Veteran Dies After Setting Himself On Fire Outside VA Health Clinic


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Our treatment of veterans is a national disgrace.

Veteran Dies After Setting Himself On Fire Outside VA Health Clinic

A New Jersey veteran has died after setting himself on fire in front of a state Department of Veterans Affairs clinic. While officials have yet to find any information explaining the 51-year-old man’s suicide, veterans’ advocates say his death could be a response to the VA’s serious lack of timely, accessible medical and mental health care. “At the very least, his actions were an expression of need. We have been asking the VA … for years for Saturday appointments and late Wednesday night appointments, and were told it was going to be taken care of,” Bob Frolow, Atlantic County Veterans Affairs director, told the Press of Atlantic City on Wednesday. “As of today, it is still not.”
This isn’t the first suicide at a VA medical facility. In 2014, a Virginia man shot himself in front of a closed VA outpatient clinic, leaving a note for his friend indicating the pain he suffered from a stroke — pain the VA refused to give him medication for — was too much. “FU VA!!! Can’t take it anymore,” it read. And last November, a veteran jumped to his death from the parking garage of a Philadelphia VA hospital.

seems they aren't even trying.

how sad that Vets turn to suicide and the families that have to deal with these actions.
They should be allowed to get help outside of the VA since the VA is booked up..........but that would be the right thing and cost more money..................Shows the priority of our Government.............but they study a dang shrimp on a Treadmill..........

They really suck.
This is horrible. How dark a place must one be in to choose that method of self destruction?

ive been trying to convince the far left for years that I'm not wanting to destroy myself, but look what they did to that poor man, them and their good time, right wing buddies.
This is horrible. How dark a place must one be in to choose that method of self destruction?

ive been trying to convince the far left for years that I'm not wanting to destroy myself, but look what they did to that poor man, them and their good time, right wing buddies.
It's fucking sickening................Trump's has been pushing that they get help outside the VA end this shit.
This is horrible. How dark a place must one be in to choose that method of self destruction?

ive been trying to convince the far left for years that I'm not wanting to destroy myself, but look what they did to that poor man, them and their good time, right wing buddies.
What the fuck are you talking about? The VA is very likely mostly libs. They were when I worked for one. Government drones. I got really shitty service when I was there because some cvnt didn't like the fact I didn't drool over her. I walked out and left my meds there after waiting for hours.
This is horrible. How dark a place must one be in to choose that method of self destruction?

ive been trying to convince the far left for years that I'm not wanting to destroy myself, but look what they did to that poor man, them and their good time, right wing buddies.
It's fucking sickening................Trump's has been pushing that they get help outside the VA end this shit.
This is horrible. How dark a place must one be in to choose that method of self destruction?

ive been trying to convince the far left for years that I'm not wanting to destroy myself, but look what they did to that poor man, them and their good time, right wing buddies.
Mr. Goose, since our House and Senate are in Republican control, and also were during most of the Bush admin, I'm interested in why you think this is a failure of the 'far left'. That is not to diminish the suffering caused by government inaction, but placing blame on a segment not able to even propose legislation seems a tad like partisan rationale. And if you will listen occasionally, you'll hear Sanders talk about the shameful VA record of response to vets and his intent to improve their lot. It's all campaign talk, I know, but Trump isn't the only one beating that drum. They all are, with quivering voices, even the one willing to shut down the government.
Mr. Goose, since our House and Senate are in Republican control, and also were during most of the Bush admin, I'm interested in why you think this is a failure of the 'far left'. That is not to diminish the suffering caused by government inaction, but placing blame on a segment not able to even propose legislation seems a tad like partisan rationale. And if you will listen occasionally, you'll hear Sanders talk about the shameful VA record of response to vets and his intent to improve their lot. It's all campaign talk, I know, but Trump isn't the only one beating that drum. They all are, with quivering voices, even the one willing to shut down the government.
Just to be clear, Bush had a 50/50 split with the senate in his first term until Jefferies jumped ship and sided with the Dems.

The VA hospitals have been effed up for a very long time, maybe since the beginning. I can tell stories about the mid seventies. I think it should just be shut down and pay the vet bills at the local hospitals.
Mr. Goose, since our House and Senate are in Republican control, and also were during most of the Bush admin, I'm interested in why you think this is a failure of the 'far left'. That is not to diminish the suffering caused by government inaction, but placing blame on a segment not able to even propose legislation seems a tad like partisan rationale. And if you will listen occasionally, you'll hear Sanders talk about the shameful VA record of response to vets and his intent to improve their lot. It's all campaign talk, I know, but Trump isn't the only one beating that drum. They all are, with quivering voices, even the one willing to shut down the government.
Just to be clear, Bush had a 50/50 split with the senate in his first term until Jefferies jumped ship and sided with the Dems.

The VA hospitals have been effed up for a very long time, maybe since the beginning. I can tell stories about the mid seventies. I think it should just be shut down and pay the vet bills at the local hospitals.
I agree completely.

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