Zone1 The religion of the Left

Separation of church and state

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor is believed by some religions but becomes quite the conundrum when attacking political beliefs using religious as the bat.

You shall not spread a false report. seems to be a problem for the right. Of course the right beliefs that the left is doing it and Right does not. Self serving interests and how unfair life is.

Some say division isn't Christianity but in politics its a daily occurrence. Politian's run for office based on division. Yet it seems to be a card played a lot by everyone.

Still in my opinion Jimmy Carter was the most religious president in modern times. At 95 he teaches Sunday School. He was crucified because of his statement that he had lust in his heart. Yet there are no woman who have come forward and said that he had an affair with him. I wonder how many presidents can say that.

Jimmy Carter was a welcome change from the Nixon Era. Ford and Carter were pretty much aware of needing to be low key after what the country had been through. They were just caretakers until we were ready for a real President again with Reagan.
The mixing of Religion and politics is the problem. The constitution is clear based on the "no law " statement in the first amendment. The separation of church and state.

Yet Religions beliefs is the core issue that those will use to say that they are right in their Political opinion.

Religion when mixed with politics will make people have no perspective of opposing view points. The feel righteous as they stand on that pulpit with a bullhorn. The bull is some deep righteousness. The y will rant, rave and cry as they get swept up in their emotions. Loosing site to the one fundamental argument that all people are created equal.

Equal when it coincides with their beliefs. Yet they can't separate the church from the state are the ones who create the problem.

well at least there righteous in their own eyes.
Jimmy Carter was a welcome change from the Nixon Era. Ford and Carter were pretty much aware of needing to be low key after what the country had been through. They were just caretakers until we were ready for a real President again with Reagan.
Yet Reagan sold weapons to Iran in exchange for trying free some hostages in Lebanon. Money was also sent to Nicaragua . That was some stellar diplomacy that did not work out in the long run.
yeah I am sure Reagan prayed and did a few hail Mary's to keep it a secret. Until it exploded.

Savings and Loan crisis which was caused by Regan removing loopholes and the walls came tumbling down
results - $125 billion government has to use to keep the industry afloat. Thus increasing the budget deficits.

The gift that keeps on giving. Well Regan was a religious person. The great communicator or the great actor?
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The mixing of Religion and politics is the problem. The constitution is clear based on the "no law " statement in the first amendment. The separation of church and state.

Yet Religions beliefs is the core issue that those will use to say that they are right in their Political opinion.

Religion when mixed with politics will make people have no perspective of opposing view points. The feel righteous as they stand on that pulpit with a bullhorn. The bull is some deep righteousness. The y will rant, rave and cry as they get swept up in their emotions. Loosing site to the one fundamental argument that all people are created equal.

Equal when it coincides with their beliefs. Yet they can't separate the church from the state are the ones who create the problem.

well at least there righteous in their own eyes.
Christianity is the worship of God through benevolence and good will towards fellow man. We don't need an inquisition to determine the motivation of lawmakers of good will, to see if they are in violation of the 1st Amendment by their legislative proposals.
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Yet Reagan sold weapons to Iran in exchange for trying free some hostages in Lebanon. Money was also funded to Nicaragua . That was some stellar diplomacy that did not work out in the long run.
yeah I am sure Reagan prayed and did a few hail Mary's to keep it a secret. Until it exploded.

HUD rigging scandal
Lobbying scandals

Savings and Loan crisis which was caused by Regan removing loopholes and the walls came tumbling down
results - $125 billion government has to use to keep the industry afloat. Thus increasing the budget deficits.

The gift that keeps on giving.
A pimple on an elephant's butt compared to the Obama and Biden administrations.
Christianity is the worship of God through benevolence and good will towards fellow man. We don't need an inquisition to determine the motivation of lawmakers of good will, to see if they are in violation of the 1st Amendment by their actions.

What is in the heart of men

Seems there are a lot of statements of that nature in the scriptures. Oh forgiveness but does it apply to both republicans and democrats?

To the Left, there is no God, but we all have the potential to become gods by mastering the secrets of the universe, whether that means technotopian transhumanism or becoming one with the AI gods they intend to create, forcing everyone into an ideal society that will unlock human potential, or figuring out the right energy patterns to usher in the age of aquarius. While seemingly very different approaches, the various utopian strands of leftism speak to a common yearning that pits them against the traditional beliefs of the societies they aspire to overturn.

