Vermont Senate votes to remove slavery from Constitution

Slavery is actually a liberal idea, not a conservative one.

That is patently false. It was liberalism that freed the slaves in this country. It was conservatives who wanted to keep the status quo in the south

Liberal then and Liberal now are VASTLY DIFFERENT. You have to know that, right? Liberals then wanted freedom and liberty, today they want fascism, and to take away rights.
Slavery is actually a liberal idea, not a conservative one.

That is patently false. It was liberalism that freed the slaves in this country. It was conservatives who wanted to keep the status quo in the south

Liberal then and Liberal now are VASTLY DIFFERENT. You have to know that, right? Liberals then wanted freedom and liberty, today they want fascism, and to take away rights.

Of course, I know that, but PP clearly doesn't. And the people you refer to as liberals today aren't liberals. They are totalitarian Marxists. There are no liberals in the Democratic Party anymore.
Slavery is actually a liberal idea, not a conservative one.

That is patently false. It was liberalism that freed the slaves in this country. It was conservatives who wanted to keep the status quo in the south

Of course you are wrong. The Republican party was established to actually get rid of slavery. They separated themselves from the RINO aka Whig Party in 1854 on that basis.

Dr. Ben Carson, contrary to what the libs say, is no stupid ass. And the doctor has pointed out that the liberal idea of Obamacare is the worst thing since Slavery. Carson speaks to what he knows. He is a highly trained physician and neurosurgeon in the field of health care as well as the descendent of slaves. He, in a word, knows his shit.
Vermont is leading the way in wasting tax dollars and time on silly legislation that means nothing however does make the people of the state feel better about themselves.
Slavery is actually a liberal idea, not a conservative one.
That is patently false. It was liberalism that freed the slaves in this country. It was conservatives who wanted to keep the status quo in the south
Of course you are wrong.

How am I wrong?

The Republican party was established to actually get rid of slavery. They separated themselves from the RINO aka Whig Party in 1854 on that basis.

And how does that make my comment wrong?

Dr. Ben Carson, contrary to what the libs say, is no stupid ass. And the doctor has pointed out that the liberal idea of Obamacare is the worst thing since Slavery. Carson speaks to what he knows. He is a highly trained physician and neurosurgeon in the field of health care as well as the descendent of slaves. He, in a word, knows his shit.

How is that relevant to the conversation?
Silly symbolic gesture that means nothing.....

by the way, the Confederacy were the real victims......long live Jefferson Davis!!!!!!!!
It is amazing that today's Liberal/Progressive are still using Slavery, and Racism as a way to divide us. This move is another way to pick at the scab of a long dead institution, and stir up racial hatred and divide.

Instead of realizing that we've made great strides, they need to use skin color and race in a way to attempt to gain more power. It is a sick, sad commentary on the Democrats and their supporters. Truly despicable, counterproductive and anti American.
This would be meaninful only if slavery were an issue. It's not. This has the same meaning as removing the law prohibiting bathing on Sundays.
Just Spring cleaning, I imagine.
There was a law prohibiting bathing on Sundays? I just love some of those old laws.
This would be meaninful only if slavery were an issue. It's not. This has the same meaning as removing the law prohibiting bathing on Sundays.
Just Spring cleaning, I imagine.
There was a law prohibiting bathing on Sundays? I just love some of those old laws.
All those old laws had a point when they were passed. Texas had a law that prohibited the carrying of pliers on the road or trail. That was necessary to stop cutting fences and rustling cattle. That was scrubbed years ago.
Big mistake, Vermont. Once you remove it from your constitution there's no going back.

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