Venezuela to nationalize food distribution


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Venezuela is swirling down the drain, and it's all due to implementing policies that every liberal in this forum endorses. Watching it implode should provide a valuable object lesson in the failures of socialism. The excuses libs make for this disaster will be hysterical to behold.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has promised to nationalize food distribution in the South American nation beset with record shortages of basic goods, runaway inflation and an escalating economic crisis.

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Various estimates suggest the government already controls about half of the country's food distribution, but that hasn't stopped record shortages in shops and markets.

Venezuela is struggling with a recession, 68.5-percent annual inflation and severe shortages of the basic goods that it relies on oil money to import.

On any given day, people in Venezuela can wait hours to get some subsidized milk, cooking oil, milk or flour -- if they can be found at all.
Remember when the left raved about Hugo Chavez and Venezuela? Once again.....socialism has never worked...and never will
There's a big difference between shit like this(Marxist state) and social democracy. One nationalizes everything and destroys its private sector, while the other allows a healthy private sector but also has a public sector. Europe, America, Canada and most of the first world is the second one.

In fact I couldn't name a system that isn't a social democracy in economic terms that is part of the first world. Regulations of the private sector and a respectable public sector are all necessary components to modern society.
There's a big difference between shit like this(Marxist state) and social democracy. One nationalizes everything and destroys its private sector, while the other allows a healthy private sector but also has a public sector. Europe, America, Canada and most of the first world is the second one.

In fact I couldn't name a system that isn't a social democracy in economic terms that is part of the first world. Regulations of the private sector and a respectable public sector are all necessary components to modern society.
So when is nationalization acceptable?
There's a big difference between shit like this(Marxist state) and social democracy. One nationalizes everything and destroys its private sector, while the other allows a healthy private sector but also has a public sector. Europe, America, Canada and most of the first world is the second one.

In fact I couldn't name a system that isn't a social democracy in economic terms that is part of the first world. Regulations of the private sector and a respectable public sector are all necessary components to modern society.

If the difference is so great, then why did/does the American left love Chavez so much?

You would think that, if the situation was as you describe, that you would NOT have seen American "liberals" boasting about how great it was that Cuba was sending Doctors to Venezuela to improve their health care, for one example.

Instead you should have seen "liberals" going on about how this would not work, that being friends with Cuba was a bad idea, how Chavez would eventually fail, or whatever.

Instead we have the exact opposite.

Why do you think that is?
There's a big difference between shit like this(Marxist state) and social democracy. One nationalizes everything and destroys its private sector, while the other allows a healthy private sector but also has a public sector. Europe, America, Canada and most of the first world is the second one.

In fact I couldn't name a system that isn't a social democracy in economic terms that is part of the first world. Regulations of the private sector and a respectable public sector are all necessary components to modern society.

The difference is only one of degree. Countries in like Venezuela are simply willing to go farther than German or France. Many other countries have gone down this road with similar results. Argentina, for example, used to be the wealthiest country in Latin America. It was wealthier than many European countries. That is it was until it became enthralled with Juan and Eva Peron.
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Lets elect more democrooks!!!

Who in the democratic party wants to do away with the private sector and developed a 5 year plan??? Until then, please.

Plenty of them have made their desire to nationalize private business well known. Maxine Waters wants to nationalize the oil companies and Fauxcahantus wants to nationalize the banks.
If the difference is so great, then why did/does the American left love Chavez so much?

You would think that, if the situation was as you describe, that you would NOT have seen American "liberals" boasting about how great it was that Cuba was sending Doctors to Venezuela to improve their health care, for one example.

Instead you should have seen "liberals" going on about how this would not work, that being friends with Cuba was a bad idea, how Chavez would eventually fail, or whatever.

Instead we have the exact opposite.

Why do you think that is?

The left has successfully weaponized idiocy. The level of utter idiocy one must suffer from in order to still support obozo can only be defined as Weapons Grade Stupidity.

Looks like Venezuela is finally running out of other people's money. The Greeks are scheduled to run out of other people's money in the next couple of weeks.
And with these shining examples of socialism the idiot-grade morons here still want more of it. Because this time it will be different.
Venezuela is swirling down the drain, and it's all due to implementing policies that every liberal in this forum endorses. Watching it implode should provide a valuable object lesson in the failures of socialism. The excuses libs make for this disaster will be hysterical to behold.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has promised to nationalize food distribution in the South American nation beset with record shortages of basic goods, runaway inflation and an escalating economic crisis.

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Various estimates suggest the government already controls about half of the country's food distribution, but that hasn't stopped record shortages in shops and markets.

Venezuela is struggling with a recession, 68.5-percent annual inflation and severe shortages of the basic goods that it relies on oil money to import.

On any given day, people in Venezuela can wait hours to get some subsidized milk, cooking oil, milk or flour -- if they can be found at all.

So...they are nationalizing food.....I guess they don't want any food for people to eat...just like toilet paper......
Venezuela is swirling down the drain, and it's all due to implementing policies that every liberal in this forum endorses. Watching it implode should provide a valuable object lesson in the failures of socialism. The excuses libs make for this disaster will be hysterical to behold.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has promised to nationalize food distribution in the South American nation beset with record shortages of basic goods, runaway inflation and an escalating economic crisis.

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Various estimates suggest the government already controls about half of the country's food distribution, but that hasn't stopped record shortages in shops and markets.

Venezuela is struggling with a recession, 68.5-percent annual inflation and severe shortages of the basic goods that it relies on oil money to import.

On any given day, people in Venezuela can wait hours to get some subsidized milk, cooking oil, milk or flour -- if they can be found at all.

'The excuses libs make for this disaster will be hysterical to behold'

Not very likely. Libs go silent and hide when their proposals fail.

Venezuela is like an Alfred Hitchcock or Stephen King horror movie. You know how it is going to end....except it is real...

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