Venezuelans cried at the sight of fully-stocked supermarket shelves in Colombia.

well being that dogs are almost extinct in south america, does that mean that they will be eating cats on a hot dog bun for a while?

I saw plenty of dogs there. They like those small white ones with the curly hair.
well being that dogs are almost extinct in south america, does that mean that they will be eating cats on a hot dog bun for a while?

I saw plenty of dogs there. They like those small white ones with the curly hair.
i wonder how many stray dogs were kidnapped and driven back to venez. hmm, maybe they can get 500.00 for those dogs,,,especially if a burger is 100.00.
well being that dogs are almost extinct in south america, does that mean that they will be eating cats on a hot dog bun for a while?

I saw plenty of dogs there. They like those small white ones with the curly hair.
i wonder how many stray dogs were kidnapped and driven back to venez. hmm, maybe they can get 500.00 for those dogs,,,especially if a burger is 100.00.
500 Venezuelan Bolivars won't buy you a cup of coffee.
What about the Columbian Wal-Marts? god, i cant imagine what they look like after they close. merchandice all over the place, and maybe even feces here and there (well, like democrats do when they cant find a toilet)
What about the Columbian Wal-Marts? god, i cant imagine what they look like after they close. merchandice all over the place, and maybe even feces here and there (well, like democrats do when they cant find a toilet)

They don't have Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has been trying to get in their for years, but the other chains bribe the government to keep them out.

Colombia is really a nice neat country. It's not like those cesspools you find in Africa. However, the per capita income is not very high.
Well, people living in Detroit no longer feel alone,, now they have learned that there actually is another place like Detroit. maybe they will all move there? at least its summer weather year round!
Colombian government regulates and makes laws demanding that the food isn't full of poison. Anyone that attempts to make a case for taking government out of our society based on the screwed up dictatorship of Venezuela is a moron.

Godbless government that works for the safety of their people and fights for creativity!!! Venezuela is a disgrace.
and who knows what %%% of the food they are buying in Columbia is expired? they are so hungry, some may eat it, then take notice that it expired in 2015.
Colombian government regulates and makes laws demanding that the food isn't full of poison. Anyone that attempts to make a case for taking government out of our society based on the screwed up dictatorship of Venezuela is a moron.

Godbless government that works for the safety of their people and fights for creativity!!! Venezuela is a disgrace.

Does it? There are thousands of street vendors in Colombia selling food to passing motorists. None of these people are regulated in any way. I'm not aware that Colombia has any regulations regarding restaurants or food preparation.
Colombian government regulates and makes laws demanding that the food isn't full of poison. Anyone that attempts to make a case for taking government out of our society based on the screwed up dictatorship of Venezuela is a moron.

Godbless government that works for the safety of their people and fights for creativity!!! Venezuela is a disgrace.

Did we have thousands of people dying from food poisoning every year in the 1920s?

Send them Bernie Sanders......:cool:

So educating the population destroys the economy of nations? Man, that really doesn't make sense. Why can't we send your worthless ass to Venezuela with your worthless belief system.

When the government wastes hundreds of billions educating near-do-wells who will never get a job that utilizes their diploma, then, yes, "educating" the population destroys the economy.

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