Victim of Marxism - Stalinism "accused of slandering the NKVD" in 2021.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Victim of Marxism - Stalinism "accused of slandering the NKVD". Marxism kills and imprisons even in 2021.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to transfer to the Investigative Committee the materials of the check in relation to the amateur historian from Tomsk Denis Karagodin, who is investigating the death of his repressed great-grandfather in 1938.

Karagodin told about this on his website.

According to the historian, in early March, a resident of the Ryazan region, Mechislav Prokofiev, filed a statement with the police. He considered the information about three employees of the Tomsk NKVD Directorate who could have participated in the killings during the years of Stalinist repressions as libel and demanded that the site "Investigation of Karagodin" and its creator be recognized as operators of personal data violating the privacy of NKVD employees.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted an inspection, the materials of which it was decided to transfer to the Investigative Committee.

According to Karagodin, Prokofiev has filed applications against him with various departments, including the FSB, since the fall of last year. He accused the historian of espionage, slander and disclosure of state secrets. However, the FSB, the Investigative Committee, Roskomnadzor and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Tomsk did not see any violations in Karagodin's actions.


we desperately need Nuremberg N2 , this time for dirty commies NKVD butchers , FSB, and all who cowers and whitewashes stalinism - Marxism - Satanism

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