The Left’s intellectual pursuits are primarily aimed at analyzing how power is distributed in a society. These academic and journalistic critiques build up to justifying its own power grabs. And the Left excels at analyzing and seizing power because power is its only source of meaning.

This movement is animated by a culture war in which all morality is reduced to power. The redemption of the nation and the salvation of the planet depend on a leftist takeover implemented by a white collar cult that has put its career aspirations and wealth at the service of leftist dogma in return for the conviction that the professional aspirations and privileges of its members are redemptive. An Ivy League education, an academic position, and a corporate executive’s office are no longer just personal achievements, but a moral crusade.

Mimetic movements like the Left take on the characteristics and eventually become the thing they are imitating. After spending all that time working from within the system, they have become the system. And the system has become them. Bureaucrats and CEOs have adopted the protective coloration of leftist virtue signaling to cover their many sins much as leftists adopted the protective coloration of government and corporations to cover their agenda.

... the easiest way to understand leftism is to invert every one of its claims to find the truth) and it is turning societies into hives of systems and rules.

But systems are leftist forums of religious experience and moral fulfillment. A leftist church is any institution and its service is a collective takeover of that institution. But the momentary triumph of the takeover is never enough. When these systems fail to achieve their utopian promise through technocratic rulesets, as they always must, they come to serve their primary purpose of destroying everything that sinfully exists to clear the ground for a glorious tabula rasa, a blank page,and a new form of man, for a new creation.

Each leftist failure serves as evidence that not enough of the past had been destroyed to make way for the future. That is why killing or sexually mutilating children, or racism, are sacred.
The State is their savior....They shall not want.
No, they shall want because the state needs more power, and more power, and more power. and............................................
What is in the heart of men

Seems there are a lot of statements of that nature in the scriptures. Oh forgiveness but does it apply to both republicans and democrats?
Politicians rationalize their irresponsible actions citing "the greater good", which never seems to appear. Of course, Washington D.C. and the various State governments are always playing catchup regarding the problems that the citizens cause.

To the Left, there is no God, but we all have the potential to become gods by mastering the secrets of the universe, whether that means technotopian transhumanism or becoming one with the AI gods they intend to create, forcing everyone into an ideal society that will unlock human potential, or figuring out the right energy patterns to usher in the age of aquarius. While seemingly very different approaches, the various utopian strands of leftism speak to a common yearning that pits them against the traditional beliefs of the societies they aspire to overturn.

The Left’s intellectual pursuits are primarily aimed at analyzing how power is distributed in a society. These academic and journalistic critiques build up to justifying its own power grabs. And the Left excels at analyzing and seizing power because power is its only source of meaning.

This movement is animated by a culture war in which all morality is reduced to power. The redemption of the nation and the salvation of the planet depend on a leftist takeover implemented by a white collar cult that has put its career aspirations and wealth at the service of leftist dogma in return for the conviction that the professional aspirations and privileges of its members are redemptive. An Ivy League education, an academic position, and a corporate executive’s office are no longer just personal achievements, but a moral crusade.

Mimetic movements like the Left take on the characteristics and eventually become the thing they are imitating. After spending all that time working from within the system, they have become the system. And the system has become them. Bureaucrats and CEOs have adopted the protective coloration of leftist virtue signaling to cover their many sins much as leftists adopted the protective coloration of government and corporations to cover their agenda.

... the easiest way to understand leftism is to invert every one of its claims to find the truth) and it is turning societies into hives of systems and rules.

But systems are leftist forums of religious experience and moral fulfillment. A leftist church is any institution and its service is a collective takeover of that institution. But the momentary triumph of the takeover is never enough. When these systems fail to achieve their utopian promise through technocratic rulesets, as they always must, they come to serve their primary purpose of destroying everything that sinfully exists to clear the ground for a glorious tabula rasa, a blank page,and a new form of man, for a new creation.

Each leftist failure serves as evidence that not enough of the past had been destroyed to make way for the future. That is why killing or sexually mutilating children, or racism, are sacred.
Well said!

I think that AI will have a big effect on them in the future.

Think about it, AI is the closest thing to a god the Left will ever have. As it works tirelessly 24/7 to monitor and study the entire human race like a bunch of intellectually inferior lab rats, the power of this knowledge about its prey will enable never before power and control over the human populace. It will be the closest thing they will ever get to being omnipresent and all knowing, all thanks to AI

In this regard, AI will be worshiped as a god. It's superior intellect created by science is what will be worshiped. Unfortunately, it will be minus a conscience and empathy, which means they are essentially arming and equipping a master race of sociopaths that will more than likely at some point try to wipe out the entire human race.

