have been doing that to every culture they have come across and succeeding the only difference is that thy could not digest us and had to regurgitate us out whole and unharmed but these other cultures were not so fortunate and were digested into the belly of that giant snake....

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