Venezuela Crisis.Nation Run By Liberals/Democrats.Not A Peep From Obama.Hey!,Make A Speech There!

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:boohoo: :desk: :cranky: So a few Hundred Thousand people died in the Japan Bombings in WW2. And Obama goes there to make them feel better {if thats why he went there}
Well, here we are today, Venezuela, a nation run by Liberals/Socialists, 30 Million people starving to death, and god knows how much longer it will be before they start counting the bodies laying on the streets. You think Obama will say anything? Make A Speech There?,,Maybe use Venezuela as an example of Liberalism/Socialism? And how successfull those socialist policies are working there and the rest of South America?
Or is taking off to play golf in Florida/California more important at this time? :dunno:
:boohoo: :desk: :cranky: So a few Hundred Thousand people died in the Japan Bombings in WW2. And Obama goes there to make them feel better {if thats why he went there}
Well, here we are today, Venezuela, a nation run by Liberals/Socialists, 30 Million people starving to death, and god knows how much longer it will be before they start counting the bodies laying on the streets. You think Obama will say anything? Make A Speech There?,,Maybe use Venezuela as an example of Liberalism/Socialism? And how successfull those socialist policies are working there and the rest of South America?
Or is taking off to play golf in Florida/California more important at this time? :dunno:

You're showing yourself as a idiot trying to compare social democracies that make up the vast majority of republics and democracies in order to attempt to make a case for no federal government pure capitalism. Of course pure socialism ran by a dictator that doesn't invest in his own country and is nothing but a thug is going to destroy everything...You can't possibly be seriously attempting to compare this to western europe or America that does invest in our own country, has clean water standards and educates our children???

Silly fucker needs to take a political science class. lol
but they are out of toilet paper!! what are they using now? lol ,,their pets?
Well, at least somebody is tryin' to help Venezuela get itself straightened out...

Ex-presidents meet with Venezuela government, opposition
May 28,`16 -- A group of former presidents has held secret meetings in the Dominican Republic with Venezuelan officials and government opponents in an attempt to mediate the South American nation's political standoff.
The two-day meetings ending Saturday took place under the auspices of the Union of South American Nations, or UNASUR, and just the fact that they existed represented something of a breakthrough in the deeply polarized nation. But Jesus Torrealba, executive secretary of the the opposition alliance, was quick to say that no face-to-face encounter took place, and instead the two sides exchanged messages through the ex-presidents of Spain, Dominican Republic and Panama. And almost as soon as word of the meetings became known the two sides were at each others' throats again taking aim at their respective accounts of what transpired. The Venezuelan government was represented by Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez and two top officials in the ruling socialist party. Three lawmakers attended for the opposition.

International pressure is growing on President Nicolas Maduro amid the threat of political upheaval and a rapid collapse of the oil-dependent economy. This week the Group of Seven rich nations joined numerous governments in Latin America, the United Nations and Organization of American States in calling for urgent talks with the opposition. Venezuela's opposition is pushing for a referendum on whether to recall Maduro amid a severe economic crisis marked by triple-digit inflation and widespread shortages of food and medicine. Meanwhile, the president blames his opponents and the U.S. for trying to oust him from power through an "economic war." Underscoring the depth of the economic desperation, 96 metric tons of medicine arrived Saturday by plane from China. The shipment includes fluids and drugs for treating Zika, whose outbreak in Venezuela has been made worse by a health care crisis.


An opposition members holds a handwritten message that that reads in Spanish; "Venezuela is hungry," during a protest outside the court offices of the Chacao municipality, in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, May 25, 2016. Opposition members held a demonstration to demand authorities hold a recall referendum on cutting short Nicolas Maduro's presidency.​

The meetings in the Dominican Republic came a week after former Spanish President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero announced that with UNASUR's blessing he would seek to initiate a "national dialogue" in Venezuela. He was joined in the effort by former President Martin Torrijos and Leonel Fernandez of the Dominican Republic. UNASUR Secretary General Ernesto Samper also met this week with Pope Francis - a popular figure in Venezuela praised even by Maduro - in a bid to encourage the Vatican to play a mediating role. Following criticism that the encounters were held in secret, the opposition said its representatives stressed several "indispensable" demands for any dialogue: allowing the recall referendum to proceed, the release of people it considers political prisoners, solving the economic crisis and for the government to "respect" the constitution and the opposition-controlled congress.

Meanwhile Rodriguez said the initiative was promoted by Maduro to insure peace, respect for the rule of law and defense of Venezuela's sovereignty. Even indirect contact between the opposition and the government is a rare achievement in Venezuela, where the last time the two sides sat down for formal talks was in 2014 following weeks of anti-government protests in which more than 40 people were killed. Maduro delivered a constitutionally mandated state of the union address to congress in January, but for the most part government leaders and their opponents prefer to trade insults and accusations of conspiratorial intrigue from afar.