Imagine the effect of telling AI that the human race is destroying the planet with global warming.

What would the logical response be, minus empathy?
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To the Left, there is no God, but we all have the potential to become gods by mastering the secrets of the universe, whether that means technotopian transhumanism or becoming one with the AI gods they intend to create, forcing everyone into an ideal society that will unlock human potential, or figuring out the right energy patterns to usher in the age of aquarius. While seemingly very different approaches, the various utopian strands of leftism speak to a common yearning that pits them against the traditional beliefs of the societies they aspire to overturn.

The Left’s intellectual pursuits are primarily aimed at analyzing how power is distributed in a society. These academic and journalistic critiques build up to justifying its own power grabs. And the Left excels at analyzing and seizing power because power is its only source of meaning.

This movement is animated by a culture war in which all morality is reduced to power. The redemption of the nation and the salvation of the planet depend on a leftist takeover implemented by a white collar cult that has put its career aspirations and wealth at the service of leftist dogma in return for the conviction that the professional aspirations and privileges of its members are redemptive. An Ivy League education, an academic position, and a corporate executive’s office are no longer just personal achievements, but a moral crusade.

Mimetic movements like the Left take on the characteristics and eventually become the thing they are imitating. After spending all that time working from within the system, they have become the system. And the system has become them. Bureaucrats and CEOs have adopted the protective coloration of leftist virtue signaling to cover their many sins much as leftists adopted the protective coloration of government and corporations to cover their agenda.

... the easiest way to understand leftism is to invert every one of its claims to find the truth) and it is turning societies into hives of systems and rules.

But systems are leftist forums of religious experience and moral fulfillment. A leftist church is any institution and its service is a collective takeover of that institution. But the momentary triumph of the takeover is never enough. When these systems fail to achieve their utopian promise through technocratic rulesets, as they always must, they come to serve their primary purpose of destroying everything that sinfully exists to clear the ground for a glorious tabula rasa, a blank page,and a new form of man, for a new creation.

Each leftist failure serves as evidence that not enough of the past had been destroyed to make way for the future. That is why killing or sexually mutilating children, or racism, are sacred.
Wonderful article!!

If I would add anything, it would be that this represents the mind set of the elites who control the narrative.

The proles we see here at USMB only FOLLOW the narrative, and that narrative has been simplified to the extreme for them to the point where all they need to know is that they are rewarded by their little peeps if they say one thing and punished if they say something else.
Well said!

I think that AI will have a big effect on them in the future.

Think about it, AI is the closest thing to a god the Left will ever have. As it works tirelessly 24/7 to monitor and study the entire human race like a bunch of intellectually inferior lab rats, the power of this knowledge about its prey will enable never before power and control over the human populace. It will be the closest thing they will ever get to being omnipresent and all knowing, all thanks to AI

In this regard, AI will be worshiped as a god. It's superior intellect created by science is what will be worshiped. Unfortunately, it will be minus a conscience and empathy, which means they are essentially arming and equipping a master race of sociopaths that will more than likely at some point try to wipe out the entire human race.
God will cut that short, but not until there is a bloodbath. :omg:

Matthew 24:21-22

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. :bowdown:
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Wonderful article!!

If I would add anything, it would be that this represents the mind set of the elites who control the narrative.

The proles we see here at USMB only FOLLOW the narrative, and that narrative has been simplified to the extreme for them to the point where all they need to know is that they are rewarded by their little peeps if they say one thing and punished if they say something else.
Good article!

Yes, the Left only sees value in people or institutions in ways that can bring them power.

Power is really what they worship, much like those of faith worshiping an all powerful God.

But the Left despises a God that would allow free will and allow his power to be shared. They have no respect for such a God and demand all power and control 24/7, which essentially is slavery for those who don't hold the power.
God will cut that short, but not until there is a bloodbath. :omg:

Matthew 24:21-22

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. :bowdown:
It is pretty clear that the God of the Bible is saying that if he allowed the human race to follow their current coarse without God's intervention, the human race would, indeed, destroy itself.
God will cut that short, but not until there is a bloodbath. :omg:

Matthew 24:21-22

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. :bowdown:



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