Very sad Anniversary -- Nazi attack on USSR June 22, 1941.

Actually, the Empire of Japan invaded the Aleutian Islands in Alaska in 1942. They ended up getting repelled, but the operation shows their intentions to conquer the American continent.
Many people think that but they are wrong.
The Japanese sent troops to the Aleutian Islands in an attempt to draw a large potion of the American forces to defend the islands, and thus relieve the embattled Japanese military in the southern Pacific islands. But their gambit failed when the Americans didn't fall for their diversion plan, and only sent a small force to drive the Japanese off the Aleutian islands. ... :cool:
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Historical records confirm that Japan never planned to invade the U.S. mainland.
The Japanese goal was to push America out of the Pacific ocean and make their country the dominate power throughout Asia and all the Pacific islands. ... :cool:


USSR played the greatest role of any mortal humans in saving Humankind from Nazis. The War was a great tragedy for USSR. RIP all victims of Holocaust and of Nazi Aggression.

The Bolshevik Jews had already slaughtered 20 million Russian Christians by the time Hitler came to power. In truth, the USSR, under the auspices of the Jewish Third Internationale, was actively preparing an invasion of Europe (witness the enormous amount of captured Soviet tanks, aircraft, and weaponry by the Germans). Germany attacked because they were courageous and committed and un-Jewified, i.e., they looked at the real picture, unlike their cousins in the U.S., who were completely bamboozled by their Jewish controlled press. Plus, they had a leader who cared about his own civilization, unlike FDR.
Gen. Patton remarked at the end of WWll that we had waged war against the wrong people in Europe.
That we should have fought and defeated the Russian communists. ... :cool:
PAtton was right. And if there is one thing the Jews hate, it is truth-telling. Luckily for them, Patton suddenly and mysteriously died. Weird how that always seems to happen.
Stalin and Hitler were two of a kind partners in world aggression. It was only a matter of time until one of them double crossed the other.
The world would be a better and safer place if America had allied with Germany to rid Russia of the jewish bolsheviks. ... :cool:
Why don't you skip the Soup word from your avatar and come out of your closet and just call yourself a Nazi?
In the United States, this is not dangerous and not a shame. At least the United States, every time a proposal is put forward at the UN to adopt a global law prohibiting the glorification of Nazism, votes against it, usually together with fascist Ukraine.
The difference is -- Nazis were much more brutal. Genocide was integral part of Nazi ideology and practice.
US Ambassador to the USSR in 1937-39 Joseph Davis on communism and Nazism and their fundamental difference (July 7, 1941)

My friend Lindbergh surprised me by saying that he preferred Nazism to communism. In general, making such a choice is a desperate thing, but the difference between these two subjects is too great. Both Germany and Russia are totalitarian states. Both are realistic. Both of them apply strict and ruthless methods. However, there is one significant difference that can be shown as follows. If Marx, Lenin, or Stalin were Christian believers, and if one tried to place the communist experiment carried out in Russia within the framework of the dogmas of the Catholic or Protestant Church, the result would be declared the greatest achievement of Christianity in the entire history of mankind in its quest for humanity and the implementation of Christian commandments in the life of society. The fact is that the Christian religion can be combined with communist principles without committing much violence to its economic and political goals, the main of which is the "brotherhood of all people". If we conduct a similar test in relation to Nazism, we will find that it is impossible to combine the two ideologies. The principle of Christian ideology cannot be imposed on the Nazi philosophy without destroying the political basis of the state. Fascist philosophy creates a state that is actually based on the denial of the altruistic principles of Christianity. For the Nazis, love, charity, justice, and Christian values are only manifestations of weakness and decline if they contradict the needs of the state.

This is the whole difference - the communist Soviet state can act with Christianity as the basis for achieving the ultimate goal - the universal brotherhood of people. The Communists allow the state to die out as the individual improves, while the Nazi ideal is just the opposite - the state is above all else."
By the way, about brutality of the USSR, would you believe that fewer people were incarcerated during Stalin's time than are now in the United States?
"The Fate of Man" film based on the novel by the Nobel laureate in literature Sholokhov. With English subtitles. You have to go to Youtube to see the movie.
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USSR played the greatest role of any mortal humans in saving Humankind from Nazis. The War was a great tragedy for USSR. RIP all victims of Holocaust and of Nazi Aggression.

Draw Play

Stalin intentionally provoked the invasion and had his front-line troops let the Nazis run through western Russia like a hot knife through butter. He intentionally made it look like the Germans would finish off the Soviet Union as quickly as they had defeated Poland and France. Stalin kept his best troops back behind the key cities, ready for the counter-offensive after Hitler had been tricked into over-extending himself.
Historical records confirm that Japan never planned to invade the U.S. mainland.
The Japanese goal was to push America out of the Pacific ocean and make their country the dominate power throughout Asia and all the Pacific islands. ... :cool:
Umm....they were sending basically terrorist cells to mainland USA ordering them to blow up and kill places and people....
Not really much relevance to all this for 2021. Dec. 7, 1941, attack on pearl harbor might be more relevant and a Japanese admiral's warning that > "The United States can never be invaded. There is a gun behind every blade of grass."
Yellow Dawn

We have been invaded, using ballots instead of bullets. Where are the Wolverines? Once again, people are pacified by cheering patriots at movies, then chicken out when a real-life takeover is orchestrated by our treasonous ruling class.
USSR played the greatest role of any mortal humans in saving Humankind from Nazis. The War was a great tragedy for USSR. RIP all victims of Holocaust and of Nazi Aggression.

Here. where near sad--they were a part of starting it---they signed up with Germany
you cannot measure murder ..doesn't matter how you murder

There is a difference:

Stalin's Penal System -- 3.3 Million.
American Firepower against civilians in Korea and Southeast Asia -- 2.5 Million.

Nazi Genocide of Jews, Soviet POWs, and other noncombatants -- over 20 Million.

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