News from The Associated Press
although Hillary should go there to make a speech, but its too risky, they will all see her as a very large cheeseburger
:boohoo: :desk: :cranky: So a few Hundred Thousand people died in the Japan Bombings in WW2. And Obama goes there to make them feel better {if thats why he went there}
Well, here we are today, Venezuela, a nation run by Liberals/Socialists, 30 Million people starving to death, and god knows how much longer it will be before they start counting the bodies laying on the streets. You think Obama will say anything? Make A Speech There?,,Maybe use Venezuela as an example of Liberalism/Socialism? And how successfull those socialist policies are working there and the rest of South America?
Or is taking off to play golf in Florida/California more important at this time? :dunno:

Democrats don't run Venezuela. Jesus.
If Pelosi tried to make a speech there, they wont even look at her as a meal
Venezuela is still the socialist model for Democrats.
Venezuela. The Next Stage of Detroit, Oakland, Baltimore just to name a few. Give it another year, they will be selling Toilet Paper and Dogs on the black market
A veritable lib utopia, dem power at the top and a nation full of peasants cannibalizing each other.
:boohoo: :desk: :cranky: So a few Hundred Thousand people died in the Japan Bombings in WW2. And Obama goes there to make them feel better {if thats why he went there}
Well, here we are today, Venezuela, a nation run by Liberals/Socialists, 30 Million people starving to death, and god knows how much longer it will be before they start counting the bodies laying on the streets. You think Obama will say anything? Make A Speech There?,,Maybe use Venezuela as an example of Liberalism/Socialism? And how successfull those socialist policies are working there and the rest of South America?
Or is taking off to play golf in Florida/California more important at this time? :dunno:

Democrats don't run Venezuela. Jesus.

Socialists run Venezuela. Same thing. :D
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:boohoo: :desk: :cranky: So a few Hundred Thousand people died in the Japan Bombings in WW2. And Obama goes there to make them feel better {if thats why he went there}
Well, here we are today, Venezuela, a nation run by Liberals/Socialists, 30 Million people starving to death, and god knows how much longer it will be before they start counting the bodies laying on the streets. You think Obama will say anything? Make A Speech There?,,Maybe use Venezuela as an example of Liberalism/Socialism? And how successfull those socialist policies are working there and the rest of South America?
Or is taking off to play golf in Florida/California more important at this time? :dunno:

Democrats don't run Venezuela. Jesus.

Socialist run Venezuela. Same thing. :D
Democrats, Liberals, Socialists, Mice, Roaches, Rats, Tazmainian Devils,,,all the same thing,,,rob from the middle class and buy nice homes and very young ladies.
so what does it say at the McDonalds there? "Served Three Billion Dogs Last Month" ???
:boohoo: :desk: :cranky: So a few Hundred Thousand people died in the Japan Bombings in WW2. And Obama goes there to make them feel better {if thats why he went there}
Well, here we are today, Venezuela, a nation run by Liberals/Socialists, 30 Million people starving to death, and god knows how much longer it will be before they start counting the bodies laying on the streets. You think Obama will say anything? Make A Speech There?,,Maybe use Venezuela as an example of Liberalism/Socialism? And how successfull those socialist policies are working there and the rest of South America?
Or is taking off to play golf in Florida/California more important at this time? :dunno:
:boohoo: :desk: :cranky: So a few Hundred Thousand people died in the Japan Bombings in WW2. And Obama goes there to make them feel better {if thats why he went there}
Well, here we are today, Venezuela, a nation run by Liberals/Socialists, 30 Million people starving to death, and god knows how much longer it will be before they start counting the bodies laying on the streets. You think Obama will say anything? Make A Speech There?,,Maybe use Venezuela as an example of Liberalism/Socialism? And how successfull those socialist policies are working there and the rest of South America?
Or is taking off to play golf in Florida/California more important at this time? :dunno:


The State California under Governor Jerry Brown has balanced budgets, something that ass wipe adulterer Arnold Schwarzenegger continuously failed to do.

As opposed that ass wipe Sad Sack Sam Brown Brownback has failed to do in Kansas.

As Kansas sinks under Gov. Sam Brownback, a fair tax system must be restored.

Tax Revenue under the totally clueless Brownback has fallen to all time lows.

Public Schools in Kansas have had funding slashed to bone as Sad Sack Sammie's tax cuts affect public revenues.

Gov. Sam Brownback cuts higher education as Kansas tax receipts fall $53 million short

What you lack in any real form of honest information is more than made up for in your willingness to lead around by nose like the true lemming you are.
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:boohoo: :desk: :cranky: So a few Hundred Thousand people died in the Japan Bombings in WW2. And Obama goes there to make them feel better {if thats why he went there}
Well, here we are today, Venezuela, a nation run by Liberals/Socialists, 30 Million people starving to death, and god knows how much longer it will be before they start counting the bodies laying on the streets. You think Obama will say anything? Make A Speech There?,,Maybe use Venezuela as an example of Liberalism/Socialism? And how successfull those socialist policies are working there and the rest of South America?
Or is taking off to play golf in Florida/California more important at this time? :dunno:

Democrats don't run Venezuela. Jesus.

There you go again, using those pesky facts.

You know how Cons hate facts, gets in the way of their daily does of fixed news lies.